Chapter 157

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Link returned in the night. He wondered where I had gone. After all, I wasn't at the inn. However, Sidon was waiting by the entrance for him. "Hello Link. Did you do everything (Y/N) asked of you?" Annoyed by the Prince's statement, Link swallowed his potential words and simply nodded. "Wonderful! (Y/N) will be very pleased." The blond asked where I was, before Sidon answered, "She's up at the reservoir. Fast asleep." The smile on the Zora's face dropped a little, "You being back must mean that you and she are leaving tomorrow morning."

"Yes, there is no more time to waste, I'm afraid." Link commented, to which the Prince let out a huff of frustration.

"I would be offended by that statement, but I suppose you didn't mean it in the way you said it. After all, you are a man of few words." Sidon spoke mainly to himself before smiling at Link. "I'm entrusting you to protect her."

"Of course. I would never put her in danger." Link replied.

"You lie, dear Hero, however, as you care for her as much as I do, I will take your words as the truth." Sidon glanced up at the dam. "Go to her and rest up. You have a long journey tomorrow." The blond nodded, before leaving the Domain. Sidon watched on for a long while, before retreating further into the Domain. He gazed up at his sister's statue and then up at the Divine Beast. "I did it, sister. I told her how I feel. Now all I can hope for is that she'll return safe and sound."

Life is cruel, and unfair. Honestly, we are barely sure how people handle their own lives so well. People always say that life is like a box of chocolates: you never know what you are going to get. Well... I don't feel like that is quite right. Chocolate will always be sweet on my taste buds. Milk, Dark, and White... they are all the same. The fillings don't change a single thing either. In fact, it indulges it, honestly. Caramel...? sea salt...? a pink marshmallow!? It's all too sweet. Too innocent for me to handle. Life isn't like food. Life, especially that of people, is too complicated for something so simple! Utter doom was upon us... breathing down our necks, and we'll never see it coming. Bittersweet poetry, isn't?

When Link made it to the top of the reservoir, I was sleeping soundly in bed. The blond sat next to my laying figure, watching me sleep silently. He was tired. He had conquered Ke'nai Shakah Shrine and Kah Mael Shrine, as well as done A Wife Washed Away and Special Delivery. It was a rough few days. Looking over at my bag, he saw something sticking out. Pulling it out, it revealed itself to be the Zora Helm. Looking back at my figure, he smiled fondly at the equipment, before putting it on his own head. That outfit was now complete. Link opted to not sleep, instantly not feeling all that tired anymore.


The next morning, I woke up feeling pretty good. It was warm. Getting up, I rubbed my eyes gently, before looking to my left. There a Silent Princess sat. 'Hm? Where did this come from?' I questioned myself mentally, before looking out to the dock. A familiar figure stood tall, looking out to the water. Getting up from my bed, I snuck up behind him, before wrapping myself around him. "Welcome back, Linky~" Link turned around to hug me back before we separated.

"Ready to go?" About to say yes, I paused, remembering essential things that I had to do. Shaking my head, I ran back to my bag, before running down the staircase. Link followed behind me. First thing's first, King Dorephan. Running into the throne room, there the King sat, and the Prince stood.

"Good morning, your Majesties."

"What is with all the formalities all of a sudden?" The King laughed at my words, which made me smile. Link and I made it to the stand, before we both bowed out of respect.

"Thank you for aiding us, King Dorephan!" Raising ourselves up, we turned to Sidon, bowing as well, "To you as well, Prince Sidon!"

"So, I suppose you are leaving then...?" The King inquired, leaning back in his makeshift throne. Link nodded, making the King sigh. "After this is all over, I expect you both back here with Princess Zelda, understood?" Agreeing with the King, Link exited the throne room. He looked back only once, questioning why I wasn't following. However, one look at Sidon changed his attitude, before the Hero finally left. I turned to Sidon.

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