Chapter 142

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From one of the hottest places in in the kingdom, to one of the coldest. Had I not been prepared for the Gerudo, I would have played my cards differently. Lucky for the both of us, we had the right supplies for such an occasion. Riding through the Yiga passage, I observed the area the best I could. I was growing more and more uncomfortable as time passed. There was only two instances where I was in this pass. Both times, I was escaping. Both with some sort of help. One from Link, and the first from Sooga.

"(Y/N), are you feeling uncomfortable?" Nodding discreetly, we pulled up to the sandstone ahead, before waving away our sand seals. We sat on the stone together, as traces of sand fell next to us. Whether it be the wind or gravity didn't matter. I was still rather out of it to pay any attention to what was going on. "You can head back to Gerudo Town if that makes you more comfortable." He reassured, rubbing my back My breath calmed considerably, as my mind drifted to happier thoughts.

"No... I'm fine. We just have to quickly go through the base, and then we are out and we never have to go through this base ever again. And I'm traversing it with you. That puts me at enough ease." I assured, not only my companion, but myself as well. It was hard to willing go back into the structure, specifically after all that happened. However, Kohga was dead, and I wanted to honor Sooga in some way. "Let's get a move on. Can't keep wasting daylight." The blond knight seemed unsure about my decision. It's not like he didn't trust me, he was just unsure if I should even go near the hideout. He understood my struggle and my trauma, and all the knight wanted to do was look out for me. However, I wouldn't back down. "You know... I was kidnapped one hundred years ago too. That time though, I had someone inside the Yiga Clan helped me escape."

"Who were they?" Link inquired, as a solemn smile appeared on my features.

"His name was Sooga. He was Kohga's righthand man at the time. He was big, burly, and looked kinda like a gorilla." Link raised an eyebrow out of confusion, before I coughed from awkwardness, "Anyway, he was the only one I could really trust in the Yiga Clan. He was my best friend and my only ray of joy and happiness when I was locked up. Sooga died protecting me. He could have lived, but I would have been captured again. Sooga gave up his life for me... and I'm not going to let his sacrifice die in vain. Sooga and Revali both told me that they loved it when I smiled. So, I'm going to keep smiling." My smile encouraged Link to do the same before we both stood up to go inside.

The base was quiet and most of the winding hallways were closed off one way or another. I didn't pay much mind to it, before entering the main room. Link collected all the bananas on the top, as well as any of the chests to be found. I collected the forgotten gemstones. As I stared around the room, memories of Sooga came to mind. When we once wandered around aimlessly together. We weren't allowed to do anything else really. But those moments always brought me at ease. Even though the whole situation, Sooga was there to comfort me and act as my shield from the situation. Making it to the back room, Link opened the metallic door, before we stepped through. Putting on our Snowquill armor, we started to transverse up the snow pass. Occasionally, the blond would help me up. There were monsters here and there, mainly Ice Lizalfos, but nothing too serious for Link to handle.

"So, where do you want to head next after Gerudo?" I asked him, as he looted the first monster camp. He thought about it for a moment.

"There are two parts of the map we still need. Which is that area with lots of water, and then the bottom right area. Since that area is closer and we still have stuff to do in Kakariko Village and Hateno Village, I thought it would be more beneficial if we go up from there. There's also that weird area near Kakariko. It's a 'T' shaped water way, that seems to lead to Mount Lanayru." While I was with the Yiga Clan, Link found it necessary to get towers and shrines; mainly the former.

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