Chapter 59

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When, if in time... you continually wait wasting time given... prone only to hesitate. All in your life desired... will never take place when all you could do... was procrastinate. Time passing quickly even though you thought not. Then you wake one morning and all you all of that you've got! Piles of regrets...with some tossed in worries and woes with tons of other baggage... of your life now in tow. But merrily on... in life you did go and all for what? out of control. Gaining nothing...and keeping none just passing life's time is the only thing... that you've done. No need now... for any deep concern for it has all... come down to this. That all you can do now...before the end is to sit and regretfully my friend... just reminisce.

-Linda Winchell

Zora's Domain is located in the Lanayru Region and is directly eastward from Hyrule Castle. The Domain is the home of the Zora. Travelers entering the area by foot cross the Great Zora Bridge over Ruto Lake and are greeted with a view of a large stone fish surmounting the Domain, which represents Lord Jabu-Jabu. Unlike other towns, Zora's Domain consists of a single extensive structure instead of separate buildings. Its design includes a number of curving bridges and open spaces, which are often bounded by colonnades instead of walls. The Domain's structure includes large quantities of Luminous Stone, which causes several portions of it to glow softly during the night.

My search was going nowhere. My head was throbbing, and all I could do was keep going, as if I hadn't been searching for hours on end. The second day, I searched around Zora's Domain. Nothing. The third day, I looked near Ruto Mountain and Ruto Precipice. Still nothing to show for it. The fourth and fifth day were spent near the bridges. Yet it was for naught. I had been in the Domain for a couple days, yet I was still clueless. I had made a map of Zora's Domain and the surrounding area. Ink 'X's were strewn all over the large piece of parchment as I scratched my head in immense stress. I knew I wasn't going to find my switch mystically, magically, but the impending stress was getting to me once more. "What are you doing (Y/N)?" I gazed behind me, to see a smiling Mipha in the doorway.

"Um... just looking over this map I made. I'm not having the greatest luck finding what I'm looking for..." I sighed, folding up the map and putting it in my large, empty bag.

"Perhaps we could go look for your possession together? Or you could take a break for a while? We could go for a walk if you see it fit." Mipha advised, obviously wanting to spend the day with me. I felt incredibly honored! Why was I gaining so much attention from the Princesses? I put on my flattened, leather bag and agreed with the Zora Princess. Mipha was introverted, yet incredibly kind. I looked up to her when I first played Breath of the Wild, and I still did in that moment. I liked Mipha more than I liked Zelda, but I couldn't compare the two after I had officially met them, "So (Y/N), what would you like to converse about?" I thought about her question for a moment, trying to come up with something.

"I have a question. Are the Zora a militaristic society? Like, is power decided by military experience?" My question caught Mipha off guard. She hadn't expected a Hylian to ask a question like the one I had queried. On the occasions where someone would have a question about the Zora, it would be something about them being fish-people, but I had asked a well thought out question, which she appreciated.

"I believe so. It shows that we do care about the Domain, even though it was already proven from birth. The Council members are mainly based and assigned depending on ranks." Mipha answered as we walked up the stairs to East Reservoir Lake, "Now it is my turn to ask a question. Are you enjoying Zora's Domain so far?" Her amber gaze was so pure.

"Yeah, everything has been so wonderful thus far, but..." I stopped dead in my tracks, pulling out my map again and gazed upon my work. Mipha piqued over to look at the map as well, "I just haven't had any luck finding what I've been looking for..." Mipha giggled silently to herself, making me direct my attention to her in confusion.

"S-Sorry for laughing! It is no laughing matter!! However, Revali explained you perfectly." If I wasn't confused before, I was definitely confused then. Before I could speak, Mipha continued, "He didn't say anything bad! Trust me on that, but he did say that you are relentless when it comes to your device. I have never seen Revali so passionate about someone, but I haven't known Revali long, so it's not saying much coming from me." A heated blush was painted on my cheeks as I attempted to look away from Mipha; However, she knew how I was feeling.

"S-So, Revali talked about me?" Mipha nodded. 'That silly bird doesn't know how to keep his mouth shut!' I internally screamed, feeling even more embarrassed. Once we were at the end of the dock, Mipha and I gazed upon Divine Beast Vah Ruta, "Wow, your Divine Beast is... really impressive."

"Thank you." Mipha thanked sweetly, before the atmosphere settled into a comfortable silence, "I know I thanked you a couple of days ago for bringing Sidon back to the Domain, but I really can't thank you enough. I have no idea why he keeps disappearing so much. I'm starting to get worried."

"It's only natural. I have no right to tell you something that I barely understand, but perhaps it is due to insecurity. Your brother comprehends that he needs to prove himself in order to be a good Zora monarch, however he can't do anything until he is older. Maybe Sidon is trying to find a way to prove himself to you somehow." I looked over at Mipha, who was gazing into the water, lost in her own subconscious, "Sorry! I didn't mean to intrude on something so personal!!"

"Perhaps you are right, but time will tell if it is indeed so." She grinned at my direction, swaying her feet in the reservoir water. I took off my boots and did the same. We remained quiet for a while, until there was a light pitter-patter of feet. Looking back to see what the sound was, Sidon was running up to his sister, but once he saw my gaze, he slowed down tremendously. I wasn't sure if it was my normal expression, or his distrust in Hylians, but he seemed almost threatened by my look. It only made sense though. I couldn't expect every child to like me, "Sidon! Weren't you supposed to be with your tutor?" Sidon slowly nodded, as another Zora came running up the stairs and toward us.

"Greetings Lady Mipha, sorry for the interruption. Prince Sidon couldn't focus, and he left without me knowing. I must apologize." The Zora bowed, as Mipha looked at her brother with a stern expression.

"Now Sidon, what have I told you about running away from your lessons?" Sidon shrugged his shoulders, looking down at the deep blue water. The Zora Princess knew she wasn't going to get any information out of her brother, "Sidon, I want you to go back to your lessons alright? They will be over in no time, I promise." Before Sidon left with his tutor, he glared right into my (E/C) eyes. After they were gone, I sighed.

"I don't think you brother likes me very much..."

"Do not take it to heart, (Y/N). Sidon is like that with everyone, even to me sometimes. Now you know why I worry about him so much..." Mipha and I would have conversations here in there before the sun started to set over the Domain. We said our goodbyes before I went back into the inn. Even though the day was not full of failed searches, I still felt exhausted. I closed my eyes and fell into a deep slumber.

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