Chapter 54

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"I see you mastered your gale, Revali!!" I screamed, talking loud enough so Revali could hear me as the glorified bird was breaking the sound barrier. My cold, calloused hands gripped tightly to his feathered shoulders, hoping I wouldn't fall. Revali laughed cockily, as I buried my face into his back. The cold, night air nipped at my skin. The moon was full, and the stars shone brightly in the dark blue sky. Once the air currents weren't intense anymore, I looked up to see that we were on the top level of Rito Village, as the large gathering happened below us. I got off Revali's back and looked down at the festivities. The Rito culture, as did the other races, always interested me and I yearned to know more. This was culture wrapped up with a bow. The one thing I noticed about this gathering was the lack of any Hylians. I instantly grew anxious at the sight. Of course, I was familiar with most of the Rito, but this party seemed to be a private one. Revali himself had invited me but, I felt like an outcast just looking at the merriments below me.

"What's wrong (Y/N)?" Revali asked, starting to walk down the set of stairs, as I continued to look down. At first, a playful smirk was drawn on his features, but it soon painted itself into a serious frown.

"Um... I'm a little air sick. You go on ahead, I'll join you in a while." My answer didn't satisfy Revali, but he did as I said and left me to look down on the ceremony. Once Revali appeared before the Rito on Revali's Landing, everyone started cheering for his accomplishment. I watched from above, alone. I wasn't a Rito, and I wouldn't want to ruin something so important to Revali, so I didn't mind that I was alone; However, I wasn't alone for long. As I watched the party from above, Kass, Harth, and Teba spotted my figure, before they came running up the stairs to greet me.

"(Y/N)! You're back!!" Kass yelled, before jumping into my open arms. Teba and Harth did the same which made me lose my balance for a moment, before I caught myself, "It's been months, where have you been?!" Kass huffed, which made me let out a small giggle.

"I'm sorry little ones. I had to leave, otherwise it wouldn't be much a surprise to see me. Now tell me what you troublemakers have been doing." I hummed softly, looking at all three of the small Rito. I gasped suddenly, making them react in the same way, "Teba, have you grown taller? I think you have, young man. In fact, all of you have grown a little."

"Yeah, now I'm taller than Harth!" Teba blurted, making his raven-like friend pout. Kass was the taller of the two, due to him being another type of bird, but he remained humble as Teba and Harth started to fight with one another.

"I learned how to play another song, (Y/N)! And I also learned how to write music." Kass boasted, standing proudly, feeling accomplished. I rubbed his top feathers lovingly.

"Wow, that is amazing Kass. Maybe you can play the song for me sometime. What about you two? I hope you have been good for Master Revali in my absence." I looked to Teba and Harth for some feedback. They both looked at each other mischievously. Their giggling made me wonder if Teba and Harth were good students for the time I was gone. They nodded excessively.

"Yes, we have been good for Master Revali. I learned how to shoot multiple arrows at once! Harth is still struggling with it, though~" Teba whispered, but Harth heard what he said. The raven-like bird punched his friend's arm to shut him up. A smile was painted on my features as each one of them shared their accomplishments with me. I was proud knowing that they would become such good people. Each one of them helped Link in some way.

"(Y/N), why aren't you down on the landing with the rest of us?" At first, I was baffled by his question, but I understood where it came from. I looked down at Revali to see him talking to the elder, as other Rito danced in the center of Revali's Landing. Music was playing, and it looked like a ton of fun, but I just couldn't go down there. Insecurities once again attached itself to my very soul, but why? Hasn't enough happened to me to be worried about such a trivial thing? "(Y/N)?! Are you okay! You're doing the thing that Master Revali did after you left!!" Snapping my shocked expression at Teba, Harth elbowed his arm signaling his friend to be quiet.

"I'm okay, I just don't feel like joining the event right now." I responded, glancing down at the dancers and their partners. All three boys gave me pity stares before they gazed at one another knowingly. After a brief moment of silence, I felt a small tug on my covered leg. Kass held his small, winged hand out for me to take, "Are you asking me to dance, Kass?" The blue feathered Rito nodded. Taking his hand, I got up on my feet to dance with him. I never realized how much smaller little Kass was until then. At a certain point, I raised him up and danced with him that way. The music below controlled my movement, as Kass sat in my arms. An hour passed along as I danced with all three boys. I was having such a nice time, that I didn't realize Revali silently watched all four of us. Of course, I wouldn't figure that out until much later.

Revali had enough of my unsocial attitude, so he went to drag me down to the gathering; However, the moment I was in sight, he saw that I was dancing with Teba. A small smile was drawn onto my face as I did so. Revali was enamored about the sight before him. His adoration had only grown from there. The sight of me dancing with smaller Rito like a loving mother made the navy Rito's heart swell. Eventually, he walked up to me and gently took my hand and waist. I instantly became a blushing mess, but I reciprocated the action by putting my untaken hand on his shoulder. Without knowing, all three boys disappeared, leaving Revali and I all alone. "It's a beautiful night." Revali whispered, looking up at the sky.

"I-I didn't even know, y-you knew how to d-dance like this, Revali..." It was rather odd, wasn't it? That Revali knew how to dance the way I did, with us being from different dimensions and all. He chuckled a little at my comment, gazing into my eyes.

"I saw you do it before, so I learned how to do it after a while." What a vague answer, I thought before looking up to the sky to see Vah Medoh flying about without a care. Even though I have seen this Divine Beast before, something felt different about it. But nothing was truly different about Vah Medoh, so why did it feel different to look at it? Perhaps it was because the unchanged fate of Revali and Divine Beast Vah Medoh. Has nothing changed? Of course, I was happy that Revali became a Champion, but so far nothing appeared to be altered, "Are you impressed?"

"Y-Yes, very much so." I replied, gazing at Vah Medoh, "Perhaps, you c-can take me up t-there soon? I would l-love to see w-what it looks like o-on the inside." He spun me around, so that my back was facing him; However, he still held my hands in his, "I-I-If you don't mind, of course."

"Idon't mind. What about tomorrow afternoon?" I nodded in agreement, as hecontinued to lift me off of my feet and swing me gently. The shining moon satabove the both of us as bustling commotion continued from down below. The starstwinkled through the entire night, which reassured me that I was safe, as longas Revali was by my side; However, I only saw him as a mentor, and a dearfriend. No other sentiment weighed on my brain.

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