Chapter 81

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Have you ever felt like you knew about a person, but then they end up nothing like how you set them up to be? I guess most people have experienced this phenomena at least once in their life. People are usually two faced, whether they actually hide it or not. Sometimes, I don't understand this principle. They defy my expectation every time, even if I should be used to it.

(Y/N)'s strange behavior did not sit well with me. One moment, we were looking at ruins, and the next, a large amount of Yiga Clan members were chasing after us. But could I really say that they were chasing after us? That man made it explicitly clear that he was after (Y/N), but why? There were plenty of reasons why she was needed by the Yiga. '(Y/N) may be living a double life and is secretly plotting against us, but then why didn't she kill me? I was alone with her many times, and she didn't lay a single finger on my form in such a blood thirsty manner. If it is indeed the case that (Y/N) isn't a traitor, then what could the Yiga Clan possibly use her for? She is either a skilled member, or she has information that I don't know about. But I can't ask her such a blunt question! Even if I had the confidence to do so, I could not bear to see (Y/N) until I knew she was innocent. Just the thought of her being part of the group trying to kill me sent fear coursing through my veins.

It became very clear from the moment Link saved me that I wasn't the one the Yiga Clan wanted alive. I was merely a bonus kill if I was with (Y/N), but why? I reasoned with myself as I rode atop my pristine white horse. 'Zelda, think for a moment. (Y/N) had every chance to kill me or let me die, yet she didn't. She saved me, so she couldn't possibly be a part of something so terrible.' I thought before looking up to the bright blue sky. Hyrule, yet again, was having another beautiful day, yet my mood was sour and grey. 'Then why did they need her? Was she a rogue? Does she hold powerful information? About what?' I decided that my own thoughts weren't going to get me anywhere.

"Link?" I breathed, glancing back into his blue eyes, "I know I said that we should return to the Castle, but I remembered that I must pay the Laboratory a visit. Do you mind?" Link nodded his head, which brought a small smile to my face, "Wonderful, then let us be off." The ride was quaint, yet I wondered how (Y/N) was doing. She disappeared without a trace, which made me wary; Nevertheless, something in me believed that (Y/N) was fine. Once we made it to the Royal Tech Lab, I knocked on the door, waiting for someone to answer, then came Robbie.

"Oh, good afternoon, Princess Zelda. We weren't expecting a surprise inspection so soon. Is... everything alright?" The genius asked, as I gazed upon him.

"Everything is fine. I am sure you and Purah are doing a wonderful job with research and development; However, that is not why I am here. Robbie, this isn't an inspection. This is more like an investigation. Robbie, you were the first person to meet (Y/N), correct?" Robbie nodded warily, leaning against the door's side, "She has been acting strangely. Every time I meet her, she becomes more tense. About what, I don't know. What in Hylia's name is going on with her?! You know her more than anyone!! You must know!!!" Robbie was taken aback for a moment before he looked around the general area. He motioned us to follow him to his work area. It was private and was another room all together. He closed the door and walked us over to a desk covered in ancient parts and tools; However, there was a small thing in the middle of everything. 'This doesn't look like anything I have ever seen before...' I thought to myself, looking upon the piece of technology.

"The first time I met Cherry was two months before your sixteenth birthday, Princess Zelda. She was in a worn-out dress and her hair was dirtier than a mop in mud. Her face was covered in dirt and her cheeks were drenched in tears. Then... she told me her situation. But I can't tell you Princess Zelda! I made a promise to keep it a secret." Robbie stated, as my face contorted into one of frustration. 'So, she is living a double life, but for what?' Frustration continued to consume my thoughts, as I brought Robbie's face to my level.

"Robbie! If you won't give the information willingly then I command you, as the Princess of Hyrule, to tell me who (Y/N) truly is!! Please..." I commanded, feeling dirty for having to use my royal title; Nevertheless, I believed this to be completely important. He nodded, before going to pick up the small piece of technology from before.

