Chapter 56

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"(Y/N)! (Y/N)!! Were you with Master Revali yesterday?! Did you get to go up in the giant bird?!!" Teba inquired, jumping up and down as he ran around my stilled figure. I was peacefully walking around the quiet village, buying certain things here and there, before Teba caught sight of me. I smiled at him softly before sitting on my knees to meet his gaze. I noticed how beautiful Teba's eyes were as he rambled. I couldn't help but let out a soft giggle. I nodded my head in affirmation as Teba continued to babble, until Harth appeared. I had always underestimated Harth and Teba's relationship before, after all, it seemed like they were mad at one another. Harth just wanted to be with his wonderful daughter Molli, but Teba wanted to completely eliminate Medoh chance to cause further problems.

"Woah! (Y/N) went into Master Revali's Divine Beast?! That is so cool!!" Harth flapped, as his green eyes twinkled in the morning sun. My already wide grin only grew larger as the two young Rito warriors stood side by side, "(Y/N), do you want to go to Flight Range with us? Master Revali is going to continue teaching us how to aim better! It'll be fun if you come!!"

"I really shouldn't Harth, Revali wouldn't appreciate me interrupting your-" Before I could speak another word, Teba started to tug me down the stairs as Harth pushed against my back, "Fine, if you two are so insistent, then I do not see the harm in going." Both boys cheered before gallantly leading me to Flight Range, "But for real boys, why do you want me to come to your lesson so bad? Does it have something to do with Revali?" I hit the hammer on the head. Both Harth and Teba shuttered, before looking back at me sadly.

"W-Well, Master Revali has been extra demanding lately. Ever since you left the village, he has been really grumpy and mean!" Teba blurted, flaring up his feathers, making him look ten times fluffier than before. I didn't even know Rito could do that! I continued to listen to the young Rito warrior's rant, "He yells at the smallest things, and it just ruffles my feathers!!"

"I would help you Teba, but there is nothing I can do! Revali is an enigma to me, so I wouldn't know anything about his set offs; However, I believe you have this all wrong. Don't you want to be a strong Rito warrior with the fighting spirit of an entire army?" Teba nodded, "Then you should learn from Revali's example. Trust me! He was way worse with me then he is to you two scoundrels. Revali is only being rough, because he wants the both of you to be prepared for what is out there." Both boys huffed sassily, as we continued to Flight Range. Revali sat in the snow silently, thinking his own private thoughts as the two went up to greet their teacher, however I stalked behind the both of them. Revali took notice of me before sending me a kind smile.

"Alright, today you both will be practicing mid-air archery-" Teba and Harth sighed loudly, as Revali sent a glare in their direction.

"Master Revali, I give no offense, but you are the only one that can do that!" What Harth said was simply not true. All the older Rito can shoot at least one arrow mid-air. This was also an insult to myself, even though it had nothing to do with me. Revali saw my anguish, before letting out a brief chuckle.

"If no other Rito can do it, then let's have the Hylian shoot five targets in under a minute. If she can do it, then I have no reason to believe that you two can't do something so simple. (Y/N), would you mind?" Smiling greatly, I grabbed my bow and Revali's Kite Shield. I had more than enough arrows in my quiver, and I was ready to go. With a quick whistle, I jumped off the platform before ascending to the highest point. Grabbing out two bomb arrows, I shot at two of the targets, before swooping back down to take care of the other three. I did so stylishly, before landing back on the landing pad, "Your time was forty-five seconds. That was a new record (Y/N), nicely done." The young Rito had their beaks hanging in shock.

"How about I show you how I do it? Maybe it will help. Here try flying above the landing pad, then try holding your bow as you hover there..." Revali's train of thought was pulled away from his two pupils and directed toward myself. 'Just like a mother, looking after her young...' He thought, as Teba started to get the hang of flying with a bow in hand. I smile over to Revali, as the navy Rito looked away flustered. Hours passed before Teba and Harth finally went home. They were cute, but such a handful! I sat by the fire, admiring the beautiful colors that flickered in the twilight. Revali then sat beside me.

"Looks like my student has become the teacher." Revali spoke, looking at the glowing center of the room. I just laughed awkwardly, "Don't tell me that you did not do a fantastic job! I have been working with the both of them on mid-air archery for a month, and they haven't bothered putting in the effort; However, it clicked for them when you explained it."

"Don't be jealous! They respect you more than anything else, especially Teba. You are a role model, Revali, and they simply don't want to upset you." I explained, smiling at Revali. I couldn't see it, but a light pink blush covered what would be Revali's cheeks. The rest of the night was a calming silence, until I fell asleep near the glistening fire, without any worries clogging my dreams; However, something was eating away at Revali. The gnawing feeling that I was going to be leaving without him being able to protect me. I was supposed to be in Rito Village for about another week, but he didn't want me to leave. But he knew that if he loved someone, he had to set them free. At the end of the week, Revali had walked me to the stable as he once did before. The whole walk, I looked at his beautiful blue scarf in fear. The Calamity was impending on the land with each passing hour, and I was still nowhere close to finding my switch. The last thing I wanted to happen, was for Revali to die, "Hey Revali, what ever happened to your other scarf?" I questioned, generally wanting to know.

"What is the point of wearing such a dirty thing when I have a garb representing the Royal Family's complete and utter trust in myself and my far-superior skills?!" I bated my (E/C) eyes a couple of times in shock, before going back to normal.

"Then can I have your old one?" The wind accommodated for the lack of noise for a moment. Revali's was debating to himself whether or not to give me his old scarf. A moment sooner, he quickly flew to Flight Range. I guessed that the scarf was mine, and I would be correct. Revali came back with his old scarf and tossed it at my face, "Thank you Revali!" The navy Rito turned his gaze away from mine once again. Before I knew it, we were at the stable, "I guess... we bid farewell to each other again, Revali."

"Yeah... Hey, before you go, I shall give you guidance, since you were the giver last time. Come back once in a while. Can't have my most talented student die on me." I giggled at his poor excuse for advice.

"Revali, that's not advice!" A covered blush formed on the petty Rito's expression, as he started to huff about my disrespect, "But I know what you mean, so I promise I'll come back eventually, okay? Bye Revali, I hope you and your village the best." I hugged the Rito affectionately, wanting to cherish this moment. He wanted to say something, but the words would flow out. Noises were the only thing to do that. Getting on my trusty steed, I gave Revali one last smile before galloping away. Little did I know that Revali flew far above me and my horse to guarantee my safe trip to Death Mountain. Once it got too hot for the navy Rito, he went back to Rito Village, solemn and alone.

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