Chapter 62

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By decree of the King and Princess of the Zora, I would be forced to take time to mentally heal. My brain had reached peak exhaustion, and my nervous system was metaphorically shot. While I was relaxing, the Zora Army were looking high and low for my switch, but all the soldiers had failed in finding anything. It was only the fourth day into their search, but I knew it was a lost cause. 'Perhaps my switch wasn't near the Domain after all...' I huffed a large sigh as I brushed my feet through the water. Mipha would constantly visit, but it still was lonely resting on the basin, with nothing to do and nowhere to go. As I was lost in thought, I heard the light pitter-patter of webbed feet approach me from behind. Looking over my shoulder, I saw none other than Sidon. The atmosphere remained silent. The young Zora Prince sat next to me without saying a word. 'Now what?' I wondered, gazing back at the water ripples.

The awkward silence only continued. I pondered about the sudden appearance of Sidon. I hadn't seen him in days, but then he just showed up out of the blue without a single word. I wanted to say something. Anything! But I couldn't articulate the words correctly. It seemed like the young Prince also wanted to tell me something; However, he remained silent. 'Come on (Y/N)! This is only getting more uncomfortable!! Ask him what he is doing here or something?!'

"Sidon, are you doing well?" Was all I could think to say. The Zora Prince nodded, continuing to look at the water. Sidon was an enigma, just the same as Revali. No matter how hard I tried to understand what they were thinking, it would always fall short, "You're not hurt, are you?" Sidon shook his head. "That's good. I'm glad I came in the nick of time." Another wave of silence befell the both of us.

"... Thank you..." A timid, shy voice spoke. My (E/C) eyes widened slightly. I realized that I had never heard him speak before. When I faced him, I noticed that his large, pink cheeks were a brighter hue and his intense, amber eyes were softened greatly, "... It's just... all of the other boys made fun of me... T-They said I wasn't good enough to be a Prince i-if I could not face one Lynel..." I couldn't help but chuckle a little at his words. 'That made a lot more sense.' I thought, sitting up to get a better look the Zora Prince.

"Well, I guess that makes the both of us! Sidon, even though you didn't fight that Lynel, you still went all the way back to the Domain to get help. And to think that if your sister didn't show up... Anyway, you were very brave and that rescued me. You saved me Sidon. Thank you!" A large blush appeared on Sidon's face, as he looked away from me. His flustered nature was more than adorable. After a moment, I had an idea, "Hold on Sidon, I have something for you!" I smiled, before getting up and jogging to my bag. As I rummaged through the contents, the young Zora walked up to me, trying to see what I was getting, "There it is!" I pulled out a cleaned Lynel Horn, "Here you go! Next time those boys give you trouble, show them that horn. It should shut them up!"

"C-Can I really have this?!" With a brief, confident nod of approval, Sidon ran down the stairs and back to Zora's Domain. The next day, Sidon came up to the lake around noon. I was tightening up my bow, before I noticed his sudden appearance. The young Zora was carrying a basket full of Hearty Radishes and stamina induced foods, "Mipha asked me to bring this to you..."

"Thank you, Sidon. That was very kind of you. Did you have trouble walking up the stairs?" The young Zora shook his head. Taking the basket of goods from the small Zora, I instantly winced at the weight of the wickerwork container. I forgot that the Zora are generally stronger than Hylians. I set the vegetables and meat on the counter in the open house, while Sidon followed behind me like a baby duckling. I was confused yet pleased with this new Sidon. The Sidon I knew in the game. The Sidon from one hundred years in the future.

"Why are your ears all weird?" He asked, as he laid on the bed. I forgot about his unknowingly rude side. I looked back into his amber eyes.

"It was a birth defect." I answer, putting the contents of the basket into my bag.

"'Birth defect?' What does that mean?" Sidon questioned, not knowing that I didn't want to talk about it.

"It just means that my ears were like that from birth." I answer again. He shows me an understanding face, before grabbing my bag to look through it. I didn't mind since there wasn't anything of importance to be found. Even though he's royalty, Sidon was still a child. And every kid likes to look through things to find something of interest. After a minute, the young Zora pulled out my whistle. He gazed at it like it was treasure, "Sidon, I don't mean this in discourteous way, but don't you have friends to play with? I'm not that interesting to be around, and I am almost positive that you'd rather be somewhere else." The room became eerily quiet as Sidon gazed at the bed's sheets. I continued to wait for an answer, until his silence gave it to me. 'Poor thing...' I thought, walking over to the solemn Zora Prince.

"I... do not think I have friends. Everyone just sucks up to me to get favors from my sister and my father... All the boys are nice when my sister is around, but when it is just me, they are meanies... The girls are nice, but we don't have anything in common..." The young Zora spoke, as I listened intently. I had no idea that the Prince had it that hard. Something about it made a lot of sense. From when I first met Sidon, I wondered why distrust hung heavy in his amber eyes every time he would look at me.

"Sidon, I want you to listen to me, okay? No one was born to be by themselves. Not you. Not Mipha. Not even myself! It's not a competition, little Prince. One day, you'll find someone who truly understands you, whether it is one person or a hundred!! If you want, I could be your first friend. Would you like that?" The young Zora Prince nodded, before attempting to wrap his little Zora arms around my chest. Taking the chance, I hugged him back. The atmosphere was warm, and I felt at peace knowing that Sidon would be okay. All I had to do was offer a little guidance, "Now, what about I tell you a story about a Hero from the Sky?"

"Someone lives in the sky?! How is that even possible?!!" Sidon blurted, sitting back on the bed, with eyes full of wonder. I let out a small chuckle.

"Long before Hyrule was established, the world was ridden with monsters and demons. In order to protect everyone, the Goddess Hylia established a paradise in the sky, which the people deemed Skyloft; However, the people of Skyloft couldn't live on the floating isles forever, so the Goddess made a plan. First, she would make a legendary sword to guide a chosen hero that would defeat the Demon King, deemed Demise. Secondly, the Goddess had herself reincarnated into a mortal girl named Zelda. Once the time came, the Hero of the Sky used the all-powerful Triforce to defeat Demise once and for all; However, the Demon King swore that he would haunt those with the blood of the Goddess and the soul of the Hero." I told, remembering Skyward Sword from the top of my head. Sidon seemed enthralled with the concept, however he seemed worried, "There is no need to worry. The Hero and the Goddess reincarnate and always save the day. There is no need for concern." A smile reassured the young Zora Prince, before he wished me farewell. I was once again alone, left with my thoughts.

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