Chapter 6

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"L-Look... um... I lied." Biting my chapped bottom lip, I feared that blood would run down my chin, but it didn't come. I was nervous. After all, his usual friendly attitude was changed out for a cold one.

"About what?" He queried, squinting his eyes a little in suspicion. I gulped my dry saliva, trying to form the words.

"My ears are a birth defect..." I admitted, as I shamefully looked downward. I felt terrible for lying to him, but what was I supposed to say?! Hello! My name is (Y/N) and I am from a completely other world that is beyond your understanding! Of course not!! I couldn't just tell anyone about my trans-universal skip. It wouldn't work out in the end anyway... Angus's eyes held trust once more as he looked at me with a pitiful expression. He believed me, and I hated it.

"Oh, okay! I don't know why you didn't tell me sooner, but... I guess I get it." He smiled before we started to ride through Castle Town once more. Guilt dawdled in my heart as I looked from (H/N) to Angus. Once at the Central Square, Angus slowed his horse to a halt, "Uh... (Y/N)? I got to head to the watchtower, so this is where we part ways. But I want to see you again in the near future, whether we meet after your audience, or later than that! You are... a-a really s-special g-girl... so let's meet again soon, okay?" I nodded softly at his words. Before I knew it, he rode off on his jet-black steed toward East Castle Town. I jumped off my horse and led (him/her) toward the nearest pole. I tied the reigns to it and looked at (H/N) fondly.

"I'll be back. I just have to be prepared to see King Rhoam." I assured before walking off. Looking around for a tailor shop, I saw what I was looking for right away. There system of shops, restaurants, and other stores was not so different from how my universe's main street stores worked. All the impressive and name brand stores were on the main street. Slowly opening the door, I peered in to see two women talking, one behind the counter, one in front. The second woman left after I walked in. The counter woman looked me up and down before yelling at the top of her lungs.

"Günter! A beautiful young lady has walked in!! Get in here!!!" Suddenly, a man with a questionable fashion choice came from the stairwell and looked me up and down. The wine glass in his hand concerned me a little, but I didn't think too much of it. A large grin appeared on his face as he walked toward me. The Hylian named Günter was uncomfortably close to my face.

"Ah yes! What a pretty, young thing!! Tell me, what brings you into our beloved store?" He asked, taking another sip of his wine.

"Um... I needed a dress fit to have an... audience with the king?" I was unsure of what to say to the fashionable man. He gasped and looked to the woman behind the counter. Had I said too much to him? Out of nowhere, Günter snapped his fingers, and I was being dragged to a fitting room, "W-What's going on?!"

"You are a work of art that should be shared with the entire Kingdom of Hyrule! I must find the best fitting, most fabulous, highly sophisticated, and all-around gorgeous piece of work to be put on you..." Abruptly, he put his hand out. I was confused, "For the right price of course." I pulled my bag full of rupees out and took out two silver rupees. I realized that clothes was not the priority at the moment. It was food, shelter, travel, etcetera. Putting the rupees back in the bag, I looked to Günter.

"What is the cheapest thing you can offer me?" I crossed my arms to make my dignified point. His expression soured as his open hand scrunched.

"My dear! Your body and face are too perfect for the likes of my cheapest clothes. Buy something appealing and noteworthy, so you may be the talk of the town!" Sparkles flew around Günter, at least they would have if this was an anime. I shook my head.

"I don't want to be the 'talk of the town!' I just want to look presentable. Just give me a blouse, a long skirt, a front facing corset, and some shoes. Or a peasant dress and a front facing corset. That is all I need." I practically begged, holding my hands together. He pondered for a moment, before speaking again.

"Fine, that will be twenty rupees." Günter held out his hand once more. I put the twenty rupees in his palm then he got to work, pulling out all sorts of peasant dresses in various colors of whites, greys, and beiges. Next, he pulled out the corsets, which were in all the colors I knew. A dull, saddened expression was expressed on his face, but I decided to ignore it. I decided on a white peasant dress, a (F/C) corset, and black flats. I really looked like a village girl.

"Sorry to ask, but do you have a cape or coat to match with this? If I travel somewhere colder, I want to be prepared." He looked at me for a moment before turning to a wardrobe. He pulled it open dramatically as he searched the articles of clothing. Günter pulled out a thick (F/C) cape. As I took out the bag of rupees, he stopped me.

"That will not be necessary. I am asking you not to pay for the cape. It has been on sale for years, so this is a good time to get rid of it." He snorted haughtily, turning away from me. Prior to him leaving through the door, he looked at me again, "Do you have any weapons with you? I am going to take a guess and say that you have nothing with you, is that correct? Here, I'll get you the essentials before you leave." I was left alone in the room. Deciding to walk out, I looked upon the little shop with designer dresses and suits lining the walls. Günter came back and gave me a hip bag, a traveler's broadsword, a wooden shield, a traveler's bow, and thirty arrows, "Now that you have what you need, get out my shop you filthy commoner." He shoved me out the door and slammed it behind me. Though, I didn't think about the arrogant man for long. Going back to (H/N), I got on (his/her) back and steered my way toward the castle gates. The closure I got to the gate, the more concerned I became. Reaching the gate, I slowed toward the guards. One guard in particular came up to me.

"Welcome to Hyrule Castle! How may I help you today miss?" The guard asked cheerfully. Since he was wearing the whole ensemble of armor, I couldn't see his face. It took a moment for me to answer him.

"I'm headed to the Sanctum to speak to the King about a very important matter. Urgent even!" Even though it looked like I was yelling at the guard, I was more yelling at myself. Saying I was worried was a complete understatement. 'If I warn King Rhoam, will I be able to go home? I can change the fate of this world; I just need the King on my side!'

"That's what they all say. Tell me what your reason is, then you can proceed past the First and Second Gatehouses." He brought out a wooden board with a piece of paper attached to it. My only guess was that piece of parchment was the golden ticket to getting around the extensive castle. I told him that it was regarding the preparations for the Calamity. The peppy guard looked up from where he was writing, "Oh! You must be one of the messengers from Akkala. Well, hold on to this and proceed to the First Gatehouse for instructions. Lately Yiga Members have been running amuck, so we have to send various messengers to make sure the notice is delivered. Anyhow, please proceed through the gate." He told kindly. I took the paper and folded it, so it was easier to carry.

"Thank you." I expressed gratefully, before cracking the reigns and making my way inside. 'Finally, I'm going home!' Was what I thought before my own calamity struck. It waited for the perfect moment. Watching, starving. Wanting nothing more but to watch me fail. I thought it was going to go well. I guess, I was wrong...

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