Chapter 47

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"Oh, Seer from the great beyond, tell me my-" Master Kohga was about to say as he got up from his pedestal. I was at the bottom of the stairs looking up at his approaching figure.

"Fortune?" I interrupted, smiling up at him with my fakest smirk. Kohga stopped mid-step to mouth me off.

"Future! I was going to say future!!" He screamed, stomping up and down. He pulled himself together before continuing down the stairs "Tell me what glory awaits my Yiga Clan."

"If you continue on your current path... you will find yourself..." I breathed in, trying to sound as spiritual as possible, "At the bottom of the stairs." Master Kohga looked under himself to see that he was indeed at the bottom of the stairs. Sooga and Kohga both looked at me with confusion. "I see... I see... I see..." I pretended to become spiritual again motioning my hands around like I was touching space-time itself. Master Kohga continued to get closure, as I picked up a small rock from off the ground when he wasn't looking, before throwing it at his big dumb belly, "Pain," Master Kohga yelped out of slight pain. I got up and walked over to his banana stash. "And anger." I stated before grabbing a banana and harshly stomping on it. Sooga dragged me away from the alleged 'murder' of a banana, as Kohga looked at it horrified.

"Those were one of the finest bananas from the Faron Region!!" The ridiculous leader yelled, picking up the peel before proceeding to rub it all over his mask. I looked away disgusted as Sooga still held on my arms tightly. After a moment, he let me go. I put on my fake smile once again.

"Followed by denial~" I said, looking to a nearby wall slyly. Kohga stomped over to me before getting in my face. Anger was evident in his body language. After all, his entire body was shaking like crazy.

"This is not reading the future! You're just saying what is happening right-" Taking my chance, I interrupted him again.

"Now?" I questioned, folding my arms behind my back, as Master Kohga walked back to his pedestal defeated. He sat down and started to rub his aching head. Signaling his hands, Sooga and the other guards in the room left without another word, leaving me alone with their ludicrous leader. He groaned before looking at me again, head in his hand.

"Ugh... why do you hate me?! I never did anything to you!" He asked, in a quieter tone then usual; Nevertheless, this angered me more than anything else had. I clenched my teeth to try to hold in my fury; However, I just couldn't. I was so livid!

"Excuse me?! You kidnapped me! You threatened to kill me various times! You fed me boarder line garbage! You won't allow me to leave!! You're making me give you information that I don't want to give!! And worst of all, you have taken my time away from me!!! Time is running out, and I just want to go back to my old life... Why is the universe testing me like this? All I ever wanted to do was go home... Why? Why is that so hard??" My anger hastily dwindled down into tears. I fell to my knees and covered my salty, wet eyes. I didn't care that Kohga was still there. I didn't care that I was showing weakness. All I wanted was to be happy again.

Master Kohga watched my weakened figure from on top of his pedestal. Mentally, he was freaking out. He didn't know what to do, since he never seen anyone like this cry before. The Yiga leader was flabbergasted by what I said before I broke into tears. Not knowing what else to do, Master Kohga snapped his fingers to summon Sooga. When Sooga did appear, he was immediately worried about my emotional state. With a silent conversation between the two, Sooga draped me over his shoulder and teleported me back to my cell. I was still a mess. The stoic ape was quiet and held back the urge to wipe my tears away. Sooga was about to leave, before I gripped his muscular forearm, "What is it (Y/N)?"

"There was something I lost in Toruma Dunes. Please find it. I'm begging you..." I muttered, holding back my tears for Sooga. After I let go of his forearm, Sooga disappeared. Throughout the burning embers of twilight, I was in a deep state of depression. Everything felt so hopeless. Was I truly going to be locked away forever, forced to work for evil and never get a chance at true happiness? I couldn't answer that question. After a couple hours, Sooga came back with a star fragment and told me it was all he could find. I could tell questions weighed heavily on Sooga's brain, but I didn't bother explaining myself. Tears no longer fell from my eyes, but my heartbreak continued until I fell into a light sleep, where nightmares haunted my terrified state. The next morning, I sat up and looked out into the barren hallway, feeling a little better after my horrific outburst. Not too long later, Sooga appeared in front of my cell and blocked my view.

"Master Kohga requests your presence." Was all he said before teleporting him and myself to his usual napping spot. I walked around before gazing into the bottomless pit that was in the middle of what looked like a stadium. Kohga suddenly appeared, which caught my attention.

"Seer! I am offering you a chance at freedom!!" He screeched, crossing his arms with pride. I was both excited and confused. He didn't want to let go of me then, so what could have changed his mind in one night? I didn't bother to comment, so I continued to listen, "You are going to have a fight with Sooga over here. Whoever's on the ground first loses. Best two out of three. If you win the fights, then you get to leave, and you'll never have to see us ever again. But! If you lose, then you'll tell us all the information we need to know."

"Fine, works for me." I accepted, feeling a genuine smile draw on my features.

"Great! Sooga get her." With that, Sooga ran up to me and smacked me in the gut with the hilt of his sword. I curled up on the ground as I tried to ease the pain. Master Kohga was laughing his pants off, while Sooga attempted to assist me. I was beyond pissed.

"That was a cheap shot! You didn't even give me a weapon!!" I hissed looking at Kohga with a feral looking gaze. He shrugged his shoulders, but I knew what he meant. This was meant to be unfair, so I could never escape. If they wanted to play dirty, so would I. I got up and took my position. Master Kohga yelled at Sooga to defeat me again, but I was ready this time. I dodged off to the side, wrapping around Sooga like I had done before. I attempted to grab one his heavy samurai swords; However, he launched me off his back, which sent me flying into the air. Like a cat, I landed on my feet. Sooga came at me again, before I started to run around the area, both out of fear and to find anything useful. Luckily, I found a stranded bow sitting against the wall. Once taking it, I ran up to Sooga, got on his back, and started to choke him the bow. It gave me enough time to get one of his swords, making him fall to the ground. We were tied.

When the third round began, I felt adrenaline rush through my veins. I wanted to win this fight. Sooga and I clashed our swords with both speed and immense power. Sooga truly was strong. So strong that I lost my grip on his sword. He pointed the tip at my neck, wanting me to admit defeat; However, I grabbed the blade instead. Blood seeped from my hands, as Sooga was making distressed noises. "I will never," I spoke, stepping closer to Sooga, "ever," hot blood ran down the beautiful blade, dripping onto the cold earth, "let you take my freedom!" With that, I was knocked out by Sooga himself. I had lost.

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