Chapter 141

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"...What's the password?" A woman voiced from the other side of a thick, mahogany door. Link stared at me for the answer, but there was a slight problem. I could not remember the code for my life. No matter how hard I tried, I could never memorize it. It eluded me every time. Shrugging my shoulders, not remember the code, Link glared at me before answering with something goofy. "Go drink milk in the bar or something!"

"Some Seer you are!"

"I'm not a Seer, but I have seen. There is a difference." I argued back. Link didn't argue any further. Before he could knock again, I explained, "Oh, you can't do that. She'll just turn you away. We have to wait until tomorrow." Link was disheartened, before I sat him down to say, "But we can still figure out the password." Link looked absolutely everywhere and eventually he gave up at the tavern. He was sure that I was spouting complete nonsense.

"Oh, I was going to tell you... I finally got my hands on the password for you-know-where." Link's head immediately lifted from the table, before looking to his right. There three women sat. For a while, they were chatting about complete nonsense. However, when the mood shifted, so did Link's attitude.

"Seriously? Wow... That place is a little crazy, isn't it?" Sumati replied in shock, unsure about the whole situation.

"Maybe, but I'm really interested..." Pyra answered her drinking buddy.

"Anyway, the password is..." Before the one who bares the answer to the Gerudo Secret Club, she was stopped.

"Wait a second! You!! Did you really think we wouldn't see you sitting there, listening to our conversation?! So rude! This is a private conversation! Go away!" Link's mouth gapped, not willing to grasp the possibility that he wasn't going to get the answer. His whole world shook, before he decided to leave the drinking party in peace. As we walked down the stairs, I immediately took his hand before entering a building on the left. Link tried to protest and question my madness, however, when I pulled him under the window, I shushed him softly, before pointing upwards.

"What was up with those Hylian vais earlier, anyway?" She was still upset about that? Whatever, the conversation was about to continue forward.

"Forget them! Just hurry up and tell us the password, Yaido!" Pyra pushed her friend, as a drunk giggle escaped her.

"Oh, that's right, the password! It's GSC◊. I overheard Saula talking about it, so I'm sure that's right!" Yaido mused out, as her friends thought about it for a moment.

"GSC◊? What could that... Oh, I get it. Gerudo Secret Club—GSC. But what's the ◊ at the end mean?" Sumati questioned, pondering about what the diamond could possibly mean.

"Who knows..." Yaido took a swig, as we were able to leave.

"Alright Link, now that we have the password, we got to waste the rest of the day, so we can try again tomorrow. So, who do you want to help next?" He took a moment, before running off into the training area. One woman was missing, but the former was replaced by a woman you could tell was crying for hours at a time. Approaching her, Malena, the beautiful Gerudo woman began.

"Sav'otta... I... I finally found the voe of my dreams, and I just recently married him... I thought I had finally found happiness... But then... my husband fell ill with a rare disease... One difficult to cure. The only thing that can save him is the guts of a Molduga... But I would never be able to take down such a creature myself... I asked the soldiers for help, but... Why would they want to help me? The Molduga is a menacing beast... None who face one escape unscathed... So perhaps it's foolish to expect anyone to stick their neck for a stranger... I thought I'd finally gotten out of this town... Never thought I'd have to come crawling back..." A grieving woman worried for the only man that she'll ever love. She was worried. She was upset. Her whole world probably felt like it was going to collapse. It must have been a lonely existence being a Gerudo. This is something that I had never realized before.

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