Chapter 152

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"(Y/N), is that you?" He questioned, before his mood dropped again. Before I could even hop to answer him, he stopped me, "No... there is no possibly solution, why you are still youthful. However, I suppose if Link managed to remain young, then there is no doubt in my mind that you are indeed the Seer that saved my son. Oh, you must not remember me if that is indeed the case."

"I do remember you, King Dorephan. Unlike Link, I remember everything from one hundred years ago. We don't know the reason, but that is how things are." I spoke, not having much proof to show. I knew what was to come from my words. Sidon rushed over to me, picking me up from under my arms. He lifted me in the air, yelling:

"(Y/N)! So it is you!!" He twirled me around happily, immediately stopping after a second. He put me down, examining my expression, "Wait, if you truly are the real (Y/N), then what would you call me all those years ago?" Sidon queried, with a small smile on his face.

"Sidon, your father is right there-" I was interrupted.

"It's alright my dear. Go on." He wanted to know if it was really me. I had no choice but to tell the truth. Link watched on in confusion, as I struggled to get what I wanted to say out of my mouth. The whole thing was embarrassing.

"M-My little... prince..." I stuttered out, regretting everything I have ever done in my life ever. Sidon, with a loud gasp, picked me up again, holding me high above his head.

"It is you!! (Y/N)!!" He held me tight against his chest, holding me like I would disappear if he let me have a little breathing room. Link watched on in complete shock. I didn't know what to do. All I could even think about was how awkward this whole situation was.

"It is wonderful that you have returned. Sidon, could you please put (Y/N) down?" Sidon did as his father asked. Involuntarily, the moment I escaped his grip I ran over to Link. King Dorephan continued, "It is worth noting how remarkable it is that Sidon brought a Champion and the Seer here without realizing it! That is quite a feat, my boy! Wah ha ha! That is a good one! Link, I doubt not that you have endured a great many trials. Still, I must ask you both to hear my plea. Now then. Hero... I must inform you that Zora's Domain is in danger of vanishing because of Divine Beast Vah Ruta. I shall do you the courtesy of speaking bluntly. We alone cannot stop this beast. Will you lend us your strength?" The King questioned, as Muzu objected the very mention of it.

I never knew Muzu all that well one hundred years ago. I vaguely remember seeing him around, but I never talked to him. It wasn't appealing at the time. Not like I had time anyway. Sidon took up seventy percent, while Mipha took thirty percent. Maybe even King Dorephan at two percent if I felt like squeezing him in there. However, Muzu, along with the other Zora, weren't as apart of my life then the royal family. "What?! KING DOREPHAN! MY LIEGE! PLEASE DO NOT SPEAK SO! To ask Hylians for help... Why, the very thought of it curls my fins!"

"Muzu, I expected more of you. How can you still protest?" King Dorephan questioned, with a tired irritation laced in his tone. Sidon opted to step in.

"Muzu! It is rude to speak that way to your king and his guests. Link and (Y/N) are here because I invited them! With such unprecedented rainfall, we have no choice but to rely on the aid of trustworthy Hylians. Have we not already discussed this and arrived at that very conclusion? They are the key to saving Zora's Domain. I have no doubt in my mind." Sidon voiced beautifully. I stared on in awe, unable to believe that this was the same Prince I knew from a hundred years ago. His gaze met mine, before I switched directions.

"Indeed! Link is a Champion, through and through. And you remember Seer (Y/N) and how she saved my son. Our Prince. As things now stand, Zora's Domain... Nay! Perhaps all of Hyrule... is doomed to be swallowed by the sea. This is bigger that all of us, my friend. Zora and Hylians alike must put aside our differences and band together." King Dorephan made a fair point that everyone could agree with... except for Muzu.

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