Chapter 92

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Link jolted from where he sat, immediately looking at me. I let out a soft giggle before placing down the firewood and sitting next to his surprised figure, "Sorry did I scare you, Link?" As I gave him a friendly smile, he shied away from my figure. Confused and a little hurt, I let this odd, new behavior slide. In all my years of playing Breath of the Wild, I had never seen the blond knight shy away from anything or anyone. Was this a normal thing for him? Or did I just get lucky? "Well... I am sorry. I didn't mean to scare you like that. Anyway, you still need to answer my question. Who is the lucky girl?" I cooed teasingly, as Link slightly glared me down. A smile remained on my face as he did so.

"It's..." Link spoke, pausing for a second, trying to gain some courage. For the possible descendant who wielded the Triforce of Courage, the blond hero couldn't seem to find said audacity. He wondered what he should say, as I continued to look at him. "... a secret."

"Huh?! No that can't be it! Details Link!! I need details!!!" I yelled, throwing a miniature fit as Link watched, not having the words. Sitting up again, I thought for a moment about who he could have been referring to. 'Well... it can't be some average girl... so she has got to be someone close to him. Zelda... smart, beautiful, and all around loveable... Link spends a lot of time with her as of late, so is it the scholarly Princess? But on the other hand, Mipha is adorable, kind-hearted, and a personal friend of Link's since he was a little tot... So, it could be Mipha too...' As steam practically came out of my ears, Link watched in fascination.

"Hey! Don't forget to breath!!" Taking Link's advice, I breathed in another gust of air, before going back to thinking. 'Mipha, or Zelda?' I pondered, as my face contorted in frustration. So much so, that my face slowly became red in color. Eventually, I dropped the train of thought since my internal debate wasn't getting me anywhere. "What were you thinking about?" Link asked, feeling inclined to say something.

"Oh, nothing important. Just... debating to myself whether or not to steal Revali's bomb arrows." I laughed awkwardly, grabbing out the needed ingredients to make said arrows. "I decided to just make my own, since he'd get angry with me again." We sat there in eerie silence. I would have begged for Revali to come back, but I knew that it wouldn't just be awkward, it would be tense. "Hey Link, can I see the Master Sword?"

"Why?" He asked, glancing at me with great interest written in his baby blue irises. Taken aback, I started to mumble nothing as if I didn't know how to speak properly. Link let out a little chuckle, before unsheathing his sword. Touching the blade, I felt a surge of power. The hairs on the back of my neck stood still for a single moment, as I looked upon the weapon.

"You know, it is said that something beyond Hylian understanding dwells in the sword, locked away from everyone who has wielded it, except the first. I wonder if... this mystery still lives within the sword, guiding the chosen hero of the time toward salvation." Realizing what I said, I glanced at Link who seemed a little confused.

"Does everyone speak the same way you do, where you are from?" The blond knight asked, making my brain go into overdrive. Before I could think of any response whatsoever, Link decided to speak once more, "It's only natural for a dimension hopper to say such things." Gapping a little by his words, my eyes widened in shock.

"Y-You... um..." I couldn't help but stutter after hearing such words come out of his mouth. I started to feel dizzy, yet I was able to pull myself together. "S-So... you know then?" Link nodded in affirmation, "And... how long have you known?" I stammered, not knowing what else to say to him.

"A little over three months now." He stated nonchalantly, as I felt an intense urge to scream; However, I stayed quiet.

"That's the day when the Yiga Clan attacked us in Gerudo Desert! You mean you've known for that long?! How did you figure it out?!!" As I stared at him intensely. 'Perhaps, it isn't that bad...' I justified, knowing that it didn't work. Placing my head in my hands, tears started to prick my eyes. Knowing there wasn't any possible way of him figuring out my secret without someone telling him, I asked, "Who told you?"

"The day after the attack, Zelda and I traveled to the Ancient Tech Laboratory. We saw your 'chip,' and Robbie told us who you really are and gave us an idea about where you are really from." Mumbling a soft, 'damn you Robbie,' I put my head back in my hands, trying to find some stability. Suddenly a larger hand caressed my back lovingly, in order to comfort my woes. Looking over to Link, he gave me a quick smile, reassuring me of something; However, I never knew why he was comforting until much later. I always thought he did it because I was depressed, and it is normal for someone close to consul you. But... that moment didn't feel like that. At least not all of it.

"You're not mad?" I inquired, still gazing into his eyes. He shook his head before pulling me into a comforting hug. I couldn't believe this was happening to me. Link, the Hero of the Wild, was holding me close to him. He was warm and smelt like baked apples. It... felt nice... being in his arms like this...

"Ahem!" Another party coughed out, in an irritated matter. Pulling away from one another, we both looked at an annoyed Revali, who was currently holding a couple fish. "Am I interrupting you two?" Standing up, I grabbed some of the flopping fish Revali had in his arm, giving him a small smile.

"No, Link was just comforting. If you want, I can give you a hug~" If it wasn't for Revali's feathers, I could have seen his beet red blush. Taking the fish over to the fire, I started to cook them over the fire. "Revali, do you want your fish rare?" I questioned, as I was about done with Link's.

"No, cook mine the same as yours." Revali answered, tuning up his bow as he waited for his dinner.

"Alright, Link. Five well-done bass, with a touch of salt and lemon. Bon appetite!" Revali and Link stared at me for a second, wondering what that was supposed to mean; However, they both passed it off as being part of my world after a moment or two. As I started to cook Revali's, the Rito and the Hylian started to have a conversation with each other.

"You didn't react the way a normal person would when she said that..." Revali started, giving Link the side eye, as Link stopped devouring his meal to glare right back Revali. 'Oh no...' I thought to myself, as I continued to focus on the task at hand and not the conversation behind me, '...What a pretty fire...' As I tried to go off in my own little world, Revali continued, "So, are you going to answer?" Revali taunted, as Link put down his food completely.

"I know (Y/N)'s secret, just like you." Link stated, not showcasing any emotion on his expression. Revali quickly looked to me in questioning, as I met his gaze slowly. Nodding softly, Revali somehow caught on to what I was saying.

"But you didn't figure that out directly, did you?" Revali queried further, almost making Link jolt. Though Link figured out said secret, I did tell Revali about my clandestine directly and far sooner than Link. But that was only because Revali asked directly, and I never learned how to say no to something like that. "You learned it through someone else. Pray tell, who was it?"

"Alright, knock it off! Shut up and eat!!" I scolded, making both of them dig into their meals. Sitting on the other side of the fire, I started to speak more calmly, "Look, I'm not trying to force you two to get along; However, the least you could do not talk to one another while I'm right here. Link, I told Revali where I was really from first because he was my archery teacher and the Champion, I have known the longest. He managed to get it out of me after he got suspicious. Revali, Link figured it out through a friend of mine. He can be trusted with such a secret. Now, let's just... try to get along?" Both males looked at one another before making another unspoken agreement with each other. With that, we set up camp and went to bed.


'Only one crime is listed, but it is the worst of all: You have committed the horrendous act of treason against your Master. For your unforgivable crimes, you shall be sentenced to death, enacted immediately. Any last words?'

'I do not regret my actions, nor do I deny them false. Knowing that I'm dying for her... will be enough. Kill me but leave her alone.'

'Goodbye... my friend...'



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