Chapter 109

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"To appreciate the beauty of a snowflake, it is necessary to stand out in the cold."


We stopped near the cabin against Rospro Pass that early morning. The sun hadn't even come up and showcased a wonderful blue sky that would put a smile on anyone's faces. I restocked on wood, though, I had a feeling I wasn't going to use it. After all, Link had the Snowquill Armor and so did I. Nevertheless, I expected the worse. My wound, though still bandaged and throbbing, felt a little better. Good enough to head into the blistering colds that is the Hebra Mountains. As I returned from the warmth of the wooden cabin, I gave Link a small smile, before running up to the Lumunious Ore nearby. I sold all the gems from the Talus the day before, so my bag was pretty empty, allowing my self-indulgence to swell. Link climbed the ladder first, before I followed behind him. Instead of going left as I did a couple days before, Link continued on the path. My footprints... had disappeared from the left side, which wasn't a surprise, but it somehow made an impact on me.

"Are you okay?" Link asked, before I was snapped out of my thoughts. The blond knight was a little ways away, staring down from his position on the slope. I nodded eagerly before following after him. Usually, there was large amounts of enemies, however, I was surprised to see very few. The sun had risen the moment we passed Corvash Peak. Link fought the Lizalfos before he glided upwards with help from the updraft. Before I could do the same, my eyes landed on some more ore below. Link turned back to see if I was following, only to find that no one was there. Gliding back to the first updraft, he glanced down the pit, to see me mining. He didn't say anything, but I could tell he was telling me to hurry up.

"Someday, you'll thank me for hoarding ore in my bag." I stated proudly, before taking the lead. The blond Hero followed close behind before overtaking me again. Once landing after the second cold updraft, the blond knight fought the nearby Moblin for a small while. It taking a little too much time for comfort, I took out my Swallow Box before firing an arrow into the Moblin's head. He died there. We continued under the natural underpass, with glowing stalactites under the icicles.

"Even with the Snowquill Armor, it is still really cold." Then the blond sneezed cutely. His red-tinted cheeks puffed out after he did so, similar to a child's mannerisms in the cold. After receiving the Bird in the Mountain Quest from Molli, Link decided to go there first, considering the tree was a beacon in such a cold environment. Walking up the summit, we continued forward. Revali's scarf was warmly wrapped around my neck, keeping it from receiving frost bite. Not once did I step foot on this mountain one hundred years before, so it seemed all so new. Reaching the top, I placed my hand against the tree, feeling somewhat reminiscent. That was before, my eyes drifted from the bark to the malice coming off of Hyrule Castle. I was quickly taken out of my thoughts, as Link started to speak. "I don't see a bird anywhere."

Sitting in the snow, I waited for him to understand Molli's quest. His blue eyes continued to trail toward the sky for an actual large white bird. Climbing the tree, the occasional piece of bark landed on my hair, making me huff out of frustration. After a couple minutes, he started to glide northeast. Racing up the tree, I jumped off from the wood, before making my way after him. Though I didn't want to get hopelessly lost in the Hebra Mountains, I knew that being separated from Link would result in me desperately trailing him only to find that he was a step ahead of me. Landing in the cave, Link was nowhere to be seen. The shrine was activated, but not completed.

Taking the time to build a fire, I started to warm myself up. The cave in the side of Biron Snowshelf, was lackluster, but held a certain ambiance to it. One that made me feel a little happy. As I warmed my hands, I wondered, why Link hadn't come out yet. As if on cue, Link came back out of the shrine, letting out a huff.

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