Chapter 22

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"Another!" Revali yelled, as I reached for the kite shield loosely fitted on my back. Flying upwards, I grabbed out my bow and focused on the bright blue target. Drawing back my arrows, I let go. All the arrows perfectly made their way to the target, hitting directly in the bull's eye. Grabbing the kite shield again, I flew back up to the landing pad. Walking past Revali, I poured myself some boiling tea. The cup felt warm in my chapped, shivering hands. Taking a long sip, I sat next to Revali, who was sitting on the landing pad. The wind whistled, making up for the lack of noise, "You did good. Do you want to start using bomb arrows?"

"Yeah! That sounds great, but won't it be a little bit dangerous?" I asked, as I sipped my hot tea again. Revali side glanced to me than smiled.

"Trust me, you'll do great with these arrows. The funny thing about the bomb arrows is that you need to be quick, otherwise you'll turn into a lifeless, burnt piece of meat. Now, why don't you try a fleeting swipe with said arrows. Make sure to get all the target, or you'll do thirty laps around Lake Totori. Understood?" Nodding in understand, I put my tea down and looked upon the updraft pit. I jumped collecting my thought, before grabbing my kite shield and flying upwards. Once high enough, I grabbed my bow and started to fire my arrows at the targets. One by one, each target was blown up. Surprisingly, yet completely plausible, I successfully did as Revali ordered. Landing near Revali, I put away my shield and bow and waited for his praise. Revali put his navy-blue, feathered hand on my head and gave it a good ruffle, "You did good (Y/N). I am proud of you."

A month ago, my wildest dreams couldn't even comprehend the relationship I had with Revali in that moment. A mentor and his student. One could say there was nothing more to the relationship. Honestly, said person couldn't be more wrong. Revali and I were best friends. After all, we did spill are problems to one another. Ever since his birthday, Revali has treated me a little different. It could be kindness, but I mainly thought it was pity. Maybe it was a bit of both? Maybe it was neither? Either way, I was contempt; However, the everlasting feeling of dread still hung heavily on my subconscious. Time is a fleeting thing. I still had one more month before I could go to Hateno, yet my switch was still nowhere. Revali offered to fly around the Hebra Mountains to try to find it. I agreed but he came back empty handed. It hadn't snowed in the mountains so if Revali didn't find it, it probably wasn't there.

As I practiced a little more, another Rito came flying into Flight Range. I landed to see what was going on, "Master Revali! A large group of monsters are quickly approaching Rito Village! Bokoblins and Moblins alike. No Lynels or any 'higher ranking' monsters are seen in the cluster." Revali looked back at me, before grabbing his bow and walking over to the landing pad. He looked into my eyes for a single moment. His eyes held large amounts of determination, yet there was something else. A type of worry. With that, Revali flew from Flight Range and out of my sight. Once again, I was left alone, with nothing to do but train. I did so, until my arrow supply depleted. Looking around for some more arrows, I came across Revali's Diary again. My cold fingers brushed over the leather cover. I debated about opening it.

'This is a breach of privacy (Y/N)! Revali is a secretive guy, and you should respect that. If he wanted you to know about himself, then he would have told you so.' The angel on my left shoulder told me. About to put the diary back, the devil's advocate appeared on my right shoulder, 'Yeah sure! Listen to the priss if ya want, but Revali's thoughts have been all over your mind lately. Besides, if your snappy about it, he won't even know you read it. There nothing else to do anyway.' Brushing my subconsciouses off my shoulders, I took a look at his diary. I looked around to see if anyone was nearby. There was no one. I was all alone. 'I guess it wouldn't hurt to see what goes on in Revali head...' With that in mind, I opened his diary.

Entry 5

I won another archery competition today. As one would expect, the village can't stop talking about my winning streak. In short order, I've managed to break all of the previous records and set an insurmountably high bar. Everywhere I go I receive praise and affirmations that I am the pride of the Rito. I... could get used to this. The elder asked me what I would like as a prize for my achievements. I told him I wish for an archery training ground. If I am to keep this up, I need somewhere to train at varying elevations. I'm hoping to master a new move I've dreamed up...

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