Chapter 86

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"There's one! Oh! And another!! The flowers we have in Hyrule aren't just beautiful... They're also quite useful as ingredients for a variety of things." It was a beautiful day. The sun was shining. The birds were chirping. And all was well in the Kingdom of Hyrule. As I cooked up some pizza, I glanced over to Link and Zelda. The Princess was in the middle of taking pictures of flowers with the Sheikah Slate, as Link watched with great interest. Zelda's attention was soon drawn to a certain flower, "This one here is called the Silent Princess. It's a rare, endangered species. Despite our efforts we can't get them to grow domestically yet. The Princess can only thrive out here in the wild. All that we can hope... is that the species will be strong enough to prosper, on its own..." And all Hyrule can do, is hope that the Princess will prosper on her own, "Oh! Is that what I think it is?! Look at this! I don't believe it, but I actually caught one! This delicacy is known to have very, very potent effects under the proper circumstances! Ta-da~ Research from the castle shows ingesting these can actually augment certain abilities. We wouldn't be in a controlled environment out here, but with your level of physical fitness... you'd be a perfect candidate for the study! Go on! Taste it!!"

A small chuckle escaped my lips as I prepared the meal Zelda had been waiting for since she first tried it. Placing the basic toppings on the brimming cheese covered crust, I felt as if I were in heaven. That feeling wouldn't last, but it was nice to have a moment to myself; However, small and obsolete it may have been. As Zelda chased Link around the field with a frog in hand, I decided to write in my journal to wait for the pizza to be done. I couldn't focus. A plethora of reasons could have been the inevitable catalyst. It could have been anxiety, but it also could have been peace of mind; Nevertheless, I would never figure out how I was feeling. Once the delicacy was done, I served each on a clean shield. "Link! Zelda! Come get it before it's cold!!" Sitting in a large circle, I placed the pizzas around the three of us. Zelda had an expression of immense gratitude and joy, but Link was a little more than confused.

"Link, this is (Y/N)'s famous dish! You should absolutely try it!! You will be far from disappointed!!" Zelda spoke cheerfully, before grabbing a slice and tenderly chewing on it. Link, watching how Zelda did it, picked up a slice and carefully bit into it. As my (E/C) eyes watched his expression, a face of pure discomfort quickly turned into one of great satisfaction. This was the most emotion I ever seen on his face. 'He sure does love food, doesn't he?' I asked myself mentally, passing it off before digging into my food. Once I finished my slice, I looked up to see Link's pizza completely devoured. Not a crumb remained! After Link dabbed his face with a handkerchief, he grabbed my hands in his before looking me dead in the eyes.

"Marry me." He spoke bluntly, as a certain affection hung in his eyes. Most of this affection wasn't for me, however. Instead, it was for the food I prepared. A large, red blush covered my face as Link's face appeared to be getting closer.

"L-Link?!" I stammered, feeling my entire world spin. "L-Link, you c-can't really mean t-that... can you?" The blond hero stared into my eyes for another second, before backing away from my overheating figure. 'Thank goodness...' I breathed, appreciating my personal space once again. Link never answered me that day, and I wasn't going to find out anytime soon. As the atmosphere grew hotter, Zelda decided to break the tension.

"So... where are we going next, (Y/N)?" Zelda queried, before taking another bite out of her meal. I thought about it for a moment, before answering.

"I was thinking of heading toward Mount Lanayru, toward the Promenade." The look on Zelda's face was one of worry and pain, and I knew the exact reason. 'I'm such an idiot! Why did I mention Mount Lanayru?! Why couldn't I just say the Promenade?!!' I mentally groaned out of frustration, before deciding to continue my train of thought, "It's... the last place I need to go to study Ancient Hyrule before I move onto the Zonai. I'm just hoping it all wasn't for naught..." I whispered the last part to myself, but Zelda and Link heard it loud and clear. "You don't have to accompany, Zelda, if you feel uncomfortable, moving toward Mount Lanayru that is."

"Well, I'm only sixteen, so going up on Mount Lanayru is completely uncalled for. For only the wise are permitted on the mountain; However, if you aren't heading up there, then I don't see why I wouldn't want to go. After all, seeing you at work gives me a warm feeling within my heart. Just knowing that your research is paying off is rather amusing to see." A certain sadness hung heavily in the scholarly Princess's speech. I wanted to say something encouraging to her, but I didn't have the words. I would be like everyone else if I said she'll unlock her Sealing Powers when it is her time, and she hasn't told me about that yet, so it would be inappropriate to bring it up. But on one hand, the whole kingdom knows that she has been struggling to unlock it.

"Zelda?" I inquired, gaining her attention. Her emerald, green eyes were pricked with frustrated tears, and at any moment, it looked like she was about to cry, "The flow of time is always cruel... its speed seems different for each person, but no one can change it... A thing that does not change with time is a memory of younger days...Time passes, people move.... Like a river's flow, it never ends... A childish mind will turn to noble ambition... Young love will become deep affection... The clear water's surface reflects growth... I... may be babbling on, but I want you to know that I'll never not be on your side. I know that as long as you keep moving forward, you will find what you are looking for. I promise." Another moment of silence fell over the three of us, however, Zelda's laughter made Link and I a little more than confused.

"Thank you... (Y/N)." Zelda acknowledged, wiping her falling tears from her eyes and cheeks. Deep down, I knew she didn't take my words to heart. Who could blame her? The whole world seemed to have turned against her. Nodding in hesitant affirmation, I was about to pack up the pizza before I realized it was nothing more than a grease stain on my shields. 'I'm sure Link ate it all...' I thought, before grabbing my things and slinging them on (H/N). After we were all packed up, I jumped on my horse thoughtfully, before giving (him/her) a small pat on the neck. Link came up to me with an apple in hand.

"You have quite the strong bond with your horse, (Y/N). Color me impressed." The blond knight voiced softly, before feeding the apple to my steed. A small smile graced my lips, as I watched Link gaze at (H/N). I had almost forgotten his great appreciation for horses. I would always accidently slam my horses into something, so I always took it as Link's fault. Besides that, there was so much more that I pinned on him, that I did not have the chance to see his true colors. Not only did I stereotype Link. I have rationalized and characterized every major person I have met so far. Revali... The other Champions... The King... and Zelda most of all. I always thought that the Silent Princess memory was full of joy and childlike wonder; However, on that day, I was proven incredibly wrong. Hyrule has never been all kittens and rainbows, but I never realized how much of it didn't have a ray of sunshine. "(Y/N), are you alright?"

"Huh?! Yeah, I'm fine! I just..." My eyes shifted to Zelda's discouraged figure, "I don't know if I said the right thing, Link. I kind of regret saying anything at all now..." Suddenly, Link took my hand from the reigns and held it in his own. His blue eyes seemed to shine in the sun, as if they were made of sapphires. Another thing that seemed to escape my common instincts, was how handsome Link really was. A small blush covered my cheeks once more.

"...Well, shall we be off?" Zelda asked, glancing back at Link and me. The sight before her was somewhat romantic. Yet, the moment had to be ruined. Link and I looked over at Zelda again, before I followed behind her and her regal steed. As usual, Link followed suit, as nothing out of the ordinary just happened. Little did I know that the blond hero was confused about his inner most feelings.

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