Chapter 129

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"Young heroes, I sense your impending leave, am I correct?" The blond and I both nodded before the Great Deku Tree continued, "I wish you both a safe journey and all the success I can offer." Koroks tugged on my pant leg, begging us not to go. My heart was torn in half at the sight, but we couldn't stay. Link and I had planned out the rest of our journey while traversing back into Korok Forest. Generally, we would have just headed down toward Gerudo Desert, however, Link, much to my joy, decided to go back to the Tundra, after realizing that he left a lot undone in the general area. Collectively, the blond and I decided to take that detour, go to Satori Mountain, and then head to Gerudo Desert afterwards.

Preferably, I would just let Link go to Gerudo Desert by himself, and when he is done, he meets me back at the Hateno House. However, this wasn't going to happen. Link has not left my side since he went into that last shrine. He stayed by me the entire night without fail and followed behind me thereafter. It had only been a short time, but... I had a good hunch that Link wasn't going to let me live alone in Hateno as he dealt with the desert's troubles. 'He won't let me...' I thought, 'He'll blame me for bailing on him in one of the worst, unforgiving places in Hyrule.'

"(Y/N)? Are you alright?" Link asked, pulling me out of my thoughts, at the current moment, we were back at the nearest stable. I didn't remember how we got there. I guess I was in thought the entire time. I nodded, as he let out a crisp sigh, "As you were daydreaming, the Deku Tree left you a message." Asking him what he meant, he quoted the small phrase, "'Guide him toward victory.'" Obviously, Link couldn't make as much sense of those four words, however, I understood perfectly.

'Dear child, had we been able to forget everything we found obnoxious or out of favor, we would be nothing close to alive. We would be worse than dead. The mixture of good and bad memories is what will later grow your future. Just because you may have said something wrong does not mean it will affect all the wonderful moments you've had with him... Let him conclude the very same resolve. Link is but half a man without his recollections. Won't you guide him toward wholeness, Seer?'

'I will Great Deku Tree... I will. I won't fail him again.' I promised myself, as Link attempted to snap me out of it. Which succeeded. "Are you sure you're okay?"

"Yeah!" A pause, "Hey Link, remember that Ice Wizzrobe you fought on the volcano. The rod is probably still there, so, maybe you should give it to that Korok that was asking for it." Almost mechanically, Link jumped on his horse. He was about to ride off, however, he stopped to say something. "Just stay here, okay?" I nodded, before he rode off, up the volcano. I let out a large sigh of relief. 'Finally,' I thought, 'Some time alone.' The small victories are the ones that count the most. I'm sure I laid under one of the trees for about ten seconds, before someone cleared their voice. Opening my eyes, I half expected it to be Link, however, it ended up being Beedle.

"Hey there, (Y/N). Didn't expect to find you here." A smile painted on his features, as I returned the expression. "What are you doing sleeping under a tree?"

"Oh, that. I'm just waiting for Link to get back. He's on a very important mission right now, so I'm just soaking up the quiet, until he gets back." I stated calmly, still trying to soak up what I could.

"Has Link been giving you trouble?" I knew that my peace was interrupted. The sneaking suspicion that I said something wrong overwhelmed me, before Beedle even bothered to say something. Is that too mean? I shook my head, but he continued to irk me.

"Beedle, Link and I have just been with each other for a little longer than my brain can handle. You can't stand a single person forever. I promise that Link and I are okay." I assured; however, this didn't help at all. In fact it only made it worse. Personally, I didn't have a single clue why he kept approaching me. This wasn't a bad thing. In fact, Beedle had become a good friend of mine. After all, I was able to sell him a bunch of valuable ore, and he gave me more than any merchant. However, what I couldn't understand about Beedle is the simple question: Why was Beedle so concerned about this situation? That, I would never really know. "Believe me Beedle. Link and I had a little spat, but it wasn't anything serious. I'm fine." Before everything could get worse, Link reappeared, jumping off his steed before approaching me. "Did you find it?" I asked.

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