Chapter 150

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'He loved mountains, or he had loved the thought of them marching on the edge of stories brought from far away; but now he was borne down by the insupportable weight... He longed to shut out the immensity in a quiet room by a fire.'

- J.R.R Tolkien

In the morning, Link woke me up, telling me that we were leaving. In very little time, we were up and ready to go. Link helped me on my horse, before walking over to his own steed.

Staring up to the sky, the blue was covered completely in grey. Either a storm was brewing on Mount Lanayru, or it was coming from the Domain. Who even knew it was going to rain. We set off, leading our horses up the mountains, before passing by the Great Fairy Fountain. Going straight on Lanayru Road, the West Gate came into view. Link jumped off of his horse, before gawking at the ancient structure. He was expecting a memory to happen. However, it never came. We continued into the Promenade, defeating all the enemies in our path. As we passed the waterfall, I was about to tell Link about the shrine, but it's not like we wouldn't be travelling through this area again. We had to get back to Kakariko somehow. Defeating all the monsters we possibly could, we came across the East Gate, there Link started to remember... The one where Calamity Ganon returned.

It was one of the longest memories... and one of the most vital. It showcased Zelda's frustration and the return of the King of Evil. That was the final call for all the Champions to board their Divine Beasts and go into battle. The final call before they died... Just the very thought of it brought me to tears. Link gasped, making it back to reality. However, he didn't move. He continued to stare blankly at the gate. "(Y/N)?" Link asked, turning to meet my gaze. He couldn't get the words out. Jumping off my horse, I slowly approached him, taking his hand in mine. This gave him the courage, "Is that really what happened one hundred years ago...?" I nodded.

"Zelda was only seventeen and no one was prepared for Calamity Ganon. Not even me, and I knew when and where it would happen." I chuckled darkly, which didn't improve Link's mood. "Everything will be fine. We all made a mistake, but what is important now... is that we continue moving forward. We won't fail the kingdom again." Link nodded in affirmation, as we began to walk forward. "I should warn you." I started, "There is a Lynel past this gate." Link pulled out his sword, before beginning to run towards the beast. To this I smiled, as I watched him stab its eyes out, and later, its heart.

With that, we continued down the stone path, before snow became apparent. Link proceed to get changed right in front of me. Flustered, I turned around, so I didn't have to look. He tapped me on his shoulder when we was done. Forcing him to turn around, I then changed into the Snowquill Armor faster than I ever had before, and this included when I was late for training with Revali. When I got done, I tapped him on the shoulder, before we set off for the mountain.

Naydra Snowfield, despite the temperature, was a beautiful place. Snow rabbits ran about, and there was a light snowfall from the towering mountain. The atmosphere was cold, and I steadily felt my toes become ice. My eyes looked upon the mountain. The last time I had ascended the mountain, I had an aching feeling bubble in my gut the higher I rose. I remembered how scared I was. Petrified even. But I didn't feel that way anymore. The only thing this mountain gifted me was determination. My buried thoughts resurfaced, as I focused on the beautiful scenery before me. Ice pillar started to appear and became more frequent as I climbed further and further.

Link and I followed the almost covered path, defeating the various amounts of Lizalfos and Chuchus on the way up. Like the last time, a storm covered the mountain. However, it wasn't as severe as the last time. In fact, it was so light, that the snowflakes fell softly, that they were able to land on my nose and eyelashes. It was a sight to be sure. One snowflake landed on Link's nose, which resulted in his scrunching a little from surprise. I laughed, before he threw an unsuspecting snowball at me. It was all out war. We continued to climb the mountain this way. The quaint sound of whistling winds wasn't the only thing to fill my ears. Laughing, as snow crashed into the face of thy enemy.

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