Chapter 113

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Shelter From The Storm always confused me, in a way. The memory followed Zelda and Link to two twin statues and a large tree. Zelda, still abstinent about her destiny, asked Link a personal question that was more thought provoking the more I watched it. She put Link in her shoes, asking him if he would have chosen a different path than the one he was on in that moment in time. This memory, originally, illustrated that Link too was a product of fate and destiny. This told the viewer that Link have been going through the same experience as Zelda, where he was trapped by those who believed in all his capabilities. He was trapped by expectation.

And this got me thinking as well... Link from then was far different than the Link I'm with now. His little freedoms are starting to show, little by little. Ever since we left Deya Village, or what was left of it. After Link received the memory, he noticed my attached grief toward the destruction of a familiar place, so he apparently felt the need to make me feel better. This didn't come into fruition, until another Yiga member appeared. Link had decided to get the tower near Lake Hylia, and I thought it was a good idea. So turning off from the crossroads, we slowly made our way there. Link kept trying to say something, but nothing would come out. This was until he saw a smiling woman ran from a broken covered wagon and toward our horses. Not being able to go past her, Link jumped off his horse and approached.

"Isn't Master Kohga just so dreamy? I could stare at that poochy tummy of his all day long..." Anger started to seep into every corner of my brain before I yelled out:

"He's got a big, dumb belly."

"A dumb... belly?" The woman huffed out in utter shock, "You filth! You have no appreciation for true beauty! I'll take your life!!" Link took care of the Yiga member quickly, before turning back to look intently at me. From the glint in his eyes, I could tell that he was asking me what that was all about. Much to his dismay, I didn't answer his untold question. Twilight had dawned over the land, and night had settled in the sky. Link had received the Korok in the cave near the Yiga attack before we set up camp.

At the moment, I was making an old favorite of Link's with what little I had. The blond knight watched with great interest. "This was one of your favorite dishes back then, so I hope you still like it." My comment interested Link even further, as the scent of cooked bread and tomato sauce. Having a little cheese left, I covered as much as I could before roasting some mushrooms and meats to put on top. After everything was done, I gave a slice to Link, and watched him take the first bite. His gorgeous blue eyes shimmered brilliantly. So much so, that I thought he was crying. 'Perhaps... some things just don't change after all...' I smiled, biting into my own slice.

"Can I have another?" He queried happily, as I cut him another piece, a little bigger than the last. "(Y/N), you said that I used to enjoy this correct?" Nodding, he continued, "How did you know that?" It was an innocent question. So I decided to answer him.

"Because I introduced pizza to you." Jolting from surprise, I went on, "You see, this is a favorite from where I'm from. You loved it so much that you-" Remembering the embarrassing memory, I stopped the flow of my words, before turning away bashfully. Link was about to urge onward, before electric green came into view. Jumping from his spot, he ran out of the cave to watch Farosh fly over Lake Hylia and back into the water. "Beautiful, isn't it?" I chuckled, standing from my spot as well to watch the dragon.

Albert Einstein once said, 'look deep into nature, and then you will understand everything better.' I couldn't help but understand what he meant. In the moment, everything seemed so beautiful. Turning in his direction, I gasped silently, as I stared at the blond knight. His eyes were filled with so much light and color, that I couldn't do anything but stare at them. I've only seen this gaze on a handful of occasions, and it was a sight for sore eyes. What could I say? Because of those eyes, blue became one of my most favorite colors. Gaining his attention, I turned away shyly, toward the rocks, as I drew something in the dirt with the tip of my foot.

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