"Her situation was involving this little thing. It doesn't look like much, but this chip brought her to Hyrule in the first place. Princess Zelda, I know it is hard to believe, but I need you to promise me that you will consider this the divine truth." I nodded, before he continued, "This, along with a device of hers, brought (Y/N) into this world. (Y/N) is not from this universe, Princess Zelda. In fact, she is from another plane of existence all together. Through this chip and her missing device, she was able to look upon our world one hundred years in the future! Now, I know what you are thinking. 'That isn't possible, Robbie,' but it is! If you don't believe me, then look at this." I looked over his shoulder to see the chip. It was black on one side and didn't have much to offer when it came to information; However, when Robbie turned it over, I gasped at the sight. There was a drawing of the ten-thousand-year-old tapestry and on it were bright red letters with read 'The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild.' On normal circumstances, this wouldn't mean anything; However, the card had my name and the tapestry that not many people have had the pleasure of seeing. Then I thought more about (Y/N)'s strange behavior. Everything was falling in line perfectly. Her strange speech pattern, her naivety of Hyrule and beyond, and then there were her ears. "Unfortunately, that is all I know about this, Princess Zelda."

"Thank you, Robbie. We will be off now. Continue the good work." I curtsied out of respect, before leaving the Royal Tech Lab with Link in tow. I had forgotten completely about him! "Link, you were... there for all of that, weren't you?" He slowly nodded, looking into my eyes. I let out a small sigh before retreating back to my horse, "In any case, let us return to the Castle. Father is waiting for our return." Once at the Castle gate, I heard a sonic boom approach the Castle. I looked up to see a dark navy Rito in the distance. A smile was drawn on my features. "Link, put my horse away, will you? I have to greet the Champion Revali as soon as possible!!" And with that, I was gone. I ran all the way to my study to meet with him. 'This is perfect! He is (Y/N)'s most trusted friend, so he surely must know more about her!!' When I came upon my study, I saw a wistful looking Revali. "Revali, what do I owe this visit?"

"Princess, I'm here to give my report on Divine Beast Vah Medoh. The Divine Beast is working at optimal compacity and-" I put my hand up to halt Revali's words.

"Revali, I understand that the report is important, but I have some more pressing matters that I must discuss with you about." Revali sighed a breath of frustration, before urging me to continue, "It's about (Y/N). You know her, correct?"

"Of course, I know her. She is my finest pupil. Even though she is a mere Hylian, I turned her into a Rito Warrior. This only proves that I am a far better teacher than your sorry excuse for a knight. Now, what in Hylia's name do you want to know about (Y/N)?" Revali bragged, feeling some sort of pride from my mentioning of her. But there was something else. A glimmer had sparked in his eyes.

"Revali, recently, (Y/N) and I were in the desert with one another. We did some research and such, until we were attacked by the Yiga Clan. The odd thing was the fact that they wished to keep (Y/N) alive. Revali, you are the closest to (Y/N), and you are the only one that can answer this question. Why? Why do they want (Y/N)?" I asked, practically yelling at Revali, as he stood there without a single expression written on his features. Revali made no sudden movements or abrupt reactions. Not even his inner thoughts were going overboard. Revali's mind was made up before this conversation even began.

"Princess Zelda, (Y/N) has seen the future." My eyes widened a great deal as I tried to process the situation. Robbie had practically told me the same thing, yet I never would have thought it to be true, "The Yiga Clan figured that fact out, so they kidnapped her and tried to force out the truth; However, I know that (Y/N) would never betray Hyrule. I know she didn't utter an important word involving you, the Sheikah technology, or us Champions. (Y/N) may be a dunce, but she is purer than the most polished diamond and her heart is made up of the finest gold." A smile graced my features as I saw him talk about (Y/N). Unlike most things, Revali spoke of her with a passion I hadn't know about. A strong friendship? No, something even more precious sat in his heart. Revali read my expression, before angerly murmuring, "Now, can I get on with my report?" Something in me told my worrying head that everything was going to be fine.

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