Chapter 21

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Words were lost to me in this moment. Without even realizing it, Revali had me all figured out. His stare was hard and cold as he scanned over my features for any new information. He knew I was terrified, but he decided to stay quiet. Silence. Was it truly a form of unrelenting dissolution, or was it something of good use? I looked away from his eyes and tried to collect my words. This wasn't going to be easy. I hoped he would understand the near impossible. Breathing in, I started to speak.

"Revali," I began, "What I am about to tell you is completely improbable. Incredibly impossible even! But what I am about to tell you is the truth whether you believe me or not. Keep an open mind," Revali nodded, as a sucked in a large amount of air, "I'm not from Hyrule, or this world! I am... from a planet called Earth. I was teleported here by an object, called a 'Nintendo Switch,' where I could gaze upon your world a hundred years in the future. One night, I was pulled into the switch, and I ended up here."

"So you lied to me? After all we have went through, and you didn't even think about telling me any of this?" He questioned, keeping his calm persona, even though I knew he was fuming with sheer rage.

"If it makes you feel any better, I lied to everyone, so you're not the only one!" I laughed awkwardly, trying to brighten up the mood; However, it proved to be unsuccessful, "To be honest though, I did want to tell you where I came from and why I wasn't good at certain things... but at any point before now, you probably wouldn't have believed me..." In a single moment, Revali towered over me and held my forearms tightly. Looking me in the eye, he yelled,

"Why do you think of me so low?! Of course I would have believed you, you idiot!" Revali held me in a tight hug, and Warbler's Nest went completely silent again. I didn't know what to do in this situation, except to hug him back. I started to hum Flight Range's theme, to calm the atmosphere. It was the only thing I could do in the moment. A couple of minutes passed, before he let go and sat back down. The silence remained.

"Is that why you were ignoring me for the last couple of days? Because you didn't like that I was lying to you?" I asked, not looking at him. My eyes remained fixated on the ground.

"No... it wasn't that. I guess a small portion of the reason was due to that, but mainly for different reasons, more involving myself than you." He explained vaguely. About to get more context out of him, I decided not to even ask. He wasn't inclined to share any of his feelings with me, so I wouldn't make him, "So... you said you are not from this world, correct?" I nodded, "Then there had to be a reason why you were brought here, isn't that right?" I shrugged, going deeper into my answer.

"My first thought about my purpose in Hyrule, was me stopping the Calamity; However, His Majesty wouldn't listen to me. He told me I was foolish and to watch my tongue before he kicked me out of Hyrule Castle. He doesn't even know what dangers are to come. Princess Zelda will fail to awaken her power until it is too late, and it will all be left to... the Hero Wielding the Sword that Seals the Darkness to save the day... a hundred years in the future." I told, hugging my legs to find any amount of comfort, "Honestly, I don't think I am in Hyrule for any reason. I just ended up here."

"As much as I want to know about the Calamity, I can tell you're not comfortable talking about it, so... let's talk about your world and what it was like. Where did you live?" He asked, attempting to lighten the mood, which did kind of succeed.

"Um... I lived in a city called (Ci/N) stationed in a country called (C/N). It was kind of pretty, but nothing like what Hyrule has to offer. (Ci/N) had large buildings shaped like planks of wood, but people would go to work in those buildings. I'd do that as well." I answered, not wanting to confuse Revali, yet he seemed more intrigued.

"Is 'Earth' completely covered by cities?" He queried, as I shook my head kindly.

"Of course not! There would be big cities with all kinds of people condensed, while a lot of other places were like certain areas of Hyrule, where it would be farmland or small towns. All the towns were on the ground though! You wouldn't find any place like Rito Village unless it was an old civilization." It went back and forth until the sun dipped in the sky. Revali's questions were both childish and critical. The topics varied from religion, politics, history, art, and basic life. I tried my hardest to explain each topic with care, but sometimes it would confuse both myself and Revali. Talking about Earth made me home sick. I wondered what my life had become in the last three weeks. One question was brought up to my attention, however. Did I really want to go back home? Part me screamed, 'Of course you do! Look at you!! You want to be back in a world you understand!!!' while another part of me whispered, 'Maybe it is better to stay in Hyrule... It may be a culture shock, but it would be easier to submit...' Revali brought me out of my state.

"It's getting dark." He commented, standing up. He extended his feathered hand toward me, wanting to help me get up as well. Doing just that, we looked out to the setting sun. Once the sun was eclipsed by the mountains, Revali told me he would take me back to the inn. We continued to talk about Earth, "Hey (Y/N), I have another question. This one isn't really about Earth though. It's more of a personal question," I nodded, before he asked, "Do you want to go back home?"

This question had some weight to it. Just a minute ago, I was debating to myself about this very question. At the time, I didn't really know, "Y-Yeah..." I stammered, "I mean, I don't belong here in Hyrule. And finding my switch is important to me, so... I guess, eventually, I do want to go home."

"What if you wanted to stay? Would you?" I was speechless. Revali, the flamboyant Champion of the Rito, wanted me to stay in Hyrule? I guess... I overreacted in the moment. He turned his face away from mine, waiting for my answer. Looking down at my feet, I pondered about his question. Would I really stay if I wanted to? If I were given the chance to go back to my world, or stay in Hyrule, would I?

"I..." I stopped myself, reevaluating my answer, "I guess, I don't know..."

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