Chapter 10

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Rito Village is the main village of the Rito people, located in the Tabantha Frontier region just northwest of Hyrule Castle. It was one of my favorite places in the game. When I was there, I couldn't help but feel a small tablespoon of happiness. Anyone could say that they played Breath of the Wild, but no one except myself could say that they've actually been to Rito Village in the flesh. A smile stuck to my face as I gazed upon the village. It was early afternoon when I arrived at Rito Stable. I looked upon Rito Village and the kind Rito that flew around the pillar town. About to put my horse in the stable system, I stopped myself and I thought about Flight Range. 'I remember being there the night I was teleported! The switch might be there!!' I thought, before jumping on my horse and sprinting through the stable's back woods. Passing by where Bareeda Naag Shrine was supposed to be, I continued down the invisible, grass-covered path.

When I went beyond Warbler's Nest and over the snow-covered hill, I felt like I was being watched. And boy was I right! I didn't notice it at the time, but two Rito countrymen stared down at my figure and watched me go into Flight Range. At the time, I passed it off, only thinking about the possibility of my switch being at Flight Range. I mean, it made perfect sense! The music could have dosed me off to sleep. I got off (H/N) and held my cloak closure to my body. God, it was cold, but the view was perfect. Flight Range hadn't changed one bit. No one was there. It was quiet. Internally, I wanted to hear the soothing soundtrack play, but this was a world, not a musical. Climbing the ladder, I looked around the area to see a couple of bows, a ton of arrows, and some Rito gear. I wondered if I should loot this stuff like Link will do in a century, but I decided not to. The only reason Link did that was because no one was using it.

Feathers decorated the room along with Native Rito weaved carpets and pillows. The Rito masterpieces looked very similar to some Native American art. I smiled tenderly, as I walked around the open aired room. Noticing that my fingers were blue from the cold, I took out some flint and tried my hardest to make a fire. After the fifth stroke of the flint against a rock, the fire ignited; However, the victory did not last long. Strong, almost unnatural winds blew at me and extinguished the well-earned fire. I closed my eyes out of instinct. When I opened them again, I gazed upon an all-to-familiar Rito.

His navy-blue feather shined from the sun's rays as his piercing peridot green eyes glared at me. To the back of him was his four swaying braids and his stationary Great Eagle Bow. His Champion's scarf was replaced with a fluffy beige scarf, otherwise, his Rito Warrior uniform looked the same as it always had. Revali, the Rito Champion, was right in front of me!

I got up quickly and dusted the invisible dust of my dress. I was nervous and Revali looked pissed. I knew I wasn't supposed to be at Flight Range, but I really thought the switch would be there; Unfortunately, I was a little more than incorrect. It was embarrassing! Without saying a word, Revali circled around me, like he was inspecting something. I rubbed my arm awkwardly, as I tried not to say or do anything stupid. Revali then spoke.

"Just as I expected! A useless and weak girl, who is no use to either me or my men!" He spewed haughtily, as he rose his head in pride. I knew he was going to say something insulting so I prepared myself. He got up into my face, before he continued, "Make room in that thick skull of yours, so I may relay some information. Flight Range is not for the public and is under major restrictions. So, the real question is, why are you here? And how did you know about this place?" He pulled out a Feathered Edge on me and held it towards my neck. Mentally, I started to freak out. Even though I was cold, an even larger chill ran down my spine. 'Is this it? Am I going to die here? Well, at least it was Revali...'

"Um..." I blurted, holding up my hands defensively, "Y-Y-You said it y-yourself! I-I'm a u-useless a-and weak girl, s-s-so I shouldn't b-be a challenge for you!! I'm h-here to find something t-that I lost and I t-thought it would be h-here, but it wasn't!!! Please believe me?!" Revali then proceeded to laugh.

"You want me, a Rito Warrior, to give you the mercy of believing you?!" He hooted, as my red cheeks displayed my embarrassment. 'The fandom was right! Revali is a mega-ton jerk!! And to think that I liked him before coming here!!' I crossed my arms and pouted a little as he continued to humor himself. Suddenly he stopped, "That is exactly what the enemy would want me to think; Nevertheless, I will bestow you mercy, but I don't want to see your face around here again. Am I clear?" I still had places to check in Rito Village, so I wouldn't keep to my promise. I decided to please him anyway.

"Crystal." I looked around Flight Range one last time, seeing no sigh of my switch, before jumping on (H/N)'s back and riding off. I could and couldn't believe how incredibly rude Revali was. Huffing him out of my thoughts, I rode around Lake Totori and found myself at Rito Stable once again, but instead of leaving Rito Village forever, I boarded my horse and walked across the wooden bridges to Rito Village. Even before the Calamity, it looked more or less the same. More Rito were present, but I didn't mind. I wanted to look upon every single detail of the Rito lifestyle. The inn was open for business, but I knew I didn't want to sleep there for the period I was going to stay in Rito Village. Angus had given me so much money, and I didn't want to spend it all. I could sleep under a tree or something and not spend a single dime on lodging! I walked up more stairs to see the small general store, which signaled my stomach that I was hungry. Ignoring my growling stomach, I continued up and around. Then it was the Brazen Beak. It was still the same, simple armor shop that I remembered. About to move past it, I felt another frigid wind run through my wool cloak. I looked to the sky to see Revali flying at high speeds. Needing a place to hide, I hurriedly jogged into the Brazen Beak. A Rito greeted me kindly.

"Hello! Welcome to the Brazen Beak, may I help you with something? Perhaps you need warmer clothes, after all you are shacking quite a bit. Man, you Hylians sure get cold easily!" At least he was nicer than Revali. I pondered about whether or not that I should buy the Snowquill set. Knowing full well, that the Snowquill set was the warmest set of clothes in the game, I decided to buy them, since the cloak was absolute trash! Giving him the amount owed, he measured me and then gave me my size. Unlike Link's plain colored outfit, my set of warm clothes was pink.

I thanked the Rito kindly and took the clothes with me behind some shrubbery, so I could change. Once changed, I walked out of the large bushes and towards the nearest body of water. Looking myself in the reflection, all I could say was, "Cute~"

Before it got too dark, I explored Rito Village, but there was no sign of my switch anywhere. I asked some of the Rito if they have seen a strange device, but they all had the same answer, 'no.' When night fell upon Hyrule, I looked up at Divine Beast Vah Medoh to see it circle the skies. I really hoped that the Calamity was prevented, at least enough for Zelda to seal Ganon right away, but I was never sure. Setting up a nice fire under the Swallow's Roast, I went to sleep, hoping for better things and a better tomorrow.

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