Chapter 143

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"Vasaaq... A Hylian vai, huh... I can't tell how old you are, but this place is definitely not for young vai. Because the drinks we make here are different from regular drinks. For one, they have a rare treat in them—ice..." Furosa sighed.

"Noble Pursuit?" Link queried, catching the woman's attention once more.

"You want to try our signature drink, Noble Pursuit? Unfortunately, I need a huge amount of ice to make that drink, and I'm fresh out right now. Besides, it's a really strong drink. Even if I could make it, I wouldn't sell it to a little vai like you."

"Actually..." Obviously, she didn't understand the situation, before Link went onto explain what the Noble Pursuit was for.

"What'd you say? Pokki's collapsed? Hm. I want to help her out, but I can't make a you-know-what without ice. There's ice at the icehouse, but my legs aren't in the best shape for hauling ice..." Link offered to get it for her, as a small, wrinkled smiled crossed over her features, "Are you serious? You'll get it? That'd be a huge help. Pokki is my best customer, after all. I wish I could get the ice myself... Anyway, the icehouse is north of town. Anche manages it, but I think if you explain the situation, she'll let you have some ice. You should know that she heads to bed quite early. If you plan to go, you'll need to get there while it's bright out. Oh, young lady... Carrying ice all the way through the desert and then all the way to town? I can't let that stand. If you bring the ice to the entrance to the ruins—between town and the icehouse—I can take it from there." Before we could leave, a woman called out to the both of us. She was obviously drunk out of her skull.

"Sav'saaba! Oh, dear... You definitely don't look old enough to drink here yet... How old are you, really?" She slurred, before Link opted to answer her.

"I'm over one hundred!" A moment of silence, before...

"AH HA HA! What a funny vai you are! When you're older, let's have a drink together!" Shrugging a little, we used our seals to make it to the northern ruins. As we were walking through, Link stopped for an unknown reason. It was like he was having a memory. And when he came to, he immediately became quiet.

"Are you okay?" I asked, with great concern, which caught his attention.

"She ran off... and you bought time for me to save her in the nick of time... So that was Sooga." I knew what he remembered. "Now I really don't know why I didn't trust you."

"It's okay Link. It's all in the past now." I reassured, "Let's go see that ice lady before the sun sets." Entering the building, we were greeted with her looking over the ice.

"This is an icehouse used for storing the ice brought down from the mountains. Seeing as we live in the desert, it's pretty important stuff for us Gerudo... So I guard the icehouse twenty four hours a day."

"Actually..." Link explained what he needed the ice for.

"I see... Well, if Furosa wants ice, then you should bring her some. You're permitted to take some ice. You've taken the heat account, right? If you move too slowly, the ice will surely melt. Furosa has no use for water..." Link understood, before we took the big block out. Fortunately, the sun was setting. Unfortunately, that means skeletons were going to appear randomly. As the lowering sun set over the horizon, Link attempted to keep it from melting as much as possible. Monsters made him freak out and at a certain point, I had to take a shift, because his hands were too cold. Of course, we played hot potato, until a familiar woman made herself known.

"Heeey! Over here! This way! Bring the ice over here!" Doing as asked, we met up with her, "Whoa. No doubt about it, that's definitely ice from the icehouse. I'll be able to make a Noble Pursuit with this. It may be the best I've ever made... I've got one more favor to ask. Could you go and let Pokki know? Just tell her the best drink ever is waiting for her..." Link seemed very unsure, as she brushed him along, "What? No, of course this will work. Knowing her, if she hears a delicious drink is waiting, she'll come running." Traveling to the shrine once more, Pokki breathed out,

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