Chapter 3

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For only a brief moment, the shadow of the Great Plateau's structure made me forget about the bright brilliance of the sun's rays. Horse-drawn carriages holding all kinds of supplies flew past me, almost the same way as cars did in the world I came from. All the covered wagons were generally the same shape and size. Each cover had the Royal insignia printed on the side. Paying more attention to the smaller details, I stopped on the far edge of the road. All the carriages were being driven by knights from the castle. Their helmets shielded each of their faces from my view. Barely related to my thoughts, I remembered what Link looked like in the helmet. I did not make him wear it often, mostly due to it being rather unattractive on the blond Hylian. I shook my head and started to pay attention again. The horses were in knight-wear too!

Deciding to not stay in the same place for too long, I continued out of the shade. My eyes instinctively closed due to the blinding light; Nevertheless, I covered my eyes with my hand and looked up to the sky. It was a beautiful blue. Bringing my eyes back to my level, I looked upon what was both a bustling and empty road, split into an unmeasured 'T' intersection. To the left of me, was the gatepost, with the castle in the far distance. To the right, the Dueling Peaks stood above the Forest of Time, with the outpost's roofs being seen from over the light green leaves.

"Hey! You!! Listen!!!" I heard a voice say roughly. My eyes darted to where the voice came from. A younger gentleman in a Royal Guard uniform walked towards me at a fast pace. Looking to where I was, I wasn't in the middle of the road, so I didn't see what was wrong.

"Is there something wrong, sir? Am I not supposed to be here?" I asked, trying to trouble shoot the issue. The man's eye twitched before he took a step closer to me.

"You listen here, girl! This is a station established at a distance from the main body of the Hylian Army to protect the beautiful kingdom of Hyrule from a surprise attack!! The Great Plateau and the Outpost are completely off limits for those with no authorized personnel, so what in Hylia's name are you doing here?!" He hissed bringing his face uncomfortably close to mine. I didn't know what to say in the moment. In the game, I was allowed in this area, but I didn't anticipate that this was the Hylian Army's land. Sweat ran down between my shoulder blades and eyebrows as my eyes darted in every direction but his face, "Well?! Speak, you worthless girl!!"

"Oh... um..." Stutters and mutterings came out of my mouth like a powerful waterfall. The words just wouldn't form without nonexistent sounds being the base, "W-Well, y-you see... um... I j-just came f-from the Temple of Time. I-I was p-praying and-" I was cut off by a hand tightly gripping one of my wrists. The guard's other hand met my chin, and he roughly turned my head ninety degrees to the right. After moving my hair, a gasp came from his end as he stepped a couple of feet away. I looked to him for an answer as to why he seemed so creeped out, "What's wrong?"

"Y-Y-Your ears?!" Was all he answered. I touched the outline of my ears feeling nothing out of the ordinary. Looking at him again, his fear filled gaze continued to look at me. I tried to think of what was wrong, until I realized. A disappointed expression painted over my face as I looked at him.

"It's a birth defect, alright. Don't get your panties in a wad!" I retorted, turning my head away from him. My crossed arms only added onto my angry disposition. 'What a baby!' I thought, 'Honestly, there's people with open holes for ears but seeing someone with rounded ears is a taboo?! Inconceivable...' I was about to walk away before I heard footsteps hastily coming towards me.

"H-Hold on lady! I still have questions for you!!" Deciding the worst, I ran up on side road, past Gatepost Town. Hearing orders being shout out, I continued my sprint, trying to get away from this predicament; However, no one was following me. There was no screaming nor barking. The sound of running horses couldn't be heard; Nevertheless, I persisted until I reached a fork in the road. Leaning against another large tree. My lungs were practically burning for the need of a steady stream of air. The sun started to set under the distant horizon, as a crisp gust of wind whipped my hair and white gown around as if they were the sails to a ship. I wondered what my next move was. 'Should I build a fire? Or should I go to a nearby stable? Where even am I?' I asked myself, taking in my surroundings. Who knew that the land would look so different from hundred years in the future? A large pillar like structure sat near the road, but that was about it. Luckily enough, I knew where I was and started to walk toward the nearest stable, Riverside Stable. On the way there, I started questioning my upbringing in this world once more. This was, without a doubt, the land was Hyrule, but was it even possible to be teleported into a game? And even if I was in a game, why was the game card with me? Whether I could answer these questions or not was another class of queries. Once the stable came into view, I ran into the semi-familiar building before slumping on the floor. It had been the longest day! Sighing a breath of relief, I closed my eyes and started to fall asleep, until I was shaken not too long after. The familiar equestrian attire was the first thing my eyes met, then it was another young man.

"Miss, you aren't allowed to sleep in the stable until you pay for a bed." He informed strictly, "If you are unable to pay than you are not allowed to sleep here." In my head, I thought to myself. That thought being, 'Maybe I should have chosen the fire.' I got up and walked over to the rude man's counter. I was about to grab some rupees out of my pocket, until I realized that the dress didn't have pockets. I also had no money. A large sigh escaped my lips. I was so used to being Link that I thought I had all of the money I earned as him. Without saying another word, I walked out of the stable, keeping my pride.

A crackling fire sat just outside the stable, with a small wooden seat calling my name. Before I sat down, a small, dirtied tarp laid on a pile of presumable trash. Grabbing it and putting it over me shoulders, I sit next to the fire, struggling to warm up. It was a cold, silent night, and before I knew it, I was crying.

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