Chapter 116

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"Hey, are you alright in there?!" I yelled, making sure the Goron could hear me. I wondered about all sorts of things. Like, what he looked like, or how tall he was. Or maybe what he would say after my general question.

"Oh finally someone came, goro!!" I smiled upon hearing his sweet voice.

"Don't worry, I'll- Wahh!!" Link pulled me away before he paraglided to the fifth cannon and aimed for the entrance. A thunderous clash rang throughout the area, as debris flew everywhere in the distance. I could see a little of Yunobo from inside. I could hardly believe it. As I was distracted and standing there completely awestruck, Link took my hand, gaining my attention. Once he did, he let go to approach Yunobo. I did the same not long after. Inside the small building, there was a single Goron, scared and confused. Link approached first, as I followed after him. Mutter flooded out from the Goron's mouth and only got louder.

"Oh, man, oh man, oh man... What am I gonna do?" Yunobo turned to look at us, before freaking out, "Monsters! They're here! They found me! Help!" He screamed, running around in circles in a panic, however, he managed to calm himself down to take a better look at us, "Huh? Hmm... HMM... Now that I've gotten a good look... Whoa! It's two Hylians! Were you both the ones who broke through that crag to rescue me, goro?" I nodded instantly.

"Sorry about that. It must have scared you that I yelled and then disappeared, huh?" I chuckled, as the young descendent affirmed with a simple nod.

"Thanks, brother! But what brought you both all the way out here to begin with?" Yunobo asked.

"Lookin' for Yunobo!" Link answered simply, as Yunobo's eyes widened a little. He really was cute. He had a sheepish grin on his features, sparkling brown eyes, and a timid stature.

"Oh! So that's it! Boss told you to come find me! Phew, thank goodness. In any case, I sure am glad you saved me, goro! The name's Yunobo. Everyone calls me... Yunobo. Makes sense, goro." The one thing I thought about in the moment was how cute Yunobo was. I mentally cooed to myself, as the young Goron watched with curiosity. He broke out of his trance, before continuing, "I came to get some painkillers for Boss, but a magma bomb caused a rockslide, sealing the entrance, goro. By the way... How did you break those rocks at the entrance, goro?"

"With a cannon." The atmosphere went silent for only a moment. The sound of burning lava filled everyone's ears, however, the communication soon continued.

"Huh? You used Boss's cannon?! That thing is so difficult to use. I thought only Boss could handle it! Oops, I nearly forgot! This isn't the time to chat... I need to deliver these painkillers as soon as possible! Sorry, I've gotta run! But do come by and see the Boss later, okay? He may be gruff, but he always repays a favor. I'm sure there's a reward in it for you. Okay then! Good-bye for now, goro!" He waved a little to signal his leave. Link did a quick onehanded shake, while I went over the top. I could have sworn there was a small blush on his face, before he returned to Goron City.

"He's the cutest thing, don't you think?" The blond became even more confused. What did I mean by that, he thought, trying his hardest to dissect my words. Link ended up making his way down the slope, as I turned to look at Rudania, "Don't worry Daruk. We'll avenge you. And when this is all over, Yunobo will carry on his legacy. All he needs to do is mature a little. When I went to find, I saw a cannonball fly toward the Lizalfos outpost. It fell apart, before Link went over to see what was in the chest. As he did that, I walked back into the North Mine storage before opening the two chests Link didn't see. Packing the fifty rupees and the ten ice arrows away, I rushed after Link. I managed to make it back to him in little time, before we exited the old mine.

"Do you want this?" Drawing my attention to him, the shine of a Knight's Bow flashed into my eyes and to my brain. A small hue covered my cheeks. It was sweet. The blond Hero had his expression turned away from me, as I gently smiled at him. Taking the bow, I placed it on my back, glad that I had a sturdier metal bow.

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