Chapter 73

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"Oh Angus honey!" A shrill motherly tone shrieked, as a grey haired woman hugged her son. Deya Village Ruins is a large settlement located south of the Hills of Baumer. One hundred years in the future, Deya Village is half-sunken remains of the village it once was. Though Deya Village was highly populated, most of the economy was based around farming and small goods. Apparently, Angus and his family had lived in the area for three generations. Their home was once built by their grandfather upon immigrating to Western Necluda. The well-built home sat in the heart of town, amongst the stores and restaurants. After releasing the poor knight, the woman looked at me in questioning before running inside in a frantic manner. She was jumbling her words so much that I couldn't make out what she was saying. The older woman was yelling something on the lines of, "Honey! It's happening!!" But I had no clue what she meant by that.

"At least she likes you." Angus jested, before stepping away to let me inside first. Upon walking in, I felt an unknown emotion arise in my heart. A feeling of relief and sadness. I shook the emotion out of my head, as Angus lightly took my hand before leading me to the dining table. At sonic speed, the older woman started completing dinner, as an older man sat at the head of the table with his nose in a book.

"Supper will be ready in a moment. Wash up, will you? And Angy? Make sure your sister washes her hands thoroughly this time." His mother breathed before going sonic mode once more. Angus dragged me up the stairs to another open room. On one end was a bed with equipment and books. On the other end was a girly bed with pink and frills. Dolls lined the edge as a little girl played with each and every one of them. Upon looking at us, the young girl gasped before running up to her iron covered brother. With a swift movement, Angus scooped up his sister, before kissing her forehead quickly.

"Where have you been?! You promised to be back two weeks before my birthday, but you're only one week ahead!" She scolded, as the girl puffed out her cheeks in childish frustration.

"I know Emily, but I had lots of work to do." Angus commented, noticing that his sister was still angry, "How about I make it up to you with... this." Angus took out a small, wrapped box from his bag. Emily gasped, before quickly taking the present from her brother's hands. But as quick as she took it, Angus hastily snatched it from her, "Not until you are washed up for supper. We have a guest." Emily looked at me with amazement in her eyes.

"You look like a Princess!" She commented excitedly, before I went down to her level and smiled.

"I believe the only Princess here is you." Enthusiastic, Emily ran down the stairs and toward a pail of supposedly fresh water. After washing up, we sat at the dinner table and were served dinner. As everyone started to eat, I just gazed at my filled plate with such ecstasy. It had been so long since I've had a meal like this. A meal made with such care that no one would care if it tasted bad. After I left home at eighteen, it was restaurants and instant ramen. After I found myself in this world, it was anything I could get my hands on. But this meal brought me to tears.

"(Y/N)? Are you alright?" Nodding at Angus's question, I picked up my fork and took a bite. All the flavors of home and family collided, which made a warm feeling form in my stomach.

"This is the best meal I've had in a long time. Thank you!" I smiled, as I started to politely scarf down the meal that was given to me. Angus's mother was shocked by my statement, before she sent me a warm, motherly smile. Every crumb had disappeared from my plate as light conversation ensued.

"So dear, Angus has told us all about you. But as a mother, I wanted to know about you personally. I hope you understand." I nodded, letting her continue, "Wonderful, now where to possibly start... I mean, my little Angy has told me a lot about you; However, it seems he still doesn't know a lot about your upbringing and, well, everything else for that matter. I guess it just feels like a lot. So, tell me about your life in Greyham. What was it like? Are you planning to stay? Is your home life acceptable? And most importantly, you must tell me about any past relationships-"

"Mother!" Angus intervened, as the questions were starting to get to me. They were simple, apart from the fact that I knew nothing about Greyham. Where would I even begin? Besides that, she asked me about past men in my life! I didn't have any, but it was still a personal question. Angus thought so as well, "Don't you think that is a little too personal?"

"It's okay Angus. Greyham isn't as vibrant as Hyrule. It's rather bland and is more farmland than villages. My father is a... farmer, and my mother helps in whatever way she can. I have no other family to speak of. If I had a choice, I would live in Hyrule, but I really must return to... Greyham. I-I have had no suitors or relationships." I finished, as Angus's mother smiled at me thoughtfully. I didn't see it, but Angus had a small blush painted on his cheeks.

"Just what I wanted to hear. Now who wants dessert?!" The night went well. Emily and I played dolls and I had some lighthearted conversations with Angus's mother. As Emily was put to rest, I decided to write some more entries in my journal; However, the book was practically full. Huffing softly, I wondered where I could get some more. 'Perhaps, Deya Village has a book shop where they sell bare journals?' I decided against it, knowing that I had an excuse to go back to Rito Village.

Needless to say, I spent the night, and was woken by Angus in a hushed manner. I packed up my things, before he lead me out of the house and up one of the hills. Parallel from Scout's Hill sat a tree. This tree was all too familiar to me. As I traced my fingers across the bark, Angus noticed my melancholy. "What did you take me up here for?" I asked sweetly, as Angus's cheeks turned ruby red.

"I just wanted... wanted to..." He was shaking nervously, as I steadily became worried; However, he eventually calmed himself. "I just wanted to say sorry on my family's part, and I wanted to tell you that I have to get going." In a moment of silence, I started to laugh hysterically.

"Youdon't have to apologize! They're family, so what are you going to do? I thoughtit was rather charming. I wish me and my family were that close. And speakingof leaving, I have to head toward Rito Village. I have some business there totake care of." Angus wanted to say something, but he decided to keep quietabout the matter. Some things I never got answers to. It never bothered me, butit always bothered me that I would never know what he was thinking. With asimple goodbye, we parted ways. That day, I rode towards the Tundra, wanting tofind any trace of my switch; However, nothing was to be found except for a rockand a couple berries. At midnight, I made it to Rito Village. Renting a bed, Idecided to surprise Revali in the morning.

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