Chapter 88

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Upon returning to the Promenade, Zelda gasped at the sight of my figure before she ran up and hugged me tight. Zelda voiced her worries of my sudden disappearance and was glad that I wasn't in any immediate danger. The Princess didn't know where I had gone, or who had took me; Nevertheless, she was happy I returned in safe condition. We spent the night in Kakariko Village before I bid farewell to the Princess and her knight. As I jumped on my steed, I wondered where I should have gone. My ancient Hylian research was complete, and I felt like I had nowhere else to go. Through impulse, I rode through the Promenade once more with no destination in mind. Passing through, I felt a dark pit in my stomach. I was worried about Sooga and the current circumstance he had dug himself into. I was grateful that he saved my life; However, the worry and aching feeling that lurked deep inside me was enough to sense the deep pangs of guilt in my heart.

But could I have done anything else? I had two options. Return to the Yiga Clan and beg for Master Kohga's forgiveness or do as I was told by Sooga and continue to evade the Yiga Clan at all costs. Neither option was ideal and in either scenario, Sooga and I were still trapped, doomed to slip up at some point. 'Stay away from the Yiga,' I thought, 'The more I stay away, the better chance Sooga will live on.' Finding myself through the East Gate, I leapt off and decided to climb Lanayru Mountain, knowing that it wouldn't hurt to look around to find my switch. Scanning the area, and finding no immediate danger, I started to ascend the mountain. The atmosphere was cold, and I steadily felt my toes become ice. As a result, I put on my Snowquill armor and wrapped Revali's scarf around my neck.

My eyes looked upon the mountain. An aching feeling bubbled in my stomach the higher I rose. This would be Zelda's second to last chance to gain her fabled Sealing Power. Her last before the Calamity strikes. Burying my thoughts deep within my mind, I decided to focus on the beauty of the scenery before me. Since I lived in a city, I never got to see mountains all too much, nevertheless climb them! It felt surreal and almost aesthetic. Ice pillar started to appear and became more frequent as I climbed further and further. Eventually, a large storm covered the mountain. Blizzard conditions had set in and all I could do was build a fire to wait out the storm.

There was a designated pathway. It was made of fine stone which was dressed in snow and frost. I wondered why there was a pathway since there isn't a reason to climb the mountain. 'Do other people climb Lanayru? And what for? To get a blessing from the goddess?' In my head, I argued with myself why there was a mere path, however, I was alone and feeling the thin hairs of mountain madness. The quaint sound of whistling winds was the only thing to fill my ears. When the storm had settled down, the air was silent and thin. I took a moment to take in the view before me. Everything seemed so out of reach as my eyes promenaded over the sight before me. Softly falling snowflakes occasionally blocked my view; However, it only added to the overall visual. What a scenery it was...

I have often wondered if the loneliness I once felt in my own world was the same as the loneliness, I felt ascending the ice covered peak. I was alone, in spite of love, in spite of all I take and give. In spite of all my tenderness, sometimes I am not glad to live. I was alone, as though I stood on the highest peak of Hyrule. Only swirling snow was above me, endless space unfurled; With earth hidden and heaven hidden, and only my own spirit's pride to keep me from the peace of those who are not lonely, having died.

Loneliness. Social isolation. The state of distress or discomfort of the absence of social interactions. Upon the peak, I once again realized my solitude. It comes and goes. In my world, I felt like I had no one. Not a single soul lingered next to mine. I would fill the void with videogames, film, and a constant presence breathing down my stiff neck. The Legend of Zelda was my only joy. My one source of happiness. Here, in Hyrule, I was once lonely and distant; However, that soon changed. Upon the peak, I questioned myself. Did I really want to go home? Did I really want to abandon a world that has treated me so much better? Cars or horses? Running water or lakes and rivers? Imposing death or a slow, painful suffering? That, I didn't know.

With each step, I occasionally let out a delicate huff past my lips to create a visible breath. The white wind swirled the fume around before it completely disappeared. As the blaring sun set over the great horizon, blues and whites started to combine with one another in a blissful harmony. Frost nipped at my toes as its brethren followed along with great indifference. I clung to Revali's scarf even tighter. Upon reaching the top, a small and subtle gasp left my lips. There, the goddess statue stood, as the freezing waters circled around it. Once again, I was reminded of Skyward Sword and Zelda's fate. Looking around for any breathing soul, I eventually took off my boots and hopped into the icy lake. A shiver ran up my spine, but I decided to walk up to her likeness anyway. Clasping my hands together, my eyes met her stone cold ones. "Goddess... hear my prayer. You are no deity of mine; However, I am starting to get more than desperate. Haven't I suffered enough? This goose chase... this cruel game that you have set in... why? I understand whoever sent me here wanted me to endure; However, why did you allow them to rope everyone else into it? Link, Zelda, Revali? Daruk, Urbosa, Mipha? Angus, Robbie, Purah, and so many more? Please just tell me... why am I here?"

My questions were met with silence.

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