Chapter 58

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The wind danced through my hair as I ran down the road I once treaded before. Once at Zora River, I took a brief break, feeling my giddiness take over my senses. This was the day I would visit Zora's Domain and finally sell all of the luminous stones in my bag! I had a whopping two hundred forty-three stones that weighed my throbbing back down immensely. My wares weren't the only thing driving up my mood, however. The night before, I had a sudden memory about the night I was supposedly sucked into the game. Around eleven thirty, I went to Zora's Domain to see Prince Sidon and to retrieve the reward for completing the Zora Stone Monuments mission. I was sure that my switch was in the Domain because I fell asleep at twelve, and that was the last time I checked the clock. I was sure that my switch was in the Lanayru Region. The only problem was that sixty-five percent of the area was covered with water. I still had faith!

Being released from my deep, personal thoughts, I wondered if the Domain looked any different. 'There is one way to find out!' I thought to myself, as I started to walk on the winding road to Zora's Domain; However, I was stopped by fascination. Inogo Bridge itself was enough to make me halt my journey and admire. I decided to keep going, knowing full well I was most likely going to keep doing this. Like a tourist, my head was snapping back and forth as I appreciated my gorgeous surroundings. Passing through the outskirts of the Tabahl Woods, I walked by the Bank of Wishes. I remembered Finley's side quest and how frustrated I got with it. Giggling to myself, I continued on my journey. Dark clouds started to cover the sun as small droplets of water started to land on the ground. I ducked under one of the land formations near Oren Bridge to wait out the storm; However, it wasn't going to let up anytime. The droplets were small and few, so I decided to continue to the Domain. Oddly enough, there was no travelers. I understood the lack of people when it came to Gerudo Town, but the absence of individuals headed to and from Zora's Domain seemed a little odd.

The rain started to lighten up when I arrived at Luto's Crossing. With each step, I appreciated the Domain that was perfectly aligned to the bridge. I was almost there. Looking in front of me, I saw a small, red Zora looking upon the Domain between the shining blue fence. He had a long tail fin and large, pink cheeks. Something was oddly familiar about the young Zora. Had I seen him before? 'No that couldn't be the case. I haven't seen one Zora since I got to Hyrule, so why does he look so recognizable?' I pondered before walking up to him.

"Excuse me, are you lost?" The young Zora gazed at me briefly, before turning away with a huff. 'Who knew the Zora could be so rude?!' I mentally screamed, trying to maintain my sanity, 'Perhaps, I should change my approach...' I deduced, "Are you from there?" I asked, pointing to Zora's Domain. He nodded quickly, before turning away from me again. I didn't know a whole lot about children, so I was more than lost. I couldn't just leave him at the bridge! His family was probably worried sick! "Here, I'll take you back." Grabbing his small hand gently, I started to lead the young Zora to the Domain. He didn't hesitate, nor did he fuse. The young, red Zora just followed silently. The awkward atmosphere was more than enough to keep me quiet. I had no idea who he was, or what he was doing all the way at Luto's Crossing; Nevertheless, I kept quiet. It was none of my business. When me and the boy were almost at the Great Zora Bridge, a Zora started to run up to us. She was a beautiful, red Zora with a Lightscale Trident in hand. She wore the garb of the Champions. I instantly knew who she was. The young Zora released his hand from mine without any difficultly before running up to Mipha.

"Oh, Sidon! I was worried sick!! But I'm glad you're okay." Mipha kept reassuring herself, as she hugged Sidon tightly. I was a mess, not knowing that the little boy I was leading to the Domain was the Prince himself. I felt incredibly embarrassed! After she released her brother, Mipha gazed at me with a kind smile, "Thank you for bringing him back to the Domain! Lately, he has been wondering off in wanderlust! Pray tell, where did you find him?"

"Uh, at Luto's Crossing! He was just looking at the Domain in a daze. I'm glad I could reunite him with his family." Mipha nodded sweetly, expecting me to say a little more. It took a moment for me to catch on, "O-Oh, my name (Y/N) and I came to Zora's Domain to sell my wares!" She giggled at my flustered nature.

"I'm Mipha, Princess of the Zora, and this is my brother, Prince Sidon." Sidon stood behind his sister, digging his face into the back of his sister's legs. I didn't know whether or not he was just shy or incredibly rude. Either way, my attention was on Mipha, "Tell me, how long are you planning on staying in the Domain, (Y/N)? I would very much like to get to know you better."

"Well, I'm planning on staying for at most a month. I lost something important to me, so it is imperative that I find it." Looking up from the luminous ground, I gasped at the beauty of the Domain. It has always held an elegance in the game, but I never would have expected it to be even more picturesque up close. Mipha smiled at me politely, as I took in my surroundings, "I'm going to get a bed at the inn, so I'll see you when I do, Princess Mipha."

"You don't need to call me Princess! It isn't necessary!" We apologized back and forth to one another, until Sidon eventually dragged his sister away. I let out a quick chuckle before walking into the Seabed Inn. The place was completely empty. Not a single Hylian was in sight.

"E-Excuse me? Do you have a free bed that I could rent for a month?" I asked, digging in my bag to find my stash of rupees. The Zora smiled at me sweetly before explaining that the Domain hadn't had visitors in a long time, due to the long journey. It made perfect sense. In the game, the only reason I ever went to the Domain was for the main quest, some shrines, and Prince Sidon. Take away those things and there isn't really anything except for this masterpiece that is apparently a complete civilization, "I wouldn't know, since the Domain is so beautiful! I mean, who wouldn't want to come here?!" The innkeeper laughed at my response knowingly, before letting me go about my business, "Oh, do you know where I could sell luminous stone? I heard that you use it to build the Domain, so I hope you still need it..." My outright question slowly became a murmur to myself alone.

"Yeah, Dento always needs more. He has pretty much cleaned out the entire area, and he is getting crabbier by the day. Dento is on the other side of the Domain, just behind the Coral Reef." Thanking him, I ran with my bag passed the empty square. Mipha's statue wouldn't be built for another couple of years, so the area seemed rather barren and strange. Walking through the general store to the blacksmithing room, I saw a young Dento sharpening a trident. I completely forgot that he practically built onto the Domain.

"Excuse me, you are Dento correct?" The Zora turned toward me and grunted in affirmation, "I was wondering if you were still in need of luminous stones? I have quite a-"

"I'll take it all!" Dento exasperated grabbing my bag from me and spilling the contents on the floor. He then started to count how many there were, "Two hundred forty-three! I won't have to leave the Domain for another year! So... with that many... the asking price would be..." The older Zora started babbling to himself as he rummaged under the counter. He took out a bag of rupees and started to take out a desired amount, "Is twenty thousand rupees enough for your trouble?" I nodded, knowing he was overpaying me by three thousand rupees. I tried saying it was too much, but he insisted. By the end of the day, I was twenty thousand rupees richer. The next morning, I would start my investigation to find my switch.

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