Chapter 102

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We were left standing there, completely unmoving. Glancing in Link's direction, I could tell he was conflicted about all sorts of things. I couldn't blame him. If I forgot everything as well, I would have felt the exact same. I was about to place my hand on his shoulder to comfort him, however, I couldn't bring myself to do it. Clutching my hand into a fist, I decided to let my words flow. "Link?" I queried, before he stared into my eyes. A coldness hung in them. I hadn't seen that kind of stare in a long time. The last time he stared at me with those eyes... was before we settled our differences. I flinched a little at the thought, before regaining whatever composure I had left. "If you don't have anymore business on the Great Plateau, then we should follow the King's orders and head for Kakariko Village." He stood there for a moment, completely frozen before looking out beyond one of the broken windows. The Dueling Peaks were in his gaze, as his head was swirling with emotions. 'Maybe I shouldn't have said that...'

"Alright. Let's go." He stated flatly, before jumping out and inevitably pulling out his paraglider. Doing the same with my own, we glided down to the surface of Hyrule. Usually, the first time you step foot in Hyrule, the game will showcase large, white letters stating so, however, they didn't appear. Obviously. Night was approaching on the land, as Link broke every barrel and wooden box he could possibly find. 'He really does have a hoarding problem...' I huffed to myself mentally, before grabbing some rusty weapons for later. 'You never know when I might need these.'

Needless to say, Link started to attack everything in his sight line. First Bokoblins, then the red Moblins that roamed around the Outpost Ruins. I quickly became emotional upon walking through the area. Angus and I once rode through here before I met his parents for the first and last time. I remembered the last time I saw Angus was when Link, Angus, and I rode through the Outpost Ruins toward Castle Town. 'We may not have a set in stone destiny, but we can always create a future,' he once told me. Before silent, hurtful tears could fall from my eyes, Link walked up to me to make sure I was okay. As we made our way out of the Outpost Ruins, Link found Bosh Kala Shrine. Without a word, he walked inside and disappeared into the strange building. I sat on the steps, completely bored with my situation. My eyes trailed toward some mineral that was just begging me to mine it, however, I was still missing my bag. 'Maybe after Impa, we can go get my bag...' I thought, before sighing softly to myself. I had a handmade, wooden bag on me, but it was already filled up with rock salt and flint. I assumed that I could sell it all to Beedle, so Link and I could have some money and supplies.

Link walked out after an hour and a half. Night had covered the landscape of Hyrule, and I quickly grew tired. Crossing over Proxim Bridge, we were met with a familiar character. "I may be somewhat used to seeing bad omens by now, but that... Well, let's just say it's badder than most. We're doomed! I mean, don't panic!" Link and I looked at him with concern and confusion before Brigo started to speak again, "Sorry, who are you two? Have we met? Well, doesn't matter who you are, really. I was getting tired of talking to myself, so you've come at a good time. By the by, those strange things that popped out of the ground... Did you see them? I'm not talking about mushrooms here! I'm talking about those towers! They seem to have popped up all over the place! And that's not the only strange things that's happened. Those long-deserted shrines suddenly started glowing! You know what this mean, don't you? The end is here! With all this craziness happening, I've been keeping an eye on that thing. Just to see if it suddenly starts moving, ya know?" I knew what he was referring to, not wanting to think about it anymore. It's all fun and games until you are placed in their dangers.

"What thing?" Link asked, not knowing what Brigo was referring to.

"I'm talking about that Guardian, of course! Haven't you heard the old stories about Hyrule? See that thing over there? The one shaped like an overturned urn? THAT is what I'm talking about. Did you know some of them can move? One of them once chased me down and tried to kill me!" He explained. True terror was emanate on his features.

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