Chapter 138

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'What is this? Why am I in pain? Am I dead already?' I wondered, as I floated my eyes flickered open. Not my real eyes. Rather my dream eyes. The first thing I could see was the Earth. I was about to repeat myself from one hundred years before, attempting to reach out. However, I stopped. I decided to turn around. As the Earth drifted away, I realized that my figure was headed toward another planet. A continent of such a place looked like Hyrule. I reached out for it, craving such an embrace from the world I found myself in. No longer was this a reminder of my crushed aspirations. Rather, it was quite the opposite.

My head began to throb. From where I was, Ganon's Malice bubbled on the surface of the planet, slowly taking it over. When such an evil finished its meal, it reached out to the universe. Red and purple, at light speed, flew at me, before going straight through. A large hole was in my stomach, as Malice caught on the gapping hole started to slowly consume. Laughing encapsuled my ears becoming the only thing I could hear. Unlike the last time I had this dream, I remained calm. 'Ganondorf... you can't scare me anymore... Link and I will defeat you. Even if I die, I will die for the home that I never realized I had. Everything stopped, and I woke up from my nightmare.

My eyelids were heavy. I wanted to keep them closed but alarm bells from my brain urged me, begged me to get up. My eyes stared around the room. A ceiling made of grey rock, and a familiar dirty floor that I couldn't forget. Slowly getting up, I gazed around. The floor was dirty, however, the room itself was untouched. It was the prison cell I was placed in before I escaped from the Yiga Clan. A divine suite, with thick, black bars preventing me from leaving. The bed was made, and my wedding set sat upon it. Leaving it, I started to search the room for something to use to aid my escape. In all honesty, I would have freaked out, however, that wouldn't help the situation in the slightest. The best course of action was to remain calm and collect. Ideally quiet.

Nothing could be found in the room that would prove useful to me in the future. Everything that would have been sharp was dull and obviously, my bag and weapons were nowhere to be found. That was until my eyes spotted a bit of sediment protruding from the wall. Pulling on said remains, I drew out a sharp rock. 'This will work.' I thought to myself, before going towards the lock. As carefully as I could, I picked the lock, before running out. Strangely, the halls were empty. I had expected there to be Footsoldiers at every corner, however, none were to be found. I was concerned, and I contemplated about going back to my cell, however I thought against it. That would be a win for Kohga, and that is the last thing I wanted to happen. Giving up was not an option. As I walked past a room, I froze in my spot. My bag and equipment were on a stone table. The room was empty as well, making me concerned. 'This is a trap,' I thought, 'But do I have a better idea?'

I took a step of faith. I wasn't attacked. As I placed my bag over my shoulders, I noticed that all my supplies were intact. 'Where are the Yiga Clan?' I pondered, not taking any more chances. I made a run for it, through hallway after hallway, until the rooms became familiar. Still nobody was around. When I reached the outside, a soft pain encapsulated me, before I found myself back in the Hideout. A sword was to my neck, and my hands were held against my back by a strong hand. As I tried to say something, the hand tightened, causing me to whimper. Before I could really collect myself, a voice came from in front me. "Hello, wife."

"No. No. I'm going to wake up any minute. This is another bad dream. There is no way that I'm back with this banana eating waste of space."

"Hey! That's not very nice!! You shouldn't speak that way about your husband!!" His voice, made me groan in pain, before I decided to finally meet his gaze. Indeed, it was Kohga in the flesh. He still had the pudgy belly, the ugly over exaggeration of a samurai's haircut, and of course, that stupid outfit and mask.

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