Chapter 99

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It was dark and cold... I had no clue where I was... Am I alive? Am I dead? I'm supposed to be six feet under, so what is going on? I can feel my chest rise and fall. Nothing was in pain. Shouldn't it have been? After all, my arms were close to tearing apart before I passed out. I expected to see the gates of the afterlife, but... I never received the chance. So... does that mean that all of this wasn't real? Am I back in my world? My universe? No... I could never know for sure...

'Link,' I thought to myself, as imaginary tears came from my fictitious eyes. I would often think of him when I circled around this limbo, 'I feel like I owe you an apology. You see, I grew selfish while I was with you. I wanted all my problems to disappear, without any regard for the rest of Hyrule. Or the rest of the world... If you wake up... you will have the power to vanquish Ganon once and for all. The problem is, among the countless souls in this world, only a select few, those with an unbreakable spirit, can wield such a mighty burden.'

'It's impossible to know the true reason why Hylia dragged me to your world, however, I have a theory of my own. A Hyrule without me in it created something that I was able to see and contemplate about however I saw fit. However, I was brought to your world. Your universe with all the knowledge from my past life. Somehow, I think that may have been Hylia's way of giving hope to the good people of Hyrule. This hope being, that if I remained unselfish... I could have saved you. I could have saved everyone, but I didn't have the maturity to do so... Which brings us back to you. To face Ganon and give the land hope, Hylia needed someone with an unbreakable spirit. That someone isn't me, but it is you Link. It has always been you. But spirit alone wasn't enough. You are to overcome many trials and awaken the hero within your forgotten self so that you can defeat the Calamity.'

'I was supposed to help you, in any way I possibly could... but I didn't end up caring enough about anyone. All my friends are dead. Whether or not I wake up in Hyrule... I bare the conscience of not being able to do anything. I... I failed you. I can't begin to tell you how sorry I am for inserting myself into all of this, Link. But you have to understand that I was not mature enough, and the fate of the land now hangs in the balance because of the evil being stationed in the castle.'

'I need your strength to tip the scales in Hyrule's favor... All that may be well intentioned and true, but it doesn't mean it's right... and it doesn't excuse my actions and my inability to do anything. But I'm prepared to pay the price for what I've done. To insure that Hyrule remains out of reach from Ganondorf of the Gerudo. I promise... if I ever wake up, I will help you in any way I can. I will push away all my pride to help you, even if my own life is the price.'

'Link... I can't say it enough. I'm so sorry for the way I had to insert myself into this. But until the memories of everything before the Great Calamity return to you, I shall remain by your side in any way I can. I knew you bore a great destiny, but I never knew how hard it took a toll on your mental health. Before all of this, I was happy just spending the last peaceful days in Hyrule hanging around with you, Zelda, Revali, the other Champions, Sidon, and everyone else. I wanted that feeling to last forever. While it is true that I am selfish and unfit to be standing next to you... I yearn for the feeling again.'

'When you awaken from your one hundred year slumber, there will be no need for the distance that binds us, and then I'll be able to wake up too. So I'm going to ask you a favor... When you see me again, I hope we can still be with one another... I need enough time to tell you... that I am sorry for everything I have done for Hyrule and for all the things I have said to you. When all of this is over, I will come to wake you up.' 

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