Chapter 18

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Did you hear about the rose that grew from a crack in the concrete? Proving nature's law is wrong, that it learned to walk without having feet. Funny it seems, but by keeping its dreams, it learned to breathe fresh air. Long live the rose that grew from concrete when no one else ever cared.


Revali was acting strange. Stranger than usual. Usually, Revali constantly told me to push myself, meaning staying to train until the sun went down; However, Revali had started to let me go early. Anytime I would try to train with him, Revali would get flustered and leave. When he would stay, Revali would nitpick the littlest things. Was it me? Was I the problem? This started to worry me. Revali told me to start meeting with him at ten in the morning, which I agreed upon. I was currently walking to Flight Range until Revali made himself known.

"N-No practice today (Y/N)! I have more important things to do!!" And then he flew off, like I wasn't worth anything. When did it all change? When did he start acting cold and distant again? I thought for a moment until I remembered the discomfort of the hot spring. But I was stumped on a log again. 'Why would Revali purposely ignore me after something so trivial?' Theorizing wasn't going to get me anywhere. In the moment, I decided the best way to get information was to go to Flight Range. Perhaps something useful was there... I turned back around and continued down the dirt road to Flight Range. Passing Warbler's Nest, I heard the pitched chatter of young Rito conversing with one another. I chose to see what was going on instead of getting to Flight Range. Walking toward the strange stone statues, I saw Kass, Harth, Teba, and a couple of other young Rito attempting to whisper to one another. Sneaking up behind them, I whispered a small 'boo.' All the young Rito turned to look at me. Their small faces were hilarious!

"Now what are you cuties doing~?" I cooed, getting on one knee to not be seen as threatening. After a moment of scared little Rito huddling around one another, Kass finally stepped forward and spoke on behalf of his friends.

"Master Revali's birthday is coming up, and we all want to thank him for being such a wonderful teacher! But... we don't know how to do just that. We've thought of all sorts of things! We wanted to make him a bow, but we couldn't figure out how... (Y/N)! If you promise to keep this a secret, you can help us make Master Revali the bestest gift ever!" I had no idea Revali's special time of year was coming up so quickly. After all, Nintendo never released any canon birthdays when it came to any of the Legend of Zelda characters. Sitting in the grass, I smiled kindly.

"I don't see why not Kass. I agree to help you and your friends celebrate Master Revali's birthday. Of course, I'll keep it secret from anyone who wishes to know or ruin the surprise." I promised, crossing an 'x' over my heart. Kass smiled gratefully, as he started to introduce me to all his friends. They were all going to assist Link in the future. Who knew Kass, Teba, and Harth were such good friends?

After an hour of talking to the little Rito, I looked toward the direction of Flight Range. I needed to get there to investigate Revali. I promised Kass I would meet up with him the next day before I walked toward the tundra. Once over the small hill, it started to snow ever so softly. Flight Range was empty, meaning Revali wasn't nearby. Looking around the little house, I couldn't find anything except his diary. I pondered whether I should have read it or not. Wasn't a breach of privacy? And even if I did read it, Revali could easily catch me red handed. About to open the pages, I stopped myself and put the book back where I found it. If I was going to figure out more about Revali, it was going to be honorably. Not this way. I looked out to the updraft pit, slowly walking toward the platforms edge. I jumped.

After a moment of free falling, I grabbed the Kite Shield from my back and shot straight up. Once above the multiple targets, I grabbed out my bow and pointed my arrow at the nearest target. Strangely, everything was in slow motion, just like it was in the game. Taking my shot, the arrow perfectly landed in the middle of the target. I was so excited that I brought out my Kite Shield at the last possible second before turning into a pile of broken bones and flesh. I realized how late it had gotten, which could only mean that Revali would return to Flight Range sooner rather than later. Flying out of the pit and onto Flight Range's landing pad, I quickly made my way out. Little did I know a certain pair of peridot eyes were watching me the whole time.

Back in Rito Village, I was met with a distressed Harth and a befuddled Teba. Both boys seemed to be waiting for someone. Once they saw me, they gasped and started to tug on my weak arms. They pulled me all the way to Akh Va'quot Shrine. There, they started to speak. "We figured out what to give Master Revali!" Both boys cheered. 'What could they possibly be giving him?' I wondered, to myself, 'Maybe it is that bow they were so insistent on earlier.'

"What are you going to give him?" I asked kindly. They both snickered at one another before staring at me with expectant eyes.

"It's a surprise!" They blurted before running away. 'What was that about?' Shrugging my shoulders in defeat, I walked into Swallow's Roost and silently sat on the pelt covered bed. For the first time in a while, I had nothing else to do. Usually it was training, eating, and then sleeping. Of course, thinking when I had the time; However, I had nothing to do. After a moment of clicking my tongue and tapping my feet against the dark wood floor, I got up and decided to make myself something to eat. As I walked out, I checked to see how much food I had. 'Three apples, two Hylian shrooms, and some Tabantha wheat... hmm... I guess I could make a Fruit and Mushroom Mix, but would that fill me up enough?' Either way, I walked over to the nearest cooking pot and threw in some of the food I had. What came out was a sad excuse for a meal. I forgot that the only thing this world had in common with the game, besides the story, was the capacity of stuff I could carry. Besides that however, everything was like real life.

After finishing my burnt, yet uncooked meal, I passed by the general store. I stopped in my tracks as I looked inside. There sat three to four handcrafted journals for sale. Grabbing out my bag of rupees, I bought the notebook and looked at it fondly. Someone once told me that writing in a journal or diary can increase mental processes and stability. I had been stressing my brain out far too much. To the point that a migraine was a daily occurrence. Noticing that I had nothing to write with, I bought some ink. I could sharpen a stick or get a feather later. As I walked back to the inn, I looked up to the sky to see Revali flying ideally above. Something started to fall, however. Once the unknown object was couple feet above my head, I noticed that it was a feather. I looked around before grabbing the feather and placing it in my bag with the ink and journal.

When I was back at the inn, I feel asleep. From the deepest corner of my heart, I wished that this were just a long dream. That at any moment, I would wake up. No, I hadn't forgotten about my main objective. My main intention was to find a way back to my original world. And I swore to myself that I would do anything in my power to get back to my old life.

...And that was my personal promise...

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