Hylian Ending

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Their souls disappeared as well as King Rhoam's. Into the afterlife they went, never to return to Hyrule. Link's eyes shifted from nothing to a slight movement. He snapped his gaze down to notice that I was breathing. He waited for what felt like an eternity. I eyelids were heavy, however, when I opened my eyes, I was fully awake. Tears cascaded down his cheeks, as I gently smiled at him. Before I could say anything, I was pulled into a kiss. Compassionate and almost fanatical. His lips... were warm and soft.

"I love you." Three words spoke thousands. His yearning has lasted for so long. For a hundred years. It was poetic really. Link has never been good at talking, finding it best to not say anything at all. It all began to connect together. The more I searched my memory, the more I understood. And the more I understood, the more I felt the same. I couldn't help but pull him back in, reassuring him not only of shared feelings but that no matter what, I was right here. Still living. Still breathing.

"I love you too..." All was well in the world. I never felt so happy in my entire life. He took me in his arms and kissed me under the sunlit sky, and he cared not that we stood in the center of destruction, for it was a place of rebirth. Throwing me on his back, we began are trek toward Hateno Village.


After a lifetime worth of adventure, what are you expected to do other than settle down? In short, we all made the move to Hateno. "Wakey, wakey, Linky~" I cooed out; however, he remained fast asleep. 'There goes my chances at him making breakfast...' I huffed mentally, before going back downstairs and into the kitchen. "Guess I'll just have to cook today." I spoke, as Zelda let out a soft chuckle. "Even after everything we all went through, he still sleeps like a child." I commented. "Though, I'm just happy he is able to sleep the way he does." Cracking eggs into a heated pan, Zelda softly smiled at me from the table.

"His sleep schedule is just as terrible as I remember." Zelda giggled, taking a sip of tea. "I'm off now." Asking her where she was going, the scholarly Princess answered simply, "To Hateno Tech Lab. You have a good day, (Y/N)."

"You too, Zelda." The door shut softly, before my gaze shifted to the bedroom loft. He was still fast asleep. Sighing, I continued to make breakfast. As I plated everything, arms snaked around my waist, holding me close. "Good morning, sleepy head." I chuckled, looking behind me to see a mop of blond. "Ready for food?" He nodded, before I proceeded to practically drag him to the table. Getting him in his seat, I placed down the food, before sitting across from him. "Did you sleep well?"

"Yeah." He answered simply, as we continued to eat. Link never really liked to talk during his meals, however, he was quieter than usual that day. After breakfast was taken care of, Link walked back up the stairs to get changed, while I cleaned everything up. When he came back down completely dressed, he snaked around me once more. "Do you want to go somewhere today?" The knight questioned.

"Sure, where were you thinking?" I queried, which made the blond smile. After a moment or two, we were off to who knows where. Making it close to Hateno Tech Lab, we turned right and down the mountain. Following the trail, we made it to Hateno Beach. Admiring the view, Link led me to the dock right into Deepback Bay. From there we sailed across and made it to Mapla Point. A place I have been to many times when I played the game. However, I never went there with Link before. The view out and it was incredible. Trickles of water cascaded down into the pond below. Fish swum freely as could be. And the Talus that resides there was gone. "Wow, this place is beautiful, Link." Taking my hand in his, he gifted me a small grin.

"I can think of one thing that's more beautiful." My cheeks turned pink from the implied compliment. As Link hunted fish by using an electric arrow, I started the fire in order to cook our lunch. When he got enough to his liking, I took them out of his hands. "So, I was wondering..." He started as I stared up from the cooking fish. "Never mind."

"No, please tell me what's on your mind." I urged, as he gave into my charm.

"Back in your world, what was courting like?" He asked, throwing me off guard a little too much. Nevertheless, I answered him.

"Well, usually people start dating. It's like a stage of a romantic relationship before marriage. Don't they have that in Hyrule?" I questioned.

"Yes, but that's not what I-" Suddenly, I leaned into his embrace, before giving him a peck on the lips. His ears turned crimson red as I let out a chuckle. "I- I... um!"

"Do you want to court me, Linky~?" He nodded his head quickly. "Well, for starters, do want you think is right." The blond became very confused, before I voiced, "I'm not part of my world anymore. Even if there was a mystical, magical way home... I don't really want to figure it out. This is my home now. Besides, my world's ways of courtship are kind of terrible, not going to lie. I would much prefer if you established your own way of doing it... like bringing me to this place." Lips met my own, as Link held me close.

"My Guardian... sweet and strong. You've guided me through every challenge I've faced. Though you didn't have to, you stayed with me throughout all of this time. If it isn't selfish of me, I want to keep it that way for as long as we both shall breathe. I will protect you... and you shall protect me." Smiling at the Hero of the Wild, I hummed in affirmation, before enjoyed on another's company.

I can listen no longer in silence. I must speak by such means as are within my reach. He pierces my soul. I am half agony, half hope. I offer myself to him with a heart even more his own. I have loved no one but him. Unjust I may have been, weak and resentful I have been, but never inconstant. He alone has brought me to where I stand now, strong, and proud. For him alone, I think and plan... I can hardly write. I am every instant hearing something which overpowers me. He does us justice, indeed. I go, uncertain of my fate; but I shall return, or follow this knight who stole my heart away, as soon as possible. A word, a look, will be enough to reignite my already burning passion and love.

To the Hero of the Wild, or rather the Hero of Hyrule, as long as you take every step with me, I will do the same. Return my love, and I will do the same.

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