Chapter 16

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The next couple of days became less and less painful. Running was getting easier, and I managed to fight off Revali for over ten minutes, which was pretty good! I was never this active back in my world, but now it seemed like second nature to wake up so early in the morning and run about twenty laps around Rito Village. But this morning was different than the rest, "Today, you'll start your archery training. You have gotten exceptional at swordplay, so it's time for you to learn all my greatest techniques. Of course, you won't ever be able to top my moves... but I'll let you dream." Mentally, I cringed but I decided not to say anything. It would only make it worse. Revali walked over to one of his chests and rummaged through it, obviously looking for something. Without warning, the navy-blue Rito threw a Swallow Bow in my direction. Catching it, my eyes scanned the bow, "Why do you look like that?"

"I just thought... that I would get a cooler bow-"

"Don't be so ungrateful, you useless girl!" Revali squawked, grabbing my furry collar in a threatening manner; However, something about his expression looked different from anger. What could that small, dancing emotion have been? Stress? Fatigue? Maybe, it wasn't a negative emotion at all! Maybe it was happiness? Or surprise? Was it more of an internal feeling? That, I had no clue of. After an elongated moment, he released my collar and sat opposite of me, with a brutally hurt expression on his features. Looking at the bow again, I noticed that it was fairly beaten up. 'Wow! He gave me a used bow! How thoughtful~' I thought sarcastically to myself before my eyes landing on an engraving. It read a poorly written 'Revali.'

"You're giving me your old bow... Why? Doesn't it mean a lot to you?" His peridot eyes met my own again before he adverted them. Revali nodded briefly. I looked down at his old bow and felt a great sense of honor. Previously, he gave me an old bow I thought he didn't put any effort into, but then, Revali gave me something worth more than anything in the world. No one had really given me something of such incredible value, "T-Thank you Revali!"

"Now then, before we get started, I need you to understand how the wind works-" Before he continued, I interrupted him to relay some information from Earth Science class.

"The sun unevenly heating the atmosphere, irregularities of the earth's surface, and the rotation of the earth, are the three reasons why moving air is pressurized. You may call that wind." There was a long, dead moment of silence. Revali's features scrunched up as he gave me a both dead and confused glare. 'Oh no, I said something I wasn't supposed to again!'

"Sure..." Revali replied, standing up from his previous spot, "Anyway, one's arrow is guided by the wind and the trajectory one wants the arrow to go. You may think that the trajectory matters the most, but the wind has a good part in it too." Revali walked to the landing pad and looked upon Flight Range's updraft pit. Something about my point of view felt... almost aesthetic and natural. He turned his head to face me, "That's why you are going to get firsthand experience when it comes to the air." Step by step, he made his way over to my unsure form. I gulped back my minimal amount of fear to stare him straight in the eye.

"H-How? I-I can't fly!" I interjected. Revali was really close and personal.

"I can." In a flash, Revali wrapped my arms around his shoulders and took off towards the heavens above. The urge to scream was almost impossible to resist, as the impactful gusts of the wind swirled around Revali and I. Then, there was regained peace. Opening my eyes, I looked around my surroundings to see Rito Village below.

"R-R-Revali! W-Why are we u-up so high?! Oh God... who knew I-I would b-b-be so afraid of h-heights..." Mentally, I was freaking out, but Revali found it quite humorous.

"You sure do say strange things (Y/N), but I'll let it slide for now." Revali told happily, after he let out a hardy laugh. His navy feathers were so soft, that I thought my fingers could slip through them easily; However, I knew that I had a good hold on Revali. Revali flew across the far up sky horizontally, so I was able to let my hands go. A large smile was drawn on my face as my arms were spread out wide. It was truly a titanic moment. The sun was high in the sky, yet it was still freezing cold. Revali would turn his head to look at me, but I didn't think too much about it. It seemed like he wanted to say something, but it never came to it. The pillar was so far below, as well was Divine Beast Vah Medoh.

"'Out there! There's a world outside of Yonkers! Way out there beyond this hick town, Barnaby, there's a slick town, Barnaby! Out there, full of shine and full of sparkle! Close your eyes and see it glisten, Barnaby. Listen, Barnaby...'" I sang softly, forgetting about Revali's presence. Hyrule might have been stressful, but something about it was just as beautiful as my world. In times like these, I thought of everyone's favorite Pixar movie WALL-E. A motion picture about an earthbound robot navigating through space to capture another robot's heart. It seemed poetic almost. As I was gazing upon the scenery from down below, Revali decided to speak.

"I'm going to be landing now. Grab on to me before you slip off and turn into a burned puddle of flesh." Heeding Revali's warning, I grabbed on promptly to his shoulders. As Revali descended, I hide my face in the back of his soft scarf. Wind swirled around us again as I prayed for my safety. As fast as the impactful winds, Revali landed at the very place that he stole me away from. Shaking me off, my feet's connection with the wood felt almost blissful, "Now then, before you go back to Rito Village, I want you to hit at least three of the targets midair. I know very well that you have arrows, so you'll be fine." Revali started pushing me towards his training pit.

"R-Revali?! I have no way of-" Before I could get out the rest of my sentence, my feet and the hard surface was no more. I was falling down the howling hole like an expert spelunker; Except, I did not have anything to stop the fall. After what felt like ages, Revali caught me and brought me back up to Flight Range's landing pad. We caught each other's breaths until he decided to speak.

"Okay... shame on me for not knowing you didn't have a paraglider... Shame on you for not telling me you didn't have a paraglider..." He managed to spit out, as Revali frantically tried to catch his breath. Furious, I stood up from my spot.

"You pushed me off before I could tell you!" I yelled loudly, but Revali was completely unfazed.

"If your words were quick enough then you probably would have put that in somewhere..." Revali remarked, which really pushed my buttons. This was just like him! Pushing someone around and then blaming it on them! I decided to hold my tongue after that. Revali was my teacher and making him angry would only make things worse, so it was only fitting for the situation. Revali walked over to his chest of belongings and dug around in it for a second before pulling out a Kite Shield, "This is mine. Unlike that Feathered Edge on your back, the shield is mine and not yours to keep. But you are free to use it."

"T-Thank you." I thanked, looking at the simple embroidery. I could tell that Revali was fairly close to his shield, but that only brought up questions. If this Kite Shield was so important to him, then how come I never seen any of the Rito use it in combat? Drifting my question out of my head, I focused on the shield. Putting it on my back, I stood up and ran toward the edge. Before the edge, I stopped myself. What if the kite didn't work and I fell to my death? Pushing my fear aside, I jumped. The rush. The anxiety. The utter adrenaline flowing through my very veins. After a moment, I pulled out the kite again and started to rise at rapid speed. I couldn't help but let my excitement escape through laughter. Once high enough, I quickly brought out my bow and focused on my target. All seemed perfect in the moment... until the arrow weakly fell into the updraft pit along with myself.

'Of course... This isn't a freaking movie (Y/N)... Grow up!'

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