Chapter 57

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"Hey, little Hylian! I see you have returned to Goron City!!" I could never forget such a burly and high spirited voice. Turning around I saw none other than the Goron Champion, Daruk. I had just checked into the inn, and once I stepped outside into the boiling air, Daruk had spotted me. A smile had appeared on both of our faces.

"Yeah, I came to wish you a hardy congratulations on becoming the Goron Champion, Daruk! I knew you could do it!!" I cheered, managing to match his unrelenting energy, "Besides, I was due for another visit, right brother?!" The cheerful Goron put his massive hand on my head, laughing delightfully.

"That's the spirit, little Hylian! Would you like to check out old Rudania for a bit? I pretty sure you are just rollin' to see the Divine Beast!!" Nodding eagerly, he started to lead me up the volcano, something I had not done the last time I was in Goron City, "So, what have you been up to, little Hylian? Have you found your doodad yet?"

"No, I haven't found my possession yet, but I have been traveling around. Actually, before I came to Goron City, I was in Rito Village congratulating Revali on becoming a Champion as well. He was the one who taught me how to use a bow, so I had to go back to congratulate my teacher. We're also really good friends!"

"Wow! I didn't think you would know who Revali is, much less be friends with the birdie. No offense, but I just assumed he was cold to everyone and had no friends." The lighthearted Goron, was no longer the happy-go-lucky kind of guy that I have seen plenty of times before. He seemed disheartened by the very mention of Revali's name, which reminded me of the navy blue Rito's attitude. I simply forgot about it because I had long passed Revali's tough skin. Of course, Revali wasn't the type to become friends with anyone except fellow Rito. I was surprised he even took a liking to me!

"Sorry about him. Revali is just worked up about being a Champion for the Princess. It is a once-in-a-life-time opportunity, after all. Even though he is unnecessarily cold, be does have a heart. I dearly believe that Revali is a wonderful person to be around, even with all his ups and downs." The Goron smiled at my softly, knowing something I obviously didn't. Daruk had seen this expression plenty of times before. One of admiration and respect.

"I see now! Anyhow, here is old Rudania, as I promised!!" I wondered what he meant by 'I see now,' but I decided to ignore it in favor of a new concern. Daruk and I had made our way up the entire volcano, and Divine Beast Vah Rudania was facing the back. 'How on Earth am I supposed to get up there?! Daruk doesn't seem worried, but how is he planning to get me inside that thing?!' As I was deep in my subconscious, Daruk had picked me up and was getting ready to throw me inside. I finally noticed what was going on when it was too late. I was in the air, hurdling toward Vah Rudania. One of its covered gaps opened up as I approached. I had landed on the sandstone-like floor, making absolute sure I was living. Daruk came barreling in, laughing all the way. I couldn't even begin to describe how angry I was. What if I died?! I decided to let it go, since I knew Daruk didn't mean any harm, "Welcome (Y/N)!"

The same emotions about Vah Medoh had arisen in me as I looked within Rudania. Everything was exactly the same. The Malice was nowhere to be seen and no evil aura was to be sensed, "This is really... wow!" I breathed, not being able to comprehend the right words. Daruk understood this, and laughed anyway, "Vah Rudania is quite the sight, Daruk. I'm really proud of you!" Daruk became incredibly flustered before laughing it off. The hearty Goron spent the next couple of hours showing me around his Divine Beast. After we were done, he asked if I wanted to have some dinner with him before I had to depart. Of course, I accepted.

"So, you're headed to Zora's Domain next, huh?" Daruk queried, taking another bite of his rock roast. This time, I made my own meal. I nodded, "You know, another Champion is at the Domain! She's super nice and polite, so I doubt you'll have a problem with her!! I hope you have a wonderful time there."

"Thank you, Daruk! Anyway, about your son and the girl he likes. Are they... together yet?" Daruk was shocked that I remembered such a trivial thing; Nevertheless, he carried on the conversation without a single care.

"Nope, not yet! I keep telling the kid that now is a good time as any, but he won't listen. Just as shy as his mother! Back in my younger years, I fell in love with one of the most beautiful of girls. Her name was Marka. She was always so reticent around everyone, so I decided to ask her out one day. You have no idea how happy I was when she said yes. We finally got married and had the cutest son, before she departed." I knew what Daruk meant. Tears threatened to fall from my eyes the more I thought about, "Well, it doesn't matter anymore. Marka is always with me and my boy, so it's like nothing has changed! Don't cry, little Hylian. It was a long time ago!" He gave me his signature smile, before we started to eat again.

"Love always finds a way, so I have no doubt that your son will confess to the girl he loves. It is only a matter of time." I hoped that the offspring of this slow-burning affection would lead to Yunobo. Like grandfather, like grandson. After the meal, Daruk walked me out of Death Mountain.

All my stuff was on my back and Daruk entertained me with stories about the ceremony, "Good, I'm glad the Champion's Ceremony went well. Revali told me all about it, but it is nice to get another point of view." There was a moment of silence, "Hey, Daruk? How did Link's ceremony go?"

"Well... let's just say it was good enough. The Princess wasn't too thrilled about the little guy becoming her personal knight. Urbosa said something about him being a reminder of her failures, which I understand enough. Why are you asking? Do you know the little guy?!" Daruk questioned, making me flinch a little at my memories of Link. Daruk noticed this, "Oh I see, not a ton a good experiences with the little guy, huh?" I shook my head.

"He doesn't like me very much..."

"I'm sure, in time, you and Link will make up. Now run along and go to the Domain!" I waved Daruk goodbye before setting out once again, feeling content with myself and my surroundings. After arriving at the Foothill Stable, I collapsed on a random bed and fell asleep. Of course, it wasn't really sleeping. I never knew what would happen to me, so I was always self-aware when I slept. It's not like I could get meaningful rest anyway.

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