Chapter 117

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"I don't want you to go with me to get Yunobo." He stated clearly, as tears bubbled in the corner of my eyes, but that didn't work much before the water evaporated away. I asked him why, before he continued, "Because we made a deal that you would accompany me to the Abandoned North Mines as long as you don't go into Divine Beast Vah Rudania."

"That doesn't mean I can't accompany you to the Divine Beast. I just won't go inside." I commented happily, however, Link didn't seem to be buying it all too much.

"(Y/N)..." He sighed, but I continued to damage control for as long as I could. Silently pleading for him to let me come with him, he thought about the pros and cons. Anytime he came close to telling me no, those eyes told him otherwise, "Fine. You can come, but please. And I'm practically begging you. Don't go into Rudania with me."

"You have my word." Placing one hand upwards and another behind my back, I gave him my scout's honor, which he accepted without knowing the implications; however, behind my back were crossed fingers, representing my lies. I promised myself that if Link appeared to be in a little trouble, then I would paraglide down with my definitely wooden tool. If it appeared he was doing fine, then I wouldn't interfere. It depended. And Link picked up on this.

"... I'll believe you for now." Link huffed out, knowing that I was going to follow him, no matter the consequences.

"Thank you, Linky!" I cooed out with glee, making him wince a little from the nickname.

"Don't call me that again." He replied sharply, yet with a tired undertone.

"I won't..." I answered, standing there in silence for only a split second, "...Linky." We then continued our journey, up the path and onto Eldin Bridge.

I never really walked on it too much, but the view always inspired me to go out and do something. But unlike one hundred years before, dark clouds of ash and smoke hung above the center cone volcano. Thank you science class.

Reaching the other side, I let out a simple gasp however briefly, before showing off the metal carts. I always wanted to ride them, but Daruk was too big, along with me being unable to move it by myself. "Link, let's do this!" The male was unsure. He didn't know why I wanted to get on a metal thing and ride on the rails. Like a toddler, demanding for something to happen. It was a principle. The male huffed a little before taking the Sheikah Slate off his belt, before activating Magnesis. Putting the contraption on the rails, I jumped on, waiting for him to join me. I reached a hand out to him delicately, wanting him to take it. And he did so. His and I's hands held one another gingerly before I let go. I then pointed at the shelled area. "Alright... now you put the bomb in here, and just... blow it up." The male looked at me skeptically, as I eagerly nodded my head.

When he activated the explosion, we started our short journey, nearly avoiding a hoard of Chuchus. However, even though it was a relatively short journey, Link was like a scared cat. Back hunched, yet stiff. His blue eyes were wide, while his pupils were incredibly dilated. His facial expressions, usually calm and of a poker-like nature, were rigid, shocked, and full of emotions. But surprisingly, he seemed to have enjoyed himself. Stepping off the metal, I watched after Link as he reciprocated the action tentatively.

Walking only a little ways, we stepped into the hot spring. The waters, as ever, were beautifully clear. Through the steam and the bubbling, I could see every little pebble that could have met the bottom of my foot. I ended up stopping at the first pool. My fingers, upon touch, sent ripples through the water. As much as it could, of course. Link, a little ahead, turned to get me, but stopped in his tracks. His blue eyes witnessed something he'll occasionally reminisce about for years on end.

I was scrunched over, attempting to balance myself even with the large bag on my back. But that wasn't what I was worried about, or even close to considering it as an issue. My focus was on the water, as my fingers lightly brushed the surface carefully. Almost as if one touch would shatter the water's surface. It was such a simple thing. Such a simple circumstance. And yet... every detail was apparent to him, and he had no clue as to why. One glance in his direction was what sent his gaze away. He was glad that he got the helmet instead of me. "Sorry, Link. It's been a long time." I told, standing up as we continued to the sweet, cuddly Goron. "I remember the last time I went into the hot springs, a baby Goron rolled up to me and asked me why I wasn't made of rocks. After I told him I was a Hylian, he told me that I was weird and then left."

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