Chapter 63

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"Can you teach me how to do that?" Prince Sidon and I were currently sitting near the reservoir as I made adjustments to Revali's beaten bow. Looking over to the Prince I noticed the determination in his big, round eyes. A smile perched on my lips. It had been two weeks sense I rescued Sidon and we had gotten surprisingly close. He would run up the stairs every morning to greet me. Then we would be with one another all day before the sun set over the mountains.

"You want to learn archery, Sidon?" I asked, getting a quick nod in response, "I don't know, archery is pretty hard." My playful tone went over the young Prince's head as he urged to hold the overly used Swallow Bow. Begrudgingly, I handed the little red Zora my bow as he inspected it carefully, before pretending to shoot with it, which brought a larger smile to my face. His long tail dragged behind him as he did so, "Alright squirt, I'll teach you how to shoot an arrow, okay? We have to do it fast though. Your sister and father will probably start worrying if you aren't back at the Domain soon." I said, before setting a piece of Zora pottery down on one side of the dock, "Alright, take your time and don't get frustrated, alright? I wouldn't want you to get hurt." Sidon tried his hardest to pull back the string, however, this didn't work out in his favor, "That's right. The bow might be a little too big. Hm... Oh, I have an idea!" Picking up the Zora Prince, I placed him on my shoulders and lightly grabbed the bow from him. Taking an arrow out of my quiver, I drew the string and focused on the target. Releasing the tension, the arrow shot through the fish vase. Sidon jumped off my shoulder to look at my work. The vase still stood.

"Wow, (Y/N)! That's so cool!!" Prince Sidon cheered, "How did you do that?!"

"It only takes practice and a good teacher. Now, you should get home. Mipha is probably worried sick!" The young Prince nodded slowly, as he started to walk away. Rolling my eyes playfully, I grabbed my boots and started to walk him home. Sidon happily took my hand as we made our way to the Domain. This boy truly had me wrapped around his little finger. The air was quiet, yet peaceful. Looking down at Sidon, I noticed that he was concerned about something, "Sidon, what's wrong?"

"(Y/N), do you like anyone? Like, like-like?" A crimson shade covered my cheeks as I attempted to look away from the young Prince. I didn't have any romantic feelings at the time, but it was such a personal question that I just froze.

"N-No, Sidon! What w-would make you ask such a p-personal question?!" I stammered, as the young Prince smiled up at me. He didn't answer, and I was just left there, pondering about his reasons, "S-Since you asked me, do you like-like someone?" The fish Prince flushed as well, before looking at the ground. He mumbled a small 'maybe,' as we continued our short journey to the Domain.

"There you are Sidon! I was about to go look for you. Thank you for returning him (Y/N)." Mipha thanked. Before I could start walking back to the reservoir, Mipha stopped me, "Oh, my father also wishes to speak to you. He didn't say why, but it sounded pretty urgent." I nodded, making my way up the stairs. The sun was close to setting as I stepped into the brightly lit room. King Dorephan kindly smiled as I stood on top of the elevated platform. The Council sat on the seats bordering the room.

"Dear (Y/N), my men have looked all over Lanayru; However, we couldn't find what you were looking for. I fear that you must go elsewhere to find it once again. Is there anything else we could do, my dear?" The King asked, having an expression of pity on his features. He felt bad that he couldn't help me out anymore. After all, I saved his only son from a gruesome death.

"Your Majesty, there is one thing I wish to know. Has there been any sightings of strange shooting stars? Perhaps meteor crashes? Has anyone seen something off?" Putting my hands together, I wondered where I needed to go next. King Dorephan shook his head.

"I don't believe there has been anything of the sort, but my dear, hope is not lost. There is a great tree with all the answers you could ever want just north of Hyrule Castle. I am sure the tree will give you the information you desire; However, the Lost Woods that surrounds the great tree is dangerous. Plenty of people have gone missing in those woods and have never returned." I knew which forest the Zora King was talking about, which brought a bright smile to my face. I had completely forgotten about the Great Deku Tree! 'He knows where my switch went! After all, he sees everything!!'

"Thank you, Your Majesty! You have been nothing but kind to me this last fortnight!! I'll only be staying for another week, so thank you again. You have no idea how happy I am." The Zora King gave me a tired, yet genuine smile as I returned to expression.

"Oh! And another thing." King Dorephan added, making me stop in my tracks. I turned to meet his gaze once more, "Has my son been with you for the past week? I am just guaranteeing his safety is all." I nodded in affirmation. The large Zora smiled down on me knowingly. This was the one time I did not catch onto his deeper meaning. I was then excused. As I walked back up to the reservoir house, I came across some Blue Nightshade. Picking the simple, bell-like flowers, I had a single thought. 'I wonder where my switch is...' It wasn't in any of the major towns, so where could it possibly have gone. Was I exploring in a remote area? At eleven forty-five, I was at Zora's Domain, and I fell asleep around twelve, so where could I have been. Perhaps the switch isn't even near the place Link was left when I fell asleep... I slapped my calloused hands on my cheeks, trying to get another thought in my head. A climb up a large set of stairs was all it took to make me tired. What did I expect though? I hadn't trained for weeks!

"How come nothing is going right?" I sigh, remembering all the failures from my short time in Hyrule. The memories play through my head. The lies, the argument with King Rhoam, my screw ups, the Yiga Clan... After those thoughts played through, other things started to perform. When I bonded with Revali... when I talked to Sooga... my newer memories with Prince Sidon... and all the strength I have gained. There were too many to count. The feeling of being needed as they hold me close... Things hadn't gone right, but those failures birthed something so wonderful. All I wanted was to get help from the tech labs, but I ended up making really good friends with Robbie, who made me laugh for hours on end. All I wanted was to see Flight Range, but I ended up meeting my closest friend. All I wanted was to find my switch, but I ended up meeting Sooga. I have met the Princess, Link, all the Champions, and characters that were never mentioned. Perhaps, it didn't always have to go right... I smile a little before making it back to the open room. Placing the flowers on the bar table, I fell on my bed, feeling content about my situation.

I didn't know it, but I was torn between my reality and this new-found truth. Of course, I wanted to go home, but my happiest memories were made in Hyrule. I didn't know how to feel. At times, I felt angry and stressed, but at other times, I was happy. That night, a lighthearted dream shifted through my imagination. And it was exactly what I needed. A soft smile was painted on my rosy cheeks on a warm summer night.

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