Chapter 32

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Diary Entry #26

63 Days

I miss a lot of things back in my world! Some of them are the following: showers, technology, washing machines, fast food, shampoo, and my phone. Cleanliness is really important after all! I haven't had a proper bath since Goron City, yet it was really awkward since it was public. Did I say I missed privacy? Because I really do.

I'm almost to Hateno Village. When I rode passed Princess Zelda and her knights, I found myself near Fort Hateno. There were no destroyed Guardians, and the buildings weren't in ruin. It looked like a normal town, until I reached the Fort. From the corner of my eye, I saw something large move. There it was, an active Guardian. It took all I had to not freak out. I had to reassure myself that the Guardians are good when they're yellow and blue, and they're evil when they're pink and trying to shoot at me! I had to stop at the Fort to answer a couple of questions for 'Military Purposes.' The questions consisted of ones that one would receive while going through the airport.

'What's my name?'

'Where am I from?'

'Am I going to Hateno Village?'

'What is my business in Hateno Village?'

'Am I a criminal?'

Hyrule is getting paranoid, and honestly, I understand. Getting interrogated isn't fun, especially when I have to lie, but the Calamity is coming around the corner. I'm not sure if the Yiga Clan is a threat yet, but I guess their big enough to cause problems. Oh well! Good thing I won't have to get entangled with them!!

As I was getting checked groups upon groups of soldiers and guards rode in and out. Fort Hateno is a stronghold after all, like the Akkala Citadel, except they actually survive the worst of the Calamity. After I was checked, I went through the gate on (H/N). The road is crowded by carriages and other riders. I needed to take a break and get off the road for a while, so I am writing in my journal with (H/N) right next to me.

I am sitting next to Camphor Pond as I feed (H/N) apples that I picked off of every apple tree I passed. You never know when you need to eat them like ticktacks, you know? Anyway, I should get going. The sun will setting soon, so I better get to Hateno to rent a room and buy things, like clothes I can fight in and a whistle.

Signing off for now!

Closing my journal after the ink dried, I huffed out a breath I didn't even know I was holding. I felt a tickle, like something small was crawling on my hand. Looking to said hand, I saw a small ladybug with four dots move up my forearm and headed to who knows where. I smiled before finding a tall stock of grass and gently pushing the small bug on it, "There you go little guy~" I cooed softly, before getting up and dusting the dirt of my dress. I jumped on the contempt (H/N) before joining into the less busy traffic.

It was peaceful, for all the noise that was around. People were talking, but I felt better to be in a crowd. After all, I had mostly been alone in the last two months. People had come and gone. Revali, Angus, Zelda, Link, and Daruk have all flowed in and out of my life. I wondered if I would ever see any of them again. It was both terrifying and exciting! This world was slowly growing on me; Nevertheless, I wanted to go home more than anything. The crowds and traffic disappeared as I continued to Hateno. The sun dipped in the sky and the moon rose over the mountains. The boarder of Hateno Village was in sight. I entered without a single word and looked around the quaint, little village. This was always one of my favorite villages since the game allowed me to have a home. Leading my horse to the community stable, I loosened the reigns and saddle before taking them off. Lodging a plank of wood to prevent my horse from escape, I went into The Great Ton Pu Inn.

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