Chapter 50

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"No. No. No. No! No! No!! NO!!!" I screamed, attempting to run, but two guards snatched both my arms to hold me still. Hot, salty tears ran down my cheeks as I continued to struggle. Sooga gazed upon me, horrified, "Please! Please, don't do this!! I have a life I need to get back to!! I'll tell you everything you want to know, but please let me go!! I don't want to marry you!!! You have a big dumb belly!!! Please, I'll do anything!!! I don't want to die!!!" Master Kohga didn't react to my outburst. Instead, he signalled his men to send me back to my cell.


If I wasn't confused before, I was definitely confused in the moment. Master Kohga's mind was an enigma to me. He went from hating my very existence, to becoming a sickeningly 'loving' fiancé. 'What happened?!' I wondered to myself, as Kohga was attempting to feed me a banana, that I had declined a plethora of times. It had all turned on its head so quickly. My sloppy, prison-like meals turned into gourmet, banana related dishes. My cramped and spider infested cell was transferred into a divine suite, with bars. My clothes went from old rags to riches, as cliché as it was; However, I was even more upset with this then before. I had gone into another depression. A life of praise and riches was empty, especially if it meant I had to marry Master Kohga, "Are you feeling alright, my dear? You haven't eaten a single banana."

"I'm- I just want to go back to my room and rest for a while." I breathed, wanting to be away from the glorified cult leader. We were in one of his sitting rooms as I watched him gorge through piles and piles of bananas. Those poor members that had to collect them all. The leader gasped all of a sudden, looking at me with disbelief, before telling Sooga to take me back to my 'room.' Sooga had started to act different as well. He acted like a supportive friend to Kohga, but bittersweet when it was just me and him. The stoic ape also insisted that I walk in front of him for protection. This hadn't happened before. Sooga always led me wherever hand in hand. Once back into my larger, furniture filled cell, Sooga locked the door. Before he could leave, I whispered, "Sooga? Help..."

"Help with what?" He asked, getting closure to my cell again. I knew that asking this of him was risky, but I couldn't take it anymore.

"Help me escape!" I muttered loud enough for Sooga to hear me. Sooga immediately blew a fuse.

"Are you kidding me? (Y/N), you and I both know it would have been wiser for you to have asked someone else. I do hope that you remember my strong allegiance to Master Kohga." Sooga informed sternly, looking me straight in the eyes; However, I didn't back down.

"Of course, I remember your commitment to the Yiga Clan and your Master, but I refuse to marry someone I don't love. Much less someone I don't even respect! We have made this very clear Sooga. I am an idiot! But if it grants me my freedom, then I'd do almost anything. Shrewd or not!" There was a moment of silence, as Sooga and I looked at each other's faces. Something in my gut told me that Sooga wasn't happy about my engagement with Master Kohga either. I thought we covered that same ground, and it turned out that way. I wouldn't know this till much later, but Sooga was eaten up about the situation at hand. His respect for Master Kohga and me were completely balanced, and he didn't know who to choose. Master Kohga was his boss that gave him a high earned job, food, and respect; However, Sooga's head was filled with my words and my smile. The last thing he wanted to see was my tears.

"(Y/N)? Have you ever thought about of bright side of things when it comes to this marriage?" Sooga asked, trying to secretly lighten the mood. Not wanting to answer verbally, I shook my head, "(Y/N), if you become the Mistress of the Yiga Clan, then everything will be in the palm of your hands. I can guarantee that you'll have everything you could ever want. Power, wealth, and some sense of importance. You also have the divine privilege to bear Master Kohga's children-" Before I let him say anything else, I grabbed my Feathered Edge and pointing it to his heart.

"Get out." I demanded, not wanting to say it twice. Sooga heeded my words and left the room. Tears wanted to slip from my eyes as I started to bang my fist against the cold metal bars. 'From bad to worse,' I thought, falling to my knees as I tightly held Revali's Feathered Edge, 'Why can't I just go home? To the being that sent me here, curse you!' As I mentally screamed for my lack of observation, Sooga stood outside the entrance, listening to my actions. He knew I was depressed, and he knew I would have done something. It broke his heart. Sooga decided to talk to Master Kohga about this. After all, the stoic ape thought that Kohga would bend to reason.

"Master Kohga, I have returned." Sooga greeted, as Kohga sat near his stack of banana peels. His ridiculous leader, unlike his bride to be, was very giddy, "On that note, I have something very personal to share with you. Mistress (Y/N)... isn't happy..."

"What?! How can she not be happy?!! I have given her many beautiful things, and she has the honor to marry me! You must be joking with me Sooga!!" Master Kohga let out a screeching laugh, even though Sooga was not joking.

"Master Kohga, I would tell you if I were jesting; However, I am telling you the blunt and blatant truth. Instead of a beautiful smile, she only frowns. And instead of gracing us with her words, she decides to stay quiet. I also must add that she has been crying so much that her eyes are always red." Sooga explained, as Master Kohga glared at his bodyguard, "Master Kohga? If I may be so blunt. Can you consider the atrocious yet realistic truth that your fiancée doesn't love you? And that her proposal might have been out of ignorance instead of sincerity?"

"Shut it, Sooga! Did she brainwash you with her seer powers or something? Look Sooga, I need you to snap out of this state or yours right now! (Y/N) proposed to me and I accepted wholeheartedly. We're going to be married in a week and even if there is a slim chance that my dearest doesn't love me, she'll learn. Sooga, I need you right now, so snap out of it!! I am going to assign Mychel and Hew to look after her again, since Dorian is going to be sent on another mission. You'll only be allowed to see your Mistress when I say so. Is that clear, Sooga?" Master Kohga was furious, but Sooga was even more livid than his Master.

'How could Master Kohga say that?!' Sooga questioned, finally tipping the scale. In that moment, Sooga realized his true feelings. He had fallen in love with me, and he didn't want to hand me over to someone that had little regard for my feelings. For the first time in forever, Sooga lied to his Master, before teleporting to my cell.

"(Y/N), with some second thoughts, I have decided something." The stoic ape piqued my interest, "I'm going to help you escape."

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