Chapter 28

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Back when I knew my surroundings, adults and children alike would always tell one another something about perseverance. What was the saying again? Oh of course, 'If you fail, try and try again.' There was some truth to that saying, but the saying was generally an empty promise and majorly hypocritical. Why tell someone to never give up, if they themselves don't even follow the same advise that had been passed down through the centuries? Simply yet surely, the human race and others like it are selfish, indicative, and outwardly bizarre. A personality is a complex thing. Many would beg to differ, but I know that it can't be any less than true. People are different, from their public personality to their actual personality. But I am getting off topic, aren't I?

I was climbing a pinnacle near an active volcano, trying to collect a hundred rupees, and make it to the top in under three minutes. My pores were releasing large amounts of sweat to cool my overheating body. This wasn't the first time I did this. In fact, this was the seventeenth time. What was the point in all this unusual nonsense?! Daruk told me that it would improve my confidence but would it really?! The only thing I learned was that I hate rocks, of all sizes! Grabbing onto a part of rock, the silicate crumbled from under my fingers, and I almost slipped. My time was almost up, so I decided to recede and try again later. Daruk wasn't happy about this.

"Come on little Hylian! You were almost there, you just had to push yourself to the top!!" Daruk shouted, a little frustrated with my lack of passion. What are you supposed to do? It is either you have the passion, or you don't. Hyrule was so tiring.

"D-Daruk, I only had thirty-four rupees! There was n-no way I c-could have finished this challenge!!" I argued, trying to not lose my cool. I often got tired in Hyrule. During important moments as well! Noticing the Frost Talus, fighting the White-Maned Lynel, and climbing a large rock. It was all frustrating, but I knew I couldn't spill out any of the emotions I was feeling. After all, it would only make Daruk uncomfortable. Daruk tried to encourage me to try one more time, but I was done. There was no use in doing this if I was tired and irritated. The only thought to run through my head was, 'I thought I was in better shape!'

I had been at Gut Check Rock for three days, soon to be day four. Then day five, continuing onward for another week. On the pillar, time seemed to both slow down and speed up to incredible speeds. My body was adapting well enough, after all, I was getting steadily closure to my goal. I didn't notice it at the time, but my confidence was slowly growing, and Daruk noticed. "Alright little Hylian! You can do it!! Just have a little confidence, now..." I waited for it. I have heard the word over thirty times, but I wanted to hear it again, "Go!!!" With that I started to climb Gut Check Rock at remarkable speeds, collecting any rupee I could get my hands on. My throat became parched, and my breath was becoming short, but I didn't care about that anymore. There was only me, the pillar, and time. Once I had enough rupees, I started to climb the pillar like a mad man. I was practically running up the wall, trying to reach the top with all my might. The top, once a terrible sight of failure, held a presence of victory. Daruk smiled at me fondly before running over to me. "You did it, little Hylian! I am so proud of you!!" With that, Daruk gave me the most caring and warm hug I have ever received. It may have been the heat, but I wasn't going to ruin the moment for myself.


Diary Entry #11

37 Days

I got a temporary job at the Southern Mine a while back. Strange as it is! I never had a job like this before, but I kind of enjoy it! All the other Goron are so polite and friendly toward me as well. Is this what it is like to have various friends? It is truly a wonderful feeling! On another note, I also quit my job a day after I got the concept. On my first and last day, I found some good ore and two diamonds came out of it. How come I wasn't getting this before?! I guess my training at Gut Check Rock was well worth it! I decided to work for myself, so I could gain a hefty fortune through ore. I once hated this place, but now, it had hidden beauty in every crevice. Interesting how that works!

As much as I am happy about my progress in Hyrule, I still want to go back to my world. In a couple days, I am going to leave Death Mountain and start heading toward Hateno Village. Maybe I could visit Kakariko Village as well? I am hoping that Robbie and Purah have made some decent progress; However any progress is fine by me.

P.S. Remember to thank Daruk for his everlasting kindness and support.


"What are you doing here, Daruk?" I asked, playing with my fingers behind my back. We were currently looking upon the unearthed Divine Beast. The piece of advanced machinery wasn't doing anything, but it was still interesting to look at. This was the closest I have ever been to a Divine Beast since Vah Medoh was already flying around when I was in Rito Village. Daruk looked quite nervous, anxious even. This was unlike Daruk. This was more of a Mipha trait. It seemed like something was eating him up inside, and I guessed it was concerning Vah Rudania.

"Looking upon old Rudania here!" There was a brief moment of silence before he continued, "She sure is a beauty, isn't she? You know, His Majesty and the Princess have already started choosing candidates to pilot these here machines. They will deem them to be Champions."

"Have they already decided the other pilots?" I asked, genuinely wanting to know if Revali has already been chosen to be the Rito Champion. The same went for Mipha and Urbosa.

"Nope, not that I am aware of, little Hylian; However, I heard what I heard. These ears aren't too old yet!" Even when he was anxious, he was still outwardly positive. People like this always inspired me.

"Are you worried about becoming a Champion, Daruk?" Said Goron looked at me flustered. I knew it! He was nervous about the Champion role of Vah Rudania, but what exactly was he so worried about? Who was going to pilot it, or if he was up to the task if they asked him? I decided to continue further, "Daruk, who ever pilots that Divine Beast will not compare to your skill. I have no intent on demeaning any of the other Goron, but you are the most qualified to pilot Divine Beast Vah Rudania. When the Hyrule Royal Family asks you to be a Champion, I want you to take it and be the best Goron Champion this kingdom has ever seen! Daruk, you may or may not believe me, but you will be a wonderful Champion. They couldn't ask for anyone better." Looking at the Goron's direction again, I was shocked to see a couple of tears run down his usual grinning face. I tried to take out my handkerchief, but it was stained by my sweat and grease. Daruk took it from me anyway and rubbed his tears away.

"(Y/N), those were the exact words I needed to hear. Thank you, little Hylian!" Was all he said, before talking about the rest of his day and... well... food. Another couple days passed by me, before I had to leave Death Mountain. In the same way Revali walked me out of Rito Village, Daruk walked me out of the volcano and all the way to Foothill Stable. I told him that he didn't have to, but the burly Goron heavily insisted that he would do so, "Well, this is where we part ways, little Hylian. I hope you have a safe journey!" The uncle-like Goron gave me a large hug, before rolling back to Goron City. Taking my horse out of the system, I bid the mountain goodbye, knowing full well that I would meet Daruk again. The only difference will be Daruk's status as the Champion of Vah Rudania.

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