Chapter 37

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"I envy you," Was all Zelda said, before saying goodbye and turning in for the night. Her statement confused me, but I decided to ignore it for the time being.

'I'll ask her what she meant tomorrow. I should probably get to bed...' I thought to myself walking to the inn; However, I was stopped by two guards. I gulped back my fear.

"Chief Urbosa wishes to speak to you!" One stated firmly. Her assertiveness making me more nervous. I took a step away from the two before answering.

"O-Okay... when?" I asked, hoping that I wouldn't die. Why was I like this?! And here I thought I had gained confidence. The guards looked at me like I was stupid. An expression I was slowly starting to get used to. Revali trained me to tolerate it, I guess. I motioned them to lead the way and I slowly followed behind them. 'The moon sure is beautiful tonight...' I thought, trying to distract myself. I was brought into the main building and there Chief Urbosa of the Gerudo sat. Though she was shorter than the other Gerudo she was the most beautiful. Urbosa was truly the Gerudo Tempest. Her very presence was intimidating. Her eyes even more so.

"You are the one who saved Kaira's business, correct?" Urbosa inquired, as I nodded thoughtfully. Urbosa uncrossed her legs and stood up from her seat. Her stride matched perfectly with the game. I felt nervous. The Gerudo Chief put her hand on my shoulder before smiling at me fondly, "I thank you greatly, little vai. I will be forever grateful for your contribution to our money flow in Gerudo Town; However, we both know that this economic boom will not last long."

"What do you mean, Lady Urbosa?" I asked, already knowing the answer, but not wanting to seem to suspicious. Urbosa's expression darkened with hatred and loathing. She gritted her teeth surreptitiously.

"The Yiga Clan..." For some odd reason, these three words have been all over the place lately. But why was that? As far as I was aware, the Yiga Clan are a nonsensical cult with a ridiculous, unkept leader. But Kohga shouldn't even be alive yet, so the Clan must be more threatening than ever, "There has been a shift in power recently. The group have been less discreet and more... What's the word? Palpable. More ballsy, if you know what I mean." Urbosa started to slowly take out her Scimitar of the Seven. As she held her sword to my neck, the only thought to run through my head was, 'why are the Gerudo so quick to kill?' I tried to stay calm, even though my situation was looking more grim than usual, "Who are you?"

"M-My name is (Y/N), (Y/N) (L/N) to be exact. I am but a humble miner, hoping to earn some money here in Gerudo Town, since the precious stone prices are higher here than in any other place in Hyrule. Um... I'm not from Hyrule, so that is why I am so ignorant about Hyrule and it's customs. C-Could you lower your scimitar, please?" Urbosa did just that and went to sit back on her throne. I mentally breathed a heavy sigh, as Urbosa wondered what to say.

"(Y/N), huh?" The chief asked, as I lowered my head to avoid her intense gaze. I nodded slowly, before Urbosa continued, "Princess Zelda talked about you... She told me how you met, you know? My little bird trusts you, so... I will do the same; However, you need to gain my trust, little vai. After all, betrayal on your behalf will cause you an earlier death."

"So? What do you purpose, Lady Urbosa?" I queried, not really paying attention to anything besides my own mind. There was a lot to unpack from Urbosa's final statement. 'Princess Zelda trusts me?' I thought, feeling both honored and guilt-ridden. To this day, I regret having that accursed audience with King Rhoam. Because of that audience, I have had to lie to everyone I know and care about. My world and my reality is too much for the general public of Hyrule. It's not like the normal Hylian would even listen to my tale, much less believe me. 'And Lady Urbosa is willing to openly trust me?' I didn't know whether to feel flattered or terrified. This woman, single-handedly, is able to wipe out the entire Yiga Clan and any other foe she comes across. This petrified me! Though, between fear and flattery was respect. And I was willing to offer my utter and deep respect for the woman before me.

"What about we go out for a drink tomorrow? My treat of course." The Gerudo woman smiled, gazing upon me with some sort of familiarity.

"I don't drink, Lady Urbosa." Urbosa looked at me with astonishment before bursting out laughing. This confused me even further. So badly, I wanted to tell her about the drinking age where I was from, but I knew this would confuse Urbosa and probably strain our new ties even more. So, I kept quiet.

"Haha! I haven't heard that one before. Well, I still want to get to know you better, so you don't have to drink with me, but I still would like you to come to the bar tomorrow afternoon. You are excused, little vai." Urbosa smiled, before she let me go. I have felt a lot of things in a span of a couple minutes, but nothing to this extreme. I was thrilled, scared, surprised, and mainly confused. About three months ago, I looked at Urbosa like she was my complete opposite. The Gerudo Chief was still the reverse of my existence, but I wanted so badly to be like Urbosa. Strong, brave, and beautiful. I would've given anything to be like her.

I walked away from the Chief's building and walked to Hotel Oasis, so I could spend the night. It seemed like I was to stay in Gerudo Town for, at least, another day. Walking in, I noticed it looked the same as it always had. A century barely changed the old hotel, "I would like a regular bed please." I said, putting a couple of rupees on the counter. The woman behind the desk nodded before pointing at the bed I was assigned. The bed was normal feeling. 'Thank goodness...' I breathed mentally. Obviously, the mattress was stuffed with straw, but I had grown accustomed to those types of bed. The type being uncomfortable. I quickly fell asleep, hoping that I will be rightfully on my way after I talk to Zelda and have a drink with Urbosa the next day.

If only I knew, of the dangers that were to land on top of me. The Calamity was one thing that I knew I would inevitably be involved with, but the Yiga Clan was a different story. If only... If only I would have been more careful... If I was, then I wouldn't have been tied down by the strings of fate.

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