CloudedOwl Fanart!!!!!!

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Guys, all of you fans of my BOTW fanfiction have been so supportive. I'm glad that my work has made so many people happy! Pleasantries aside though... CloudedOwl and I have been messaging one another for a couple days now, because they drew fanart for my fanfiction.

 CloudedOwl and I have been messaging one another for a couple days now, because they drew fanart for my fanfiction

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It's when MC is getting zapped into Robbie's oven!

Once again, and I can't express this enough: Thank you CloudedOwl! I really appreciate you and all the comments you leave on my fanfiction. I read every single one, with a smile on my face knowing. I've only received fanart one other time for my Sinbad book, so I can't express enough how much I love this and you. When I first saw this fanart, I was amazed how well CloudedOwl could portray so much emotion. It's the pinnacle of beauty~ 


You mean the world to me!!


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