Chapter 127

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It was a sort ride up the hill. Minshi Woods was an underestimated beauty, but the same could be said for most of Hyrule. Anytime I played the game, I enjoyed going right through. Weird, I know, but I love all the wooded area in this game. As we rode on, a dreary, yet majestic kind of cloud started to appear, until we were unable to see too far. What could only be described as little pieces of snow hung in the air, giving the Lost Woods a haunted feel. Link got off his steed before approaching the entrance, a stone arch. I did the same.

It had been too long since I've seen the Great Deku Tree. My subconscious couldn't help but wonder if anything in that old forest had changed, however, I know that the only thing that has been altered was the Master Sword's presence. Had I really been in Hyrule so long that I truly believe that this is all real? I think, I think there are things that are real—more real than we are—but mostly we don't cross their paths, or they don't cross ours. Maybe at very bad times we get into their world or notice what they are doing in ours. Am I the invader? Is this even real. I stopped, remembering the Great Deku Tree.

'I knew you would come here eventually, but I didn't expect you to come so early... Out of formality, let me introduce myself. I am the Great Deku Tree, but you already knew that didn't you? You are not of this world, nor this universe. As far as I am aware you, dear child, are from beyond even my comprehension. My dear child, I see many things... but I haven't seen what you are looking for. I do have limits, you know... My dear, I sense a great deal of your stress and anxiety, but there is nothing you can do to turn away now... You have seen more than I, haven't you?' He once told me this through snippets of conversation. 'Early... Nothing I can do to turn away... What did he mean by that?'

"(Y/N), are you alright?" Link snapped me back into reality. With a simple nod, I reassured him. At least on the outside. The blond knew something wasn't right but asking any questions would only drive me deeper into the mud. Besides, at this point in time, Link knew I was bound to spill eventually. It didn't take a genius to realize that I just needed time and a little bit of a nudge to get where I was at my breaking point. Besides, Link found it uncouth to pry anyway. Making it through the stone entrance, a single torch stood front and center. I have approached this flame many times to farm arrows. With a turn of the head, another torch was there for Link to follow. And then another, and then another. The distance grew greater, until we reached the point of being on our own. When two fires and a torch sat for us- or rather Link to utilize. Of course, like me the first time I played, Link didn't understand.

Denial. The blond looked around the area, searching for anything that could resemble a flame. I'm sure his eyes moved over every piece of it. I was about to tell him the solution to this supposed puzzle, however, he gave me a certain look. One that told me 'no.' He practically read my mind, as I let out a huff in despair. 'If he doesn't want my help, then that's what he wants. Nothing I can do about it.' Link was as stubborn as me, so there was no use fighting. He continued to look around hopelessly. After a few minutes, he picked up the torch, and set it aflame. "We're going to cut through. Let's go." He spoke, starting to walk away. However, I stayed put, making him confused. "Aren't you coming?" To this, I shook my head.

"Find your way through first. In the meantime, I'll be right here." The blond could not comprehend why I had decided to stay behind, nevertheless, he attempted to cut through. In about a minute, the fog intensified, before Link appeared next to me again. "Do you understand now?" A soft grunt was the only reply to be received. With great determination, he lit his torch once more, and went off into the woods. Annoyance made itself known around the tenth time. And speak of the devil, he arrived back at square once again for the seventeenth time. "Welcome back."

"Can you stop saying that?!" He snapped, surprising me a little. However, I kept a smile on my face in any case.

"Link, it is referred to as the Lost Woods for a good reason. Because you can get lost." The blond Hero murmured something under his breath, before I continued. "There is a trick to it, you know. You just need to figure it out."

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