True Ending

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Their souls disappeared as well as King Rhoam's. Into the afterlife they went, never to return to Hyrule. Link's eyes shifted from nothing to a slight movement. He snapped his gaze down to notice that I was breathing. I was just in a coma. My stomach had sealed itself back up, the gap being replaced by an almost white tissue. His tears, meant for mourning became ones of joy. "Thank you, Hylia!! Thank you..." He murmured, holding my body closer, refusing to let go. Zelda dropped to her knees, inspecting the damage. Her and Link made eye contact for a moment, speaking a conversation that wasn't spoken through words. The knight picked my limp figure up before they began to walk away from Hyrule Castle.


A void, empty and lonely. Despite all my past experiences with this void, this place felt different. Opening my imaginary eyes, I was met with Ganon. Only his demented face. It transformed into something more humane. Something... human. He stared me down. Before it changed again. This time, it was Demise. His hair flowed like lava, whipping around wildly. Looking down my eyes were met with Demise's scales encircling my arms, up to my elbows. The hole in my stomach was still prevalent, occasionally bleeding a little. However, I was in no such pain. Everything felt numb. Even my emotions. "Are you... a nightmare, or are you... purgatory?" I asked it; however, it didn't answer me.

The vision of a three hand, holding a corpse shot into my brain quickly, before an all out headache surfaced and ravaged everything I had. A chant arose growing louder and louder. Pounding until my brain turned into jelly. I screamed as loud as I could. It stopped. Staring up, I was met with everything, and nothing all that the same time. Ganon remained in front of me, staring. A light shined from behind me. I dared to look away. There were seven tear shaped stones, each for one Sage. They emanated a warm light. As I attempted to reach for them, I was struck out. All went black again.

Screaming as I jolted upwards. I wasn't in the void. Rather, I was in a Link's house. The Hero was sitting beside me, running his fingers through my hair in order to calm me down. "L-Link?" I questioned, not believing my own eyes. Tears cascaded down my cheeks, upon seeing him. His beautiful blue irises, his symmetrical face, that glossy blond hair, and the Master Sword slung on his back. He smiled down at me, as I stared around. "I- I'm... alive?" I queried, attempting to sit up, however, the blond wouldn't allow me to do so.

"Stay down." He asserted, as I did as he asked. "Do you remember what happened?" I nodded my head, "Well... like a miracle, your wound healed. However, since then, I haven't been able to use the Champion's abilities. Maybe, and this only a guess, but... I think they used the last bit of their magic to heal you." Link explained.

"How long... have I been asleep?" I asked.

"Only a few days. Here, I'll go get you something to drink." Link grinned, before getting up and walking down the stairs. He came back with a pitcher and a wooden cup. Pouring the contents in, I swigged it down, asking for more immediately afterwards. "Everything has returned to peace, thanks to you." Link admitted, as I shook my head.

"You were the won who really fought Ganon. It was inconsequential if I was there or not..." I let out, feeling my breath become shakier by the minute. He took my hand in his, staring into my eyes. He shook his head.

"Well, no matter what you believe, I will always believe that you were the reason for saving Hyrule. That's all that will ever matter to me. You're my Hero, (Y/N)." Before I even had the chance to respond, the front door opened to reveal Princess Zelda. She walked up the stairs, gifting me her beautiful smile. She approached my side, as I bowed my head in respect. Suddenly, I was enveloped in a hug.

"Thank you." She voiced, "Thank you for guiding him... Seer of Hyrule." Returning the hug, we stayed there for a long moment. For the first time, I wore such a title with pride. Never have I believed the title to be true until this very moment.


"We'll make our way to Zora's Domain. Divine Beast Vah Ruta... looks like it stopped working. Let's investigate the situation." Zelda spoke, gazing down at the Sheikah Slate. It had been a month since our battle with Calamity Ganon. I had healed in now time at all, and I began to travel with Zelda and Link once more. Most of the happiest moments in my life were they're doing, so naturally, I was filled with joy and comfort when I was able to travel alongside them. Upon the hill, I stood beside Link, looking out to Hyrule Castle in complete awe. Zelda took a moment for contemplation, before almost muttering. "Mipha's father..." Turning to the Princess, Link and I listened, "I believe he would like to hear more about her. The least we can do is visit him and offer him some closure." She began to gaze toward the castle, before going on, "Although Ganon is gone for now, there is still so much more for us to do. And so many painful memories that we must bear. I believe in my heart, that if all of us work together, we can restore Hyrule to its former glory. Perhaps... even beyond. But it all must start with us. Let's be off." Zelda began to walk toward our horses, as Link and I trailed behind. Suddenly, she stopped. "I can no longer hear the voice inside the sword. I suppose it would make sense if my power had dwindled over the past one hundred years..." Turning to gaze at us, a melancholic frown adorned her features. But in a moment, it turned to a pleased smile. "I'm surprised to admit it... but I can accept that."

I believe in fate. That certain string that will lead us throughout our whole lives. During many times in the last year or so, I have believed, honored, detested, and outright loathed the concept. However, through it all, I never denied its existence. Everything that happens is always for something. I watched as they walked toward there horses with a smile on my face. There wasn't really a reason for this. I just couldn't believe how lucky I was. A warm feeling bubbled in my heart, as they beckoned me over. However, before I could take a step, a ringer entered my ears. It was consistent. In fact, it sounded like a voice. Glancing back at the castle, I stared outward. Unsure and conflicted. A bubble formed in my stomach. 'Even though the fight was over... how come I still feel anxious?' A tingling, different from the one before, rose and fell in my stomach. However, the feeling disappeared, as a breeze blew Silent Princess petals past me. A feeling of ease came over me once more. They called for me once more, and this time, I listened. This was the calm before the storm. And we were sitting ducks. Waiting... waiting... for something to happen.

Hyrule was a place that I wasn't born to, and yet... it felt like home.

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