Chapter 147

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"Whoa. I was NOT looking forward to the rest of my life in that thing's stomach. I don't have any fancy reward for you, but I do have this. And now it's yours." Regan gave Link an Electro Fruitcake, before continuing, "I ran away from Lurelin Village just up the road. The whole place stinks of cut up bait and fish guts. Well, that's no life for me! I'm gonna make my living as a scavenger, fishing around Hyrule's rubble for neat stuff. Not much choice, really, since I... uh... can't swim..." Walking back to our horses, Link still seemed a little fazed from Regan's comment.

"Link..." I droned.

"How can someone born by the ocean not know how to swim? That's very illogical." Link complained, as I stared at him with an obvious deadpan. Shaking my head, we jumped on our steeds, before riding off towards Lurelin. Entering the road within two cliffs, the ocean was completely visible. And upon entering the village, I immediately jumped off my horse and straight for the crystal blue waters. Link joined me, as we sat with each other. It reminded me of the time we were in the same position.

'"Why did you come here of all places?" My general curiosity got the better of me. It wasn't like this was a bad thing; Nevertheless, I felt a little embarrassed by my sudden questioning. Link didn't seem to mind.

"I don't know. The sea calms me greatly. I feel a strange connection to it for some odd reason."'

"Link?" I asked, "Do you feel a special connection to this place?" He seemed to think about it for a long moment, the only thing filling my head was the crashing waves and the laughter of children nearby.

"I do... I don't remember why... But something about being here... makes me calm." He admitted, gifting me a soft smile. 'He really was quite the charmer,' I admitted to myself lovingly, returning his energy in any way I possibly could. He stood up from his spot, before holding his hand out to me to take. I indeed took it, before being lifted into the air and back on my feet. "Now, where are the shrines?" I pointed behind us, before he stared back. Yah Rin Shrine stood in all of its brilliant glory.

"I'll show you the other shrine locations when you come back." I commented, before he went off to get Yah Rin Shrine. Deciding to walk around a little, I traveled right, toward the Village Chief's home and past it. Taking off my shoes, I started to search for seashells. Did they have any use for the mission? No, but they were pretty. Kneeling down, I observed a beautiful, large one, however a part of it was broken and gone. That was until a hand extended out the broken piece. "Oh, thank you-" It was the Chief's relative, which made me freeze up a little. Okay, maybe, just maybe, I thought he was cute. But that was when I was playing the switch in my bedroom! I didn't think I'd ever meet him.

"No problem! I don't mind helping." Standing up with both pieces of the shell in hand, he scratched the back of his neck nervously, "My name is Numar... and you are?"

"Oh! My name is (Y/N)! It's nice to meet you." I greeted loudly, causing the Chief's son to laugh at my jumpiness. "Sorry... I'm..." I can't say that it was an honor to meet him! That would be weird! "I just get a little anxious talking to new people, you know?"

"Don't worry, I understand, I get like that too. So are you here for sightseeing?" He inquired, as I shook my head. Well, there is a super special place where they say you can find your true love. Folks come from all over to visit, hoping for love. It's the Lover's Pond on Tuft Mountain. We could check it out sometime." We? The concept of we, meaning we go together to a place where soulmates meet. Somehow. Some way. I didn't connect the dots great. But I did it just sufficient enough to turn him down.

"I already traveled up Tuft Mountain and to Lover's Pond. It was beautiful up there." I answered, as the excitement in his eyes dropped. "Though, I'm sure there are other beautiful spots in the Faron that you could show sometime." I commented, not wanting to upset him in any way. His mood lifted quite a ways, which brought a smile to my face.

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