Chapter 85

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As we climbed up the rough rope, I was beneath Link and Zelda. First being Zelda, then Link, and finally myself. Every time I would look upward, I couldn't help but blush profusely. I tried to keep my gaze attached to anything else, so my eyes became connected to the sword on his back. 'The Master Sword,' I thought, 'The legendary sword that only a select few are able to wield, but why? What would happen if I were to wield it in my own hands?' I wondered, as I felt my hands slowly slip from the rope. Before I knew it, my hands slipped off. Before I could scream, a hand captured my own, as tightly as an iron fist. Looking up, I saw Link holding tightly to my hand with everything he had. With a quick sweep, the blond knight threw me upwards, before I collided with the ground. Link quickly climbed the rope to check on my condition.

"(Y/N), are you okay?" He asked, holding my shoulder firmly. His gaze was intense, yet the beautiful chaos that was his irises made something in my heart jump out of my chest. Zelda came over to my figure and gave me a quick yet constricting hug. The whole time, my eyes were glued to the Hero of the Wild. 'What on earth got into me all of a sudden?' I nodded at Link in affirmation, showing him I was fine; However, he knew something was off. On a normal occasion, he would have pushed it out of me, but he knew of my darkest secret, so he didn't even bother saying a single word. "Then, let's keep go-" Midsentence, Link's stomach growled hungerly. Out of embarrassment, he covered where the growling came from.

"Well... since (Y/N) almost plummeted to her death and Link is hungry, why don't we take a break, yes? (Y/N) can make that 'pizza' I was speaking of earlier. Can't you?" Zelda questioned excitedly. Slowly taking out my bag, I started to search for the ingredients. I shook my head, promising that I would make it for her and Link once we made our way out of the Forgotten Temple. Link, in any case, started a fire and cooked up some grilled fish. Eventually, Zelda decided to take a quick nap, so it was just Link and I, awkwardly looking into the fire, trying to come up with any conversation.

"So..." Link started, rubbing the back of his neck, "Is there a reason why you lost focus? I thought you would be more centered in an unknown place such as this."

'Man, you're blunt." A little pout stretched over my face, as Link stared at me for an answer.

"I heard that." Shock rushed over my features before I mentally scolded myself for saying something so embarrassing out loud.

"S-Sorry..." I apologized.

"It's fine. I'm used to people saying that about me." His voice couldn't be flatter and more lifeless. A little twinge grew in my heart, as I tried to think of something to say. Instead of going through my options, I just blurted out the first thing that came to my mind.

"No, it's not Link, and you know it! Look, I am sorry about what I said, and I don't see you as a blunt individual. Link, I know you only act that way, because you don't want to make a fool out of yourself. After all, you came from practically nowhere, rose through the ranks, overcame political and overall obstacles, and now you have one of the most important jobs in your lifetime. The greatest honor anyone could hope to receive. You're amazing, Link! You are one of the most amazing people I have ever known. You have every right to act the way you do!" A long silence followed, as I tried to find the point I had lost. "Sorry, I was blabbering again... Link... blunt or not, you are still a symbol of hope and prosperity. And I bet most of the people who tell you that, either care about your true emotions, or are envious of what you've achieved. What you have become... I, being one of the envious, am telling you 'I'm sorry.'" The sound of the crackling fire was all that could be heard. I felt almost petty for telling him something of such a nature so bluntly; However, a weight was lifted off my chest. That day was filled to the brim with a sense of relief and confession. After a brief moment of time, a red sphere was rolled over to me from Link's end. Moving my (E/C) eyes to the object, I saw a perfect looking apple. Gazing upward toward the blond hero, I was met with his beautiful blue eyes. 'How pretty...' I cooed mentally, feeling a small blush cover my cold cheeks. "I'm... going to venture ahead." I muttered, before grabbing my things and climbing down the other end of the wall.

I sketched and wrote down all the information I could; However, there was no meaningful information to be found. It was all surreal and aesthetic in an odd way, though. Zelda and Link caught up with me when I gazed upon the large goddess statue. "It's... huge." Zelda murmured, before I started to climb up the statue. Zelda's pleas were the only thing to fill the room; Nevertheless, I climbed up the statue and stood upon Hylia's hands. About to pray for solace and for luck, I stopped myself. Every now and then, I had to remind myself that she wasn't my deity. And that I just couldn't believe in her, no matter what happened. In her chest, was a filled crevice. Age took the goddess statue's integrity, but I could still see what was there. 'So this is the goddess statue from Skyward Sword, huh?' I thought, brushing my fingers over the cold stone. "(Y/N)?! Are you doing all right up there?!" Zelda shouted from the bottom. Looking downward, I gave a small wave, before I looked at the statue again.

As I stood there, in a state of stillness, someone placed their hand on my shoulder. I turned to meet them, only to see Link. "Beautiful, isn't it?" I commented, feeling even more lost in thought than usual. "It was said that the people of Skyloft used to do rituals from atop the largest goddess statue to ever inhabit Hyrule. It is also said that the very last ritual was given by the goddess incarnate to a boy who wielded the soul of the hero. Link? Do you believe that lost stories are true? That there is a chance that they hold some untold truth, that we could never find by staying in this time?" Looking back at him again, I smiled, "Because I believe that Skyloft was real, and that was where Hyrule originated. I wonder what happened to Skyloft... and where the history has gone. But I suppose all that matters is the present... After all, I met you and Zelda, along with so many others that really care about me." Link immediately turned his head downwards, before he unknowingly scratched his neck out of nervous impulse. "Link? Are you alright?"

"I'm fine. There isn't a need to worry about me." The blond hero stated, before I took his hands in mine.

"Of course, there is need to worry. I care about you, Link. Just remember that you can tell me anything. I know we haven't known each other for long, but just remember that I will always be there for you. No matter how far you have shied away from the brilliant rays of the moon and sun." I retorted, before a large blush covered over my features. "We probably should head back down, before Zelda decides to climb up here herself." Link nodded in affirmation, before we returned to the ground.

"What was up there that was so important, (Y/N)?" Zelda asked, as I glanced up to where I was. Pleasant memories filled my head, as a small yet noticeable smile covered my features. I gripped my bag's straps, as I reminisced about Skyward Sword.

"Nothing too important." I answered, holding the large grin on my face. Zelda was shocked by this expression since my smile didn't showcase itself often. A rare sight to see, and a good one at that. "We should probably leave, before it gets too late. I wouldn't want to get you into any unnecessary trouble."

"Don't you worry about me any longer, (Y/N)! I appreciate the thought, but there is no need to worry about such trivial matters. Now, you'll come with us, won't you?" I looked at her confused, "(Y/N), for so long I have yearned to travel with you. Won't you indulge me this once?" Zelda asked, as a small smile crossed over my features once more.

"Of course, Zelda." I answered, before the Forgotten Temple was, once again, disremembered. As Zelda rode next to me, I could have sworn that I saw a small grin cross over Link's features from the corner of my eye. I would have never thought that I would have made friends with those two. We are all so different from one another, yet something binds us together. Perhaps fate? Or what about something stronger?

Either way, I was happy.

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