Chapter 83

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"You... what did you say, Sidon?" I inquired. I was so astonished by his words that nothing seemed real for a moment. I had to be sure that he said what I thought he said. Sidon drew his eyes away from mine for a little while before he made direct eye contact. He stood up so our eyes could meet at eye level. He softly grabbed my hand and continued to stare. I never realized how beautiful his eyes were, until that moment.

"I said I love you, (Y/N). With all my heart." My heart inflamed, until I completely evaluated the situation. 'He's so young,' I thought, 'There is no way he thinks such thoughts, unless he means it platonically.' Thinking Sidon's confession was platonic, I smiled at him and held my hands around his little, finned ones.

"I love you too, Sidon." I stated, not knowing of the consequences of those simple, three words. I had no clue of what was going to face me down the line, but how could I possibly know of my consequences when I barely knew of my present decisions.

Sidon smiled up at me with his large, pink cheeks forming outward. 'His cheeks are so large, that I could just pinch them.' Acting on impulse, I grabbed his two cheeks and squished them together. Sidon pouted, as I enjoyed pinching them. 'No wonder why grandmothers and aunts like doing this...' I thought, "You're so cute Sidon~ I could just eat you up~" Even though Sidon was pouting angerly, he still didn't stop me from doing it. Eventually, I let go and slightly rubbed his red cheeks. Whether or not his cheeks were red due to irritation or embarrassment was unknown to me; However, it was obviously known to Prince Sidon. I would find out that he took it the wrong way much later.

"Don't eat me!" He yelled, before playfully running away. I just laughed in response. 'He's too cute.' I thought, as I started to play around with him some more. After a while, Sidon wanted to introduce me to his newly made friends. I agreed on behalf of Sidon's happiness. I already knew these people, but it was only polite. As he dragged me toward where Mipha's statue will soon stand, I saw three Zora children that I could only guess was Bazz, Gaddison, and Rivan. I never seen them when they were so little, so seeing them made my heart swell. 'Why are the Zora children so cute?~' I cooed mentally, before Sidon spoke. "This is (Y/N)! She's the one I was speaking of earlier!! (Y/N), this is Bazz, Gaddison, and Rivan. They're my friends!" He beamed, as the situation warmed my heart.

I watched as Sidon and his friends played with one another. Occasionally, I would join them, but I knew it wasn't my place whether or not I was Sidon's friend. I realized how much older I appeared then him, and how weird it generally was, so I stuck to redrawing maps so red markings didn't cover anything up. The longer I looked at my maps, the more stressed I became. I have traveled through so many places, yet there was so much more of Hyrule to see. And the worst part was my uncertainties. 'Perhaps, my switch isn't even in Hyrule? What if it didn't even land where I was last located?' My head was filled with such depressing thoughts, that I didn't even realize that Sidon's friends went back to their families, and that Sidon was sitting right next to me. I didn't realize that he was calling my name. Suddenly a small kiss on the cheek broke me from my thoughts. All my worries and regrets had turned to ash in a single moment. When Sidon retracted, I ran my fingers over where his lips were. Looking over, I saw a small smile on his face.

"S-Sidon? Why did you-"

"I couldn't get your attention." He answered plainly, before sitting down next to me once again. My eyes darted up to the sky, as I noticed the sun had already set.

"Sidon, why didn't you go home?" I asked, trying not to sound offensive in any way shape or form. Sidon, luckily, didn't take it as an insult.

"'No one was born to be by themselves.' That's what you told me, so it felt wrong to leave you all alone." He answered, as I felt my heart flutter. 'He's such a kind boy. If only Mipha could see him at this very moment...' I thought, as I gave him a quick thankful smile, "So what were you thinking about?"

"Grown up stuff." I replied, as his face scrunched up in anger for not giving him a clear answer. Letting out a small chuckle, I placed my notebook back in my bag before picking up Sidon and carrying him to the throne room. He was salty and quiet for a moment before his gaze softened.

"(Y/N)?" He inquired, before I looked down upon him in my arms, "So... when I'm older, will you tell me about it? About what was on your mind? And about all other thoughts that are to come?" He asked. For the first time that day, I felt guilt prick the corners of my heart. I felt like I wasn't going to be around when he was all grown up, whether I die or go back to my reality. I answered a small, 'sure,' before placing him down in his father's throne room. Sidon ran up to his father and started to babble about his day, while King Dorephan listened carefully to his son's words. As Sidon concluded his conversation with his father, he ran toward me before hugging my leg. The young Zora Prince then took off to go to bed, before his father smiled down at me.

"You have grown rather close to him, no?" He asked, as a flustered blush appeared on my cheeks. I was about to apologize before the king spoke first, "It's definitely not a bad thing, my dear. For the moment, he is at peace, and I thank you for being in my son's life." Giving King Dorephan a quick grin, I gazed down at my boots for any sort of confidence. "What are you planning on doing next, now that you know that your device may be long gone?"

"I... can't just give up. Without it, I won't be able to go home, so no matter the circumstances, I will try to find it. No matter what." I answered, not wanting to reveal all that I knew. The last time I did that, King Rhoam threatened to have me sent to the dungeon on sight, if I were to go into the castle once more. King Dorephan nodded his head in understanding, as his eyes watched my figure, "That's why I'm going to seek my device out while doing some research. It is said that the infamous Zonai tribe were magic users. Perhaps they had a spell or an incantation of clairvoyance, or something of the sort."

"Just remember that you are always welcome here, my dear. Whether or not you are successful in your quest. Will you be leaving tonight?" He queried, as I hastily nodded. Being excused, I asked Dento for my payment, before I left Zora's Domain as quickly as I came. Coming upon the nearest stable, I rented a bed for the night, before falling asleep. I had no idea how tired I was. Yet, sleep overcame me.

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