Chapter 79

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One life is all we have, and we live it as we believe in living it. But to sacrifice what you are and to live without belief, that is a fate more terrible than dying.

-Joan of Arc

Chief Urbosa had escorted us to Gerudo Town so we could drop off our stuff and take a short break; However, I didn't waste any time. I walked to the jewelry shop and sold all my wares once more. I didn't have as much, but I still sold everything for a hefty profit. I voiced a loud 'thank you,' before running back to Urbosa's throne room. No one was in the room, so I turned toward Patricia soon-to-be courtyard. Sure enough, Zelda and Urbosa were having a quiet chat with one another. I felt rude joining them, but Zelda had told me to come back as soon as possible. Walking down the stairs, I observed the two young woman. Both were intense leaders. And then there was me... I slowly made my way toward the two.

"Ah, there you, (Y/N)! Have you done everything you need to do?" Zelda inquired, running up to me as if we were children. I nodded thoughtfully, before looking to Urbosa. A smile was eminent on her features, but I didn't know what for. "Then let's go. We have a lot to do, and I could really use your help." With a pull of my arm Zelda started to lead me out of Gerudo Town and toward the unknown desert. The chief of the Gerudo followed behind us, which made me let out a sigh of relief.

"So, are we going to be traveling on foot, Zelda?" I asked. Zelda giggled to herself at my naïve question. A small, embarrassed blush swept over my features, before Zelda chuckled once more.

"You're so cute sometimes, (Y/N)!" Zelda commented patting my head as if I were a child, even though I was older than her by two years, "Urbosa is going to take us around with her Divine Beast, so I can survey the land; However, I do need to leave Naboris every now and then to get a better look at our surroundings. Feel free to take notes as well, alright?" Nodding, Zelda continued to pull on my arm toward Divine Beast Vah Naboris. Once inside, my jaw dropped to the floor. I had been in two Divine Beasts before, but I could then saw that I was in three, which not many people have the pleasure of bragging about. "Oh, that's right. You've never been in a Divine Beast before, have you?"

"No, I've been in one before." I blurted accidently, before covering my mouth for a moment. 'What is with me today?!' I asked myself mentally, cursing my verbal instincts, 'Might as well tell her the truth...' Huffing at my stupidity, I turned to face a surprised Zelda, "Um... It may come as a shock to you, but I'm friends with the all the Champions. Especially Master Revali."

"You know Mipha and Daruk?! And you are friends with Revali?!!" Zelda gasped, completely flabbergasted at this sudden, new information. Urbosa just let out a brief laugh.

"Color me impressed, little vai. I didn't think that salty Revali could ever have a friend." Urbosa commented, giving me her signature smile, "And what are the odds that you met all of the Princess's Champions?"

"Well, I met Daruk while I was learning how to make a living. The Gorons are known to be hard workers, so I decided to train there. The first time I met Princess Mipha was after I met you Chief Urbosa. I wanted to sell my luminous stone to the Zora, since they use it in their architecture. Revali was the first one I had the pleasure of meeting... He became my archery teacher and then my best friend. Revali also saved me a couple of times, too." Without my awareness, both Urbosa and Zelda looked at each other knowingly; However, they didn't enhance the conversation. They just went about their business without another word. I watched over the desert upon Naboris's balcony. The view was as wonderful as it could be for being a desert. I had not asked Urbosa to stop once, since I already knew everything I needed to know about the ruins. And the fact that Zelda made sure to stop at said ruins. Nothing was left. Just some pillars, with no decorations or carvings. There was truly nothing for me to write down. Arbiter's Grounds was another story. Nothing was there, but I knew the lore behind it. "Urbosa, what were these grounds used for? Do you know?"

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