Chapter 158

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Link came back and a day later, Bolson and Karson arrived at Tarrey Town, a place built from nothing. On the wedding scene, I had spent copious amount of time adding my own flair to the event. I crafted a bouquet of Silent Princess for Rhondson. She didn't seem to understand, before I explained the bouquets purpose. Something beautiful for the bride to hold. Represent purity and grace. Today was the day of the wedding. Rhondson had walked down the aisle, and I could have sworn that Hudson began to cry.

"Silence please, everyone. We shall now begin. We are gathered here today to join Hudson and Rhondson in matrimony. Hudson... Before the eyes of these witnesses and before those of Goddess Hylia... Do you take Rhondson to be your wife, to have and to hold, in good times and in bad?" Kapson spoke.

"I do." Hudson replied, barely being able to contain himself.

"Excellent. And Rhondson... Before the eyes of these witnesses and before those of Goddess Hylia... Do you take Hudson to be your lawfully wedded husband, in sickness and in health? And do you also vow to... name your children in accordance with the Bolson Construction naming guidelines?" Link was on the verge of laughing, however, I stopped him from doing so.

"Wait a moment..." Rhondson started, turning to her soon-to-be husband, "Those vows are not traditional by anyone's standards!"

"What makes you say that?" Hudson questioned, before everyone started to chip in.

"They're as traditional as it gets!" Bolson remarked.

"I don't think she means traditional in that sense of the word." Karson put in, however, he was overrun by the rest of the small town.

"A vow of undying tradition!" Fyson spoke.

"And a vow of guidelines compliance!" Pelison yelled, throwing his hands in the air.

"I'll take that vow!" Greyson replied.

"Think of future generations!" Hudson commented. A moment of silence, before she finally gave in.

"... Well, those are the guidelines... I do."

"Excellent. And so, dearly beloved, please help me in greeting this newly married couple. I wish this new couple nothing but the utmost happiness as they set out on this journey of marital bliss!" Clapping erupted, as both of them kissed. It was quick and sweet. Without realizing it at first, Link was holding my hand, with a soft hue on his cheeks. Noticing it, I smiled, before the celebration began. At some point during the party, Link and I approached the happy couple.

"Hey. It's you two. Thank you for attending the ceremony." He began to choke up, drooping his head down low, so no one could see the tears in his eyes.

"Are you crying?" Link questioned.

"What? No. Just something in my eye... And now Tarrey Town looks like a real town at long last. This was all possible because of you. I can't thank you two enough for all the hard work you did. All right. This is for you." Hudson placed out his hands, which contained three huge diamonds, "These were found inside the boulders we smashed when we were clearing land. Rhondson and I have no use for them. You can take them." With that, the conversation was over.

"So, are you ready to go?" I asked the blond, to which he shook his head.

"I want to get more Ancient Arrows from Robbie." Link answered. Bringing his focus from the ancient tech lab in the distance to me, he was both surprised and expecting my face to be contorted uncomfortably. It wasn't Robbie. It was more his wife than anything else. Gaining my attention from leaning to meet my gaze, he caught my attention. Gifting me a small grin, it calmed my nerves almost immediately. "I'll be back soon, okay?" Nodding, he disappeared into a blue smoke again. I turned around, almost running into someone. Correction, I did. I wasn't the one to fall over, however.

"Oh, I'm sorry! Here let me help you up." Offering my hand, the man took it. He looked to be in his twenties. Maybe in his thirties. He had beautiful blue eyes and sweeping blond hair. The male was in Sheikah attire, meaning only one thing.

"Thank you." He breathed out, standing up. "My name is Granté, and who might you be?"

"My name is (Y/N). Do you live somewhere around here?" I asked him. I knew who he was. Granté... Robbie and Jerrin's son. Despite me being near the same age as his father, Granté was older than me by at least fifteen years. He nodded his head, before pointing toward the tech lab. "Ah, so you're Robbie's son?" I questioned, already knowing the answer.

"Yeah, my mother lives there too." He spoke making eye contact with me. "Are you from around here as well?" To this, I shook my head. "Oh? Then where are you from?" I was about to tell my usual lie; Greyham, however, I didn't feel like that was going to work all that well considering Hyrule's been closed off for years.

"I'm currently from Hateno, but... I move around a lot." I told, which made the young man smile.

"Wait, so that means your Cherry, right?" No... no... NO! "Heh, it's okay. My father talks about you all the time. Even through his marriage." Red painted my cheeks, making the blond smile. "I don't mean to disturb you or anything, but you look a little different than my father described you." He admitted, I asked him what he was expecting, before he answered, "Well, I thought Cherry was a Sheikah. But when my father told me you had (H/C) hair and (E/C) eyes, I was shocked. He always made you out to be a from Kakariko too. Maybe it was to give my mother some solace."

"Yeah, when we visited him... your mom wasn't too happy with me." Chuckling a little, he didn't seem to match the same energy.

"My mother was never happy when you were brought up. She and my father always fought about you. So please don't he harsh with her, though, you don't seem like the gloating type." Granté said.

"Don't worry, I was as respectful as I could be. Looking back on it... it's probably super awkward for someone like me to come into the picture." I admitted softly, almost ashamed that I went back to see the genius.

"I visited my father recently. He told me that he was happy that you came to see him, despite his age. He even told me when I was traveling around if found you, to bring you to him. He wanted to know that you were okay." A moment of reciprocated silence, "If you'll let me admit this... you are as beautiful as he said you were." Granté admitted, making me blush. We began to talk about all sorts of things. About thirty minutes into the conversation, Link landed in the center of town. He approached both of us, before Granté said hello. "Hey! Oh, nice to meet you! I'm Granté, a dashing, novice researcher of ancient civilizations! I've still got a lot to learn, though... That's why my father told me to go out and see the world! Are you also making your way through the world?"

"Something like that." Link answered.

"Oh! You too, huh? I'm beside myself with glee! Anyway, you must have come a very long way to get here! Hey! How about, as a reward, I let you buy my ultra-rare armor at a decent price? Sound like a good deal? I'm sure you'll find a good use for it on your journey!" As Link observed his stock, he eventually realized that there was nothing he needed. Making his way over to me, Link asked how I knew him.

"He's Robbie's son, Link." I replied, which clicked a bunch of pieces together for the Hero of the Wild. "You ready to head out? Hyrule Castle awaits." The blond nodded, as we got on our grazing horses, before riding off. The sun was setting, but there was no time to waste. To central Hyrule we went, with Courage, Wisdom, Power, and most importantly Hope.


You are already leaving this land of Hyrule, aren't you? Even though it was only a short time, I feel like I've known you forever. I'll never forget the days we spent together in Hyrule... And I believe in my heart that a day will come when I shall meet you again... I am praying... I am praying that your journey be a safe one... If something should happen to you, remember...

- Princess Zelda, Majora's Mask

Dusk of

The First Day

- 51 Hours Remains - 

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