Chapter 74

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"Good morning (Y/N)! Back so soon?" Tasha, a beautiful Rito woman, greeted, as I entered the Slippery Falcon. I smiled brightly at her, answering a quick 'yes' before walking over to the journals. Each one was engraved with great precision and beautiful patterns. There were four on the table, each as magnificent as the last. I was tired from the long day of riding, so I just took all of them and put them at the checkout counter, "You want all the journals? What for?"

"One's for business. One's for personal reasons. And the other two are for research." I answered, pulling out my bag of rupees, "Is Master Revali around?" I asked wanting to start some conversation as I fished for the right amount of currency. Tasha started to giggle into her wing as I looked at her with a small smirk, "What's so funny, Tasha?"

"Oh, nothing. Nothing at all." Her lies were unbearably annoying, but I didn't say anything. I knew she would spill her thoughts eventually. Which she did, "Okay! Yesterday, Revali came into here in a huff. He wouldn't tell me what was wrong, but I knew it had something to do with 'working on something.' He started murmuring to himself about who knows what, but a couple of times I heard your name. Now isn't that something?" Tasha spilled, as I looked at her confused and worried. I always thought that Revali didn't really think about me when I was away. So why was he thinking about me? I had little to no idea, "You are so lucky! A lot of the ladies have tried wooing him in the past, but he was so enthralled with training that the ladies either gave up or were severely rejected."

"Tasha! Revali is my teacher, and we're just friends. And I'm almost positive that Revali feels the same." Tasha rolled her eyes knowingly, before taking the rupees from my palm and placing them in the profit box. I placed the journals in my bag before realizing something, "You didn't answer my question by the way. Is Revali in Rito Village?"

"He's at Flight Range, I think. He hasn't head up to the Divine Beast yet. Now go get him, love bird. Before he flies off to spend three weeks in Medoh." She answered, waving me away as I glared at the playful Rito. Placing my bag on my shoulders, I made my way down the stairs and across the wooden bridges. I decided to walk to Flight Range, since the early morning held no burdens. The sun had barely risen, but I already knew that it was going to be a good day.

At the base of Cuho Mountain, I stopped myself. Ruins laid nearby, without a single ounce of attention. Drawing away from the dirt road, I explored the little area. The ruins are similar to Ancient Hylian structures like the Ancient Columns, and the edifice that is the Forgotten Temple. In an urge of unknown origin, I took out a journal and started to write down some basic notes. I noted that these constructs resemble ones that would be found on Skyloft. This got me thinking. These pillars and buildings have been around for hundreds of years at the very least. Perhaps there was some use for them... I shook multiple thoughts out of my head, before I put my journal away and started to make my way to Flight Range once more. 'Why did you do that? What use do you have with ancient structures from a date long passed? There isn't anything with these structures that can possibly get you home-' And then it hit me. What if there was? "The Zonai!" I exasperated, before pulling out my makeshift map and circling spots with ancient structures and statues.

The Zonai are a tribe long lost to history; However, these barbaric people left behind remains of their old lives. The one thing that contrasted between the ancient Hylians and the lost Zonai, was the Zonai's ancient abilities. These people were followers of Ganondorf, and Ganondorf was a wizard in his time. The use of magic passed down through the Zonai, until they mysteriously disappeared. Since science was failing me, then what about the use of ancient magic. If I could find any record of magic, then I'll go home. It's a long shot, but if I can pull it off, then it would be worth it.

Putting away my things, I ran to Flight Range. As I looked upon the familiar building, I found that it was vacant. 'I guess I just missed him...' I thought, looking up to Divine Beast Vah Medoh. 'Well, what did I expect? Revali is a Champion now. I can't just come around willy-milly and expect him to drop everything for me. Though that would be nice... I'll just leave a note.' Ripping out a piece of paper from one of the journals, I pulled out my quill and ink.

"Dear Revali," I wrote, "I came to see how things were going, but I found that you weren't here. But I'm not mad. After all, you are piloting Divine Beast Vah Medoh and working to become the greatest Champion you can be. I hope everything is going well. And I hope the other Champions haven't given you too much trouble. After I left Rito Village, I went to see Daruk to congratulate him on becoming a Champion. After that, I went to the Zora's Domain to sell luminous stones. I met Mipha and her little brother Sidon. I then traveled to the Great Deku Tree for information about my switch; However, he didn't see it. On the bright side, I met with the Princess and her escort again and I showed the Sheikah something on the Great Plateau. I didn't mean to make this absurdly long! I'm going to take twenty bomb arrows with me, since I ran out a while ago. Sorry! I hope to see you soon birdy!! Your idiot, (Y/N)." Looking over the letter again, I mentally nodded to myself before placing the piece of parchment on his hope chest. For good measure, I placed a rock on the note and made my leave. Twenty bomb arrows were going to do nicely. The morning was still young, so I ran back to the stable and took out (H/N) from the system. Jumping on their back, I rode off on the other road toward the Ancient Columns.

The ride was peaceful. No one was on the dirt roads, which gave me a breather. (H/N) galloped broadly, hastily making (his/her) way toward the Ancient Columns. I briefly stopped to look upon Nero Hill, but I knew that it was only pillars. As I made my way up the Rayne Highlands, I slowed down to look at the architecture before me. Time had surely eaten away at it; However, I could make out the faint carvings of birds. 'Those are most likely Loftwings...' I thought to myself. I would have been surprised, but I knew that Skyward Sword obviously had something to do with Breath of the Wild. I mean, all the games are connected to Skyward Sword. I wrote down some quick notes and drew a couple of sketches for reference. Ancient Hylian ruins weren't of use to me, but I wasn't going to take any chances. As my horse grazed from inside the southernmost building, I wrote about my findings. I was so focused on my results that I jumped at the sound of a galloping horse. As I hid behind a thicker pillar, I decided to take a peek at the unexpected guest.

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