Chapter 90

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If I was a seagull, I would fly as far as I could! I would fly to faraway places and sing for many people! If I wish to the Wind Fish, I wonder if my dream will come true...

-Marin, Link's Awakening

In all of my time in Hyrule, not once have I ventured into the Faron Woods. Upon Floria Bridge, my eyes drifted over to the cascading, blue waterfalls that dipped over its green surroundings and into Lake Floria. Back in my world, in the safeness of my room, I always found the Faron to be interesting. Of course, I didn't love it due to the amount of Koroks and the fact that electricity was my worst enemy; However, being there in person brought a humble smile to my face. I was planning on doing my last large expedition, which was in the forest. I had multiple reasons to go looking in such a dangerous, unkept place, but the main idea was to find anything I could on the Zonai's magic use and to find my switch. That night, I remembered being in the woods to kill random enemies simply due because I was incredibly bored and had nothing else better to do. I wasn't too deep in the woods. In fact, I only followed the path toward the end of Dracozu River and near the Spring of Courage.

Wanting to be prepared for whatever was to come, I decided to venture to Lurelin Village to get supplies. Riding down the slope, I entered the village with a soft smile on my face. I remembered what Robbie had reassured, which made a zeal like wonder inhabit my beating heart. The village had a tropical feel to it upon entry. However, I was brought out of my senses when I saw someone all too familiar on the beaches. His blond hair glistened in the bright sun, as it danced in the wind. Link stood on one of the rafts, looking out to the great sea. His eyes were unseen by myself, but I knew right then and there that he was lost in his own inner thoughts. I couldn't help but get lost in my own thoughts as well. Link resembled all the other Links so much, yet so little. Wind Waker drifted into my mind as its story played out in my head. 'Why is he looking out to the sea?' I pondered, continuing to unknowingly stare at him, 'Is it because he has some sort of connection with the Hero of Wind? Is he his descendent? If so, then how did that happen?' Without my noticing, Link turned to look at the person with their eyes set on him; However, he wouldn't have expected me to be said individual.

"(Y/N)? What are you doing here?" Link queried, stepping off the boat to initiate conversation. I was snapped out of my senses before realizing Link was looking me straight in the eyes.

"Oh! What are you doing here? Aren't you supposed to be safeguarding the Princess?" I asked, not knowing Link asked me a question. Huffing a little, Link decided to answer.

"Day off." He answered, before sitting on the boat. He patted the spot next to him, hoping I would sit. Luckily for him, I did just that. There was a brief moment of comfortable silence. The sound of the sea's waves crashed into the beaten sand. The strong smell of salt and water filled my nose, as I tried to think of something to say.

"You've had a lot of those, huh?" I commented, as Link side glanced me. At one point, his beautiful blue eyes were cold and distant. Filled to the brim with hatred and mistrust; However, this changed. His eyes were filled with an unknown emotion that could only be deemed as fascination in my eyes. Whether or not this was said emotion or not, I wouldn't know until much later.

"The Princess gives them out as she chooses. She promised to stay in the Castle while I'm away, so there isn't anything to worry about." Clicking my tongue with a knowing expression, the atmosphere settled back into a quiet state.

"Why did you come here of all places?" My general curiosity got the better of me. It wasn't like this was a bad thing; Nevertheless, I felt a little embarrassed by my sudden questioning. Link didn't seem to mind.

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