Chapter 75

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My (E/C) eyes were met with vivid blond hair and a beautiful white horse. 'Why today?' I scolded mentally, 'Of all days, why did I have to come when this memory was going to take place?' Princess Zelda got off her white horse before pulling the Sheikah Slate out of her bag. 'Calm down (Y/N). Maybe this is not Zelda's Resentment? Perhaps she's just here for a quick survey.' However, a little part of me knew what was going to happen. I mean everything lined up perfectly. The weather. The situation. The fact that she was alone, without her talented escort. Zelda hadn't noticed me presence, which was good. I wanted to leave while I still could, so why wouldn't my feet move? I guess the little curious part of me chose to observe what was about to unfold. Zelda walked up to the inactivated shrine and tried to place the Sheikah Slate on the pedestal; However, it didn't work. A couple minutes passed as she observed the shrine with frustrated inquisitiveness. First, she tried nicely. Next, Zelda observed the structure of the door. Then, she attempted to pry it open. It proved unsuccessful. Zelda took a couple walks around the shrine to find another way in; But it was sealed up tight. Princess Zelda then went back to the front to observe the travel gate medallion. But that would be no use to her. Bringing out her journal, she wrote a couple things down, before kneeling in front of the pedestal. After a moment, she stood up and attempted to activate it with the slate. Again, nothing happened.

"Nothing. Just as I thought. Hmm..." The scholarly Princess looked up at the ancient shrine, "It appears that this structure was designed to be exclusively accessed by the sword's chosen one. But designs can always be worked around, at least, I hope. How do I get inside? I need to activate it somehow." A distant neighing and stamping of hooves got my attention as I hide myself among the rubble even further. From my hiding spot, I decided to stalk some more, out of pure curiosity. A familiar blond-haired knight jumped off his chocolate brown horse, before jogging toward Princess Zelda. Her expression was one of intense fury, "I thought I made it clear that I am not in need of an escort. It seems I'm the only one with a mind of my own. I, the person in question, am fine, regardless of the King's orders. Return to the castle. And tell that to my father, please." Zelda told haughtily before walking in my direction and passed their horses. I looked around frantically for another hiding spot, but there wasn't any scenario that I wouldn't get caught. I decided to stay put for the time being. My back was pressed against the pillar as I listen to their approaching footsteps, "And stop following me!" The Princess yelled angerly, before continuing to walk toward another direction.

I huffed a silent breath of relief, thinking I was out of the woods. Unfortunately, I wasn't. (H/N) neighed loudly and revealed themselves to everyone and God. If it wasn't bad enough, (H/N) was right next to me, nudging me to give (him/her) apples. And if it couldn't have possibly gone worse, Link and Zelda spotted the new horse and started to make their way to my direction. The blond prodigy pulled out his infamous sword. 'What should I do?!' Either from adrenaline or instinct, I closed my eyes and evened out my breathing. Link looked past the pillar to find my peaceful looking body. He thought I was asleep. The Princess peered around to see my supposed resting state, before she let out a small gasp of shock. Feeling a hand on my shoulder, I 'tiredly' opened my eyes to see a smiling Zelda and a stoic Link. My horse was still trying to get my attention. "Huh? Where am I?" I mumbled, pretending to rub my eyes.

"You're at the Ancient Columns, (Y/N). If I may ask, what in Hylia's name are you doing sleeping under a pillar in the middle of the wilds?" The scholarly Princess queried, seeming concerned about my supposed sleeping habits.

"I was riding late into the night, and I was too tired to ride any further, so I decided to sleep here. It seemed safe, so I didn't see the problem." I answered, feeling my horse push to nose against my face. Sighing quickly, I crawled over to my bag, to pull out a couple apples for (H/N). 'I shouldn't even be giving you apples...' I muttered darkly in my head, as I held out the red fruit for my horse to take. Pulling out a succulent apple for myself, I plunged my teeth through the skin before taking a bite. Both blonds looked at me with mild concern; However, Link was hiding it well, "Do you guys want an apple?" I offered. Zelda shook her head in confusion, but Link was visibly drooling; However, he refused to take it, "Um... I should be going. A new day awaits, and I don't have any time to waste-" I babbled standing up and jogging over to my horse. Before I could ride away, Zelda stopped me.

"(Y/N)! Is this journal yours?" Zelda opened the leather cover and flipped through the first couple of pages, "Amazing! I can tell that you haven't been researching for a long while, however you've managed to collect quite a bit of information on Ancient Hylian structures. I especially like your drawings! The one of the 'Loftwing' is most impressive." Jumping off my saddle, I reached out for my journal to grab it. "If I may ask, what are you researching, (Y/N)? My guess is that you are studying ancient Hyrule. Am I correct?"

"I-It's only a side hobby." I answered, fiddling with the hem of my shirt. Zelda handed me back my desired item before smiling at me brightly.

"Well, it sounds very interesting. I hope you can tell me more about it once you and I are free; However, I am rather busy dealing with an..." The scholarly Princess gazed back at her blond escort who was looking at her intently, "Inconvenience at the moment. Perhaps, we can arrange something. Until we meet again (Y/N)." Slightly bowing out of respect, I tucked my leatherbound book in my bag, before riding down the hill. I cursed myself for being so suspicious and for ruining something I shouldn't have been a part of. 'Hopefully, I didn't cause too much change...' Sighing at my stupidity, (H/N) continued to ride down the beaten dirt road towards the Tabantha Great Bridge.

As I rode away, a certain blond prodigy was thinkingabout me and my behavior. I was definitely more frantic than the last time hesaw me. Though Link didn't express too much emotion, he was a master at readingthem. As always, there was no malice to behold in my eyes. That much wasobvious; However, Link was having a hard time reading my thoughts. Perhaps,that was what drew him closure. He knew I had more information than I let on.There was something that I held information to. As he watched me ride away, hemade a promise to himself. Link would find out who I was, no matter what. Buthow would I do that, he wondered. She wouldn't trust me that easily, hethought. As much as the knight wanted to think this was merely forinvestigation, Link was unknowingly curious about me. That was all it was.

